The future part II

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I don't hop into the ring very often. I only do so when smell of B***S*** gets too bad.

Quite frankly this entire issue has become VERY OLD. It has been shown many times before that TFL is NOT a place for free speach. FREE Speach is just that. Free, Open and Uncensored, Period! . Free speach doesn't mean, Open and uncensored as long as Rich agrees with it. It doesn't mean open and uncensored as long as the majority thinks your cool. We have been told over and over that we are to follow the rules if we wish to continue posting here. I have no problem with that. What I do have a problem with is the administration hiding behind the skirts of system resource shortages and fear of public opinion to silence those views that are not popular.

If the administration of TFL has real problems with system resources, then say so, and be very specific. I'm sure people on TFL would be willing to pitch in with money or hardware to help.

If the administration of TFL has real fears about polictal or LE repercussions due to the views stated on TFL, then say so, and and state in the rules that only those views supported by TFL administration will be allowed to continue. Don't continue this farse of Free Speach.

But to always be slapping someone on the wrist because and something they said, or how and said something, and then telling us that TFL is a place for Free Speach is hypocritical.

This is Rich's Bulletin Board. He can make the rules anyway he wants. But don't give us a bowl of mud, call it chocolate icecream and expect us to say thank you. If TFL exists to discuss things that make you feal warm and fuzzy, SAY SO. Make your rules. Make them VERY clear. Stick to them, and enforce them across the board consistantly. Those of us that wish to remain here, will. Those of us that don't will leave. Its your yard, you decide who plays with your toys. The rest will find somewhere else to play.

You know nothing of me. Why would you wish to cast such public aspersions on my character?

I have never whined about money problems to you or anyone else here. I have never asked you or anyone else to support TFL expenses, nor have I pushed advertising at you.

I have never censured anyone for harshly criticising our government, the FBI, ATF, local LEO or our hired criminal representatives. I sponsor the site and put my real name to it. You post on it and offer a fictitious handle. That's OK with me. However, the veiled charge that I am the one frightened of repercussion rings a bit hollow, coming from you as it does.

I am under no obligation to spell out for you every single "do" and "don't" on this Board. That's the type of mentality that got this nation into the trouble it's in....people want all the goodies and no responsibility.

The First Amendment does not guarantee you the right to spew whatever venom you choose, anywhere you'd like....that's an errant schoolchild's interpretation. The First Amendment carries with it responsibility. Your responsibility, in this case, is to my request that the topics on this Board have some limits. Yup, they're my imposed limits, though most Members seem to agree with them, if responses to this thread are any indication. Someone's gotta set limits; otherwise there's chaos. If you'd like to email me suggested Policies, I'll be glad to discuss them with Staff.

To my recollection, the only reference that I have ever made about free "speach" on TFL was in the first part of this very thread. What I said was <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Free Speech is alive and well on TFL, but within the context of the Policies that you agreed to when joining. This is not a chat room, but a Membership Only site. Membership, like firearms ownership, demands responsibility.[/quote]
If you're not getting enough out of TFL, your refund is in the mail. Just let me know...rec.guns awaits you. I hear you can talk about anything there. ;) See, most people come here for information, not for rants; not for disjointed, paranoid and unfocused conspiracy theories; and not to indulge your seeming need to attack anyone who chooses to limit your perceived "rights".

So, I guess I can sum it up by saying that, if you don't think free "speach" is available at TFL, you're right. Free speech is not available to you....though you're under no greater restriction than anyone else.

Had your post been directed at anyone else here, it would have been deleted as a violation of Forum policy...reread 'em. Since it was me, I don't get that luxury. If you have a response in kind, make it thru email.

Enjoy your ice cream. :)

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited September 29, 1999).]

You said: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>What I do have a problem with is the administration hiding behind the skirts of system resource shortages and fear of public opinion to silence those views that are not popular.[/quote]

What about our [my] resources? Namely, I have only so much time in my day, to read just so much stuff. Frankly, I strain my time already with work, school, and family, and some days I only have the time for the leisure of reading and downloading threads that are of interest to me. As I am interested in just about every aspect of firearms, my time should be fairly safe in a union of forums with the expressed goals that TFL has.

The proposed ban on off-topic rants is, quite simply, a TIME SAVER! It is in the interests of efficiency. We all have that great uncle that we just can't stand to talk to, because he just can't hold onto a topic for more than two exchanges. He may be very knowlegable in his statements, but you didn't want to talk about his "trip to Singapore back in '54"-- you wanted to talk rifles...! (or whatever.) :)

For me, it's about expediency, and focus.

By the way, Chucko-- I've really enjoyed your posts on this board, and have learned from some of them.



Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?


[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited September 30, 1999).]
I dont see what the problem is guys...
This Forum has rules. No one is FORCED here. You follow the rules as a member of the forum or you dont post. You like it, or you get out.

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Since Waco was mentioned -
There was a Branch Davidian on tv here a few days ago -
He is an Australian who is now serving 20 years in jail for his part at Waco.
He said that he heard discussion about starting a fire from other Davidians although he wouldn't name names.
Since it was on the ABC's 7:30 report I can't quote any text. Phone the Australian Broadcasting Commission and you could probably get a tape if you don't believe me.
They also had anothere Australian Davidian who wasn't convicted andhe said he didn't here anything.
Just another bit of information.
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