The Future of TFL

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I agree with the others that TFL is the only Five Star rated forum that I know of. I think you are right in setting reasonable limits and I defer to your good taste as to what those limits should be.
I think most reasonable people would resist a
2:00AM dynamic entry and that most members do not actively advocate or contemplate shooting LEO's. And then we have the Wacos of the world and the abuses by law enforcement and the imagination can run wild.
I agree that such discussion can be interpreted as being anti-social and in poor taste in discreet and genteel company and I am sure that it is an excellent idea to avoid it in the future.
I am personally grateful that this forum exists and I intend to abide by your rules.

Better days to be,

A while back I posted a story I had heard. It was about Puerto Rico, and the use of military to control civilian areas. I believe I said that it was just a story I heard and I was looking for confirmation. I was not trying to spread the rumor, but just trying to find out if it was true. I was advised not to post such stories because it spread the rumor even further. Maybe we should have a rumor clearing house to float such stories as rumors to find out if there is any creadence to them. Maybe not. Maybe thats the job for another site.
Some folks don't want to believe anything bad can happen. Like the story about the home school mom in Vermont. That was poo pooed nn this site. But low and behold it makes the Wall street Journal. (The mother was let out of jail). I agree that threads discussing the killing of LEOs are seen by folks as over the edge. But on the flip side you have to realize that there are totalitarian elements in our society, including some LEOs, social workers etc. I don't know how you walk that tight rope as an administrator.
I do enjoy this site. I recommend it to friends and I would not want to see it go down. And so as a guest in your house I'll try to take the high ground.

In the shadow of Bunker Hill from the People's Republic of Massachusetts
I would just like to echo the feelings of those above. It is an honor to be a part of the best gun-related site on the net. If we can truly "take the high road" at every opportunity and "fight the good fight" we have nothing to apologize for and nothing for the antis to use against us.

Many of the posts I have read that are directly gun-related have touched on "Firearm Safety" from time to time. I would like to see a forum specifically oriented to this topic. If our mission really is "the discussion and advancement of responsible firearms ownership." then I can't think of anything more important or helpful to someone who may be coming here to learn. Just like the NRA has Eddie Eagle, perhaps TFL should have a forum or a library page devoted to safety.

Just a thought.

And thanks again for this great site.


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsay Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale

Think your right on the money. If we abide by the rules here this will contune to be the premire web site for firearms owners.

Well stated. I know members who were drifting away because of the changing "tone". Hope a renewed emphasis on common sense brings them back.
A forum suce as this is made up of its members. There would be nothing but cyberspace bits without the membership that makes up its forum. Truely, a forum is only as good as the people that make up its membership. That is to say that TFL would be nothing without the people that visit and post here.

As in society, it will reflect a broad spectrum of the people we have to deal with in this world. It's kind of like me hearing that some will resort to killing to protect their rights. We may not want to hear those kind of things but that is the truth as I have heard it....that is what some people are may be bluster in most cases but then again it may not be in others. Do we have the guts to face up to it? I know the truth is a hard thing but we need to hear it, face it, deal with it and use it..... for only the truth will set you free.

We have to face the truth and deal with it by discussing the issues of concern. Ignoring the problems and hoping they go away is antiproductive and won't solve anything.

Conspiracy theories, to me, are just more talk that can't be proven but it does give insight into the thoughts, concerns and desires of the individual espousing them. Most conspiracy theorists are trying to make sense out of things that don't make sense to them. Their hearts are in the right place in that they want what is best for all. They want to protect our rights and their theories are their way of trying to explain events that don't make sense to them with any other explanation. That's why we need to that we can get to the truth. All it takes is a greater understanding.

We all know conspiracy theories are seldom proven but some do exist none-the-less. A good example of that is with the media and its drive to define the popular culture. 50 years ago, if you were homosexual, you would never have come out of the closet. But due to a concerted effort by the mainstream media we are all now talking about tolerance. As a result we now have homosexual politicians like Barney Frank.

Similarly, no one here would argue against the fact that the mainstream media is extremly anti gun and anti-republican. I have maintained long ago that the media is our real enemy as they have the ability to affect the opinions and belifes of Americans. The fact is that the media have slowly changed society to their views. The media has affected its changes in society. The proof exist all around us. It is the height of ignorance to deny that. It is instructive to understand the kind of society that they would foist upon us.

The social liberalizm we have today along with breakdowns in the American family, drug usage, demonization of gun owners, demonization of Christian religions, etc are at the root of the sickness in our society. Today we get children killing children in schools and a seemingly ever increasing count in the number of random, sensless acts of mass murder. There are causative factors at work here and it would be foolish to deny the causes.

Some good, honest people are at the breaking point with all this. Ever talk to some of the old timers? They can tell you about the changes in society wrought in just their lifetimes and most don't like what they see.

We can discuss problems now, where we may have some influence, or we can engage in damage control later when someone resorts to violence to protect their rights. Make no mistake about it, it is a real possibility. Some people are at the end of their rope!

Personally, I think if anti-gunners were to understand the conviction, the beleif in the inalienable rights of gun ownership and the lenghts some will go to protect that right, they may just change their tune a little bit. I know the truth is a hard thing to deal with but I think the good people here at TFL are up to the task. It's like getting to the root of the gun crime and violence problem. We can attempt to eliminate the gun but the root problems still exist. Eliminating gun ownership does not solve the root problems in our society and simply ignores those root causes for some percived easy way out or a "bury their head in the sand" syndrome.

How are the moderators going to deal with the truth? How are the moderators going to deal with the fringe element? Are we to alienate them and possibly drive them against us or should we try to bring them closer to a commom ground? Do we ignore these "things" and hope the problems go away? Do we delete what we don't want to hear? I don't have all the answers BUT, I do know that talking about "THINGS" provides an understanding that you otherwise may not have had about people, situations, events, occurances, beleifs, ideals, thoughts, etc, etc................

Rich, Your own success has NOT worked against us here. These types of threads and posts do everything to advance "responsible firearms ownership" as we can better understand our fellow gun owners and thus develop arguments to deal with them and their issues. "Talk about shooting LEO's does not promote our mission and is extremely insulting to the average street cop, the vast majority of whom are staunch defenders of the Second Amendment". A true statement. But it would also be an extreme diservice to our LEO's if we do not inform them of the thinking patterns of some who would resort to violence to protect their rights. To my way of thinking, if we can inform our LEO's to the threats they face then maybe we can save some lives.

Thus my advice to LEO's would be to practice civil disobidience and not enforce unjust laws such as door to door gun confiscation. It will save lives all around.

Keep in mind that this is only one part of the "truth" out there. I think we can deal with it.
I'm fairly new here, been around maybe a couple weeks and seen some great posts. Seen some posts that bring up great points with little backing at times, but still posts that incited people to think. I'm all for potraying gun owners in a positive light. Actually wear gun clothing everywhere I go and do as many nice things for people as possible while doing it. I invite people over who don't vote our way and try to show them why they should. I'm doing only a portion of my part of being an American, the other is to be ever vigilant of the threat from government corruption, or tyranny. Where do I take up that sword and that fight? A few times a week via email to senators, reps, and newspapers. Why should the very speech I send to my reps not be the very speech I post here?

I've always been told the best way to insure a freedom stays free is to exercise it frequently. Talk of revolution, killing UN invaders, fighting a bloody conflict is free speech. Much like school prayer which was never really outlawed until just recently, if we simply stop practicing it, we will lose it totally. Are the talks we've had about these topics stirring? Yes. Are they relevant in todays climate? Yes. Is it talk that we may use to insure our continued freedom? Yes. Is it in fact the very thing our founding fathers insisted we use to insure the government was kept in it's place? Yes. So why on this board, dedicated to guns, would you ever wish to not allow that speech? We've been demonized and lied about in the press, slandered on the various boards of the net, potrayed as evil anti-constitutionist to the uninformed, called butchers and murderers by the soccer moms. We need a board to vent, express ideas, and yes, perhaps hopefully strike fear into the government. Our founding fathers would have expected no less. What if the papers of their time had refused to print their articles, if publishers refused to print Thomas Paines"Commom Sense", what then TFL? Would we still be housing men with redcoats in our homes?

It's time to let public America know where we stand. Not just in defense of the 2nd, but in defense of the whole Bill. It's time they know we stand in awe of the power of the constitution, and that we believe every word written in the Declaration of Independance. It's time that Big Brother knows, we will band together and fight to insure our freedoms remain free, our lives remain ours to live, our voice remains ours to voice. Never in recent memory have I seen more people in upheaval over what to do of government abuses. Somebody finally realized it's not just about guns, our the Waco evidence wouldn't have come out. People realize our freedom is at stake. Have you been to a gunshow lately? Have you seen the type of people going and buying guns? It's got little to do with Y2K and everything to do with fear of government.

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their 'constitutional' right of amending it or their 'revolutionary' right to dismember or overthrow it." Abraham Lincoln, First inaugural address, March 4, 1861.

"Fear is the foundation of most governments..."John Adams, "Thoughts on Government", 1776.

"God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, & always, well informed... what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms... The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it's natural manure." - Thomas Jefferson to William S. Smith on Nov. 13, 1787. The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, ed. Julian P. Boyd, vol. 12, p. 356 (1955).

TFL, with those quotes in mind I ask you to reconsider your current stance. I don't think you will find a soul among us who thinks every police officer is a tyrants helper, or a threat to the constitution. Neither will you find one of us who thinks the same of all soldiers. But I do believe you will find among us, among those same two groups, individuals who are willing to take the life of a tyrants helper if they should decide to remove our guns. I have friends in local, state, and federal law enforcement, and they know where they stand. If these men take offense to the fact that I will try to kill them if they attempt to take my guns, then perhaps we are better off without them here. To many of us have had to many conversations like I have of late with police and military who simply say, if an order comes I follow it. Aren't we all to be Americans first and foremost, and respect all parts of the constitution? Why should you restrict us from our defense of liberty? Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that law enforcement and government are reading this, the general public at large. Maybe it's time they all see us for what we truly are, the most powerful lobby ever created, the only lobby written into the Bill of Rights that is insured of it's voice being heard. Even if it is one shot at a time.

I feel like you see those of us with strong rhetoric as a little less American than others who sit quietly and watch things unfold, I contend it's otherwise. When you look back to the quotes of 1776, the loudest voice was the one most listened to and it was Thomas Jefferson, I ask you today not to silence the voice of the Thomas Jeffersons of this board.

As to foul language, I agree it should be censored out, we can show our outrage and hatred of oppresion without profanity. Without it our arguements look so much stronger to the casual observer.

As a sidenote, the girl I've been debating guns with found some of the very posts you seem to not like as the most educational. Even the masses of those who don't care for guns are beginning to wonder about government motives. Why aren't you?

Live Free or Die Trying,


[This message has been edited by Ruger (edited September 17, 1999).]
I am pleased with this...

Guys - this is nothing more than a little "tucking in our shirts."

I abandoned the forums at for this reason - it was just plain out of hand.
I even had a good flame war with HOTSHOT 2000 there - Remember that HS?
It was like high school.

The Firing Line was a breath of fresh air... Every one acted like adults. So I came and I stayed...

And so did others.

Let's maintain the higher ground.

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited September 17, 1999).]
Rich, I think that you and your moderators have taken the right action at the right time. This will always be a matter of judgement, but you and everyone else who works on this site have shown us that you are fair and reasonable people.

I too have a problem with unsubstantiated and wild rumors (although, I'll agree the truth can be a surprise sometimes!), excesslve chest beating and especially oblique or direct threats. While I strongly empathize with the frustration, if we have members or lurkers who are truly 'at the end of their rope', then we either need to get them more rope, or they should honestly find appropriate ways to deal with that frustration. For example, when we openly wish death or injury on our opponents, then we have stooped to their level ... I prefer to leave them alone in their gutter.

IMHO, the strengths of TFL are (1) broad membership, including LEO's, civilians and military personnel, (2) sober, honest and rational discussion regarding firearms (sorely lacking in other quarters), (3) an unintimidating, but rather a welcoming esprit de corps, and (4) a vast range of topics, always dealing with firearms. Anything that weakens those strengths certainly damages TFL.

TFL is a special place on the web for me. I came here as a veritable child regarding firearms. I found honest, sincere expertise, and many fine people who treasure freedom and personal responsibility. I can never repay what I have been given, and I would like to see TFL 'live' as long as possible so that it can provide the same to many others. IMHO, it is altogether possible that discussions like those fostered here on TFL will be a major factor in the future direction of the RKBA in the U.S.

Thank you, and regards from AZ
You have my support.
I will strive to keep my posts within the boundries of an honest and clean discussion of firearm isues.
As well as a free exchange of ideas that further our cause of firearm ownership, and the exchange of information between firearms owners in the proper and safe use,collection and repair of firearms.

I often use humor or analogies to ilustrate a point, or to lighten the mood of some of the threads I join. I hope that no one has ever been offended or mistakes my purpose.

As you said in these trying times we find our selves in. It is easy to loose ones perspective and start ranting and raving.

We must gard against letting our anger or frustration get the better of us, for written words last forever. They can often be used against us.
I agree that threads discussing retaliatory actions against goverment or LEO has NO place here or anywhere.
I've also noticed the change in tone over the last few months. I believe this is due to the rapid increase in membership, which has grown at an amazing rate. As I have stated before it's your house, you make the rules. We as visitors, can either follow those rules or get out the door.
I don't get alot of time at the computer and after searching for a good gun board, found TFL. Which is the best and the only board I post on. If at any time I should wander into unwanted territory, feel free to roll up a newspaper and swat me on the nose. No hard feelings, this old fox has gotta pretty thick hide. I'm just glad that TFL is here.
I think most of us agree on this...

As members of TFL, we take the responsibility on the chin to take the higher road... To correct and educate rather than brag boast and flame.

For those disliking the readjustment and feel the need to rant about Area 51's Death Camps or the Clinton/Reno love affair... there are other forums on the web that would be more suitable. And those other guys would probably know more about these theories too...

TFL is growing to be one of the biggest forums online... and is already certainly the best ever. The reason is quality. Normal when you get a group together you get a dumbing down effect... the IQ drops to the lowest common denominator. Here on the TFL it is the opposite - the IQ's are RISING. We are Learning from each other. The only way we can keep this - is to always maintain the higher ground. We have this because we have GOOD PEOPLE. Lets keep this upward trend and look for ways to make it better.
You take the high road, and I will take the high road.
I am proud of my association with TFL. This is my first Book Mark on my browser. This is my Home Page on my PC at home. (even if it isn't connected at this time)

Now, lets break up this quilting party and get some shooting done!

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Thanks to all for your support. Even those with objections have voiced an understanding of our position, and we appreciate it.

A couple of points to be made here:
- Credit for TFL's success goes first to the Members, second to the Administrators and Moderators and last to me. As Members, it's easy to see your contributions. However, you really don't get to see the daily hours put in by the likes of DC, Mykl, Dennis, Gary, George and others. Duplicate posts, Member questions, email inquiries, policy decisions, thread closures...the list goes on. This crew is constantly available to us for advice and guidance and has yet to let us down.

- bestdefense357- Concerning the suggestion for stories about guns saving lives: They are more than welcome in General. Start a thread and begin the postings. When it gets too long, we can start another, and another and another. They are most welcome.

To those few who have admitted some discomfort for our position:
We respect your views and appreciate your honesty. We each have to make a judgement as to what advances our goals, and you have every right to input on this. As has been pointed out, this is a privately owned Website and, therefore, the decision falls to us.

We do not consider participants in such discussions to be "less American"; but we don't wish to deal with these exchanges on TFL. There are plenty of discussion sites where such views may be out forth, discussed and memorialized. In fact, most firearms sites allow such threads. Neither do we condemn such discussion. This is just not the proper venue.

We're not aiming to be just another discussion site. We're not looking to provide a place for every person on the planet. We tend to be a bit more "high road" on TFL. That's our "market niche". It's what sets us apart.

Again thanks to all for the support, input and constructive criticism. Thanks especially to the Staff for bearing with me during the past few days of agonizing. You're all the best! :)
Rich Lucibella
TFL is # 1 !
George, that was you ?!
I sincerely hope that all my posts (to you) on Shooters were taken in the spirit that they were written. :)
How's your Brown Bess doin'? ;)
A real conspiracy theory is that Australia is a Democracy & that "we" have a say in what happens ! :(

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail
Q is one of the members that drifted away because of loud kill-the-goons-now rants (and I am as guitly as anyone) and also becaus eof liberal-bashing (she's put 2 and 2 together and saw where that put her and hers relative to the free-fire zone). I hope that TFL will remain a viable beacon for the fence-sitters...and lately we had drifted away from it.

Cornered Rat RKBA posters Portrait, nature photos
Rich, I personally have tried to put forth my views on the issues of the day and especilly the threats to our freedoms . Evidently sometimes I probably turn people off with my comments. A computer for me is not the best place to discuss such issues as the Federal Reserve, government abuses of our constitutional right and the growing police state we all are seeing develope in our nation. I am sure I have gotten too strident at times. That is not good. But Ruger is correct in my opinion on not stifling(sp) opinions. I do not enjoy "trashing" our institutions but often they need "trashing". WE all here are on the same ship and we must be watchmen on the wall or we will all lose the city. But I do understand your concerns over inflamatory talk although I can understand the frustrations of the people dealing with a out of control system. And here is where you and I really differ. I think the government is out of control and you and many other people do not. I think i will stick to talking about guns on this forum although how much longer we will be able to do even that I do not know.
Mike Spight-
Thanks for the support and your email. You're well respected here and it means alot. I'll only quote the first couple of lines:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I concur totally with your decision, in concert with other moderators, to re-focus TFL on its "bread and butter" foundation: responsible gun ownership and use coupled with RELATED topics.[/quote]

cornered rat-
Many of us noted Q's departure and knew the reasons. Her input was of value to all at TFL and she is missed.

Please don't feel that this decision was precipitated by any of your posts. I'll repeat what I've said publicly and privately- I think your input has some real value. I just don't think that all of it fits with our goals.

I daresay there isn't a single Member who disagrees with your position that our government is out of control. But it's difficult to be labeled as supporting the growing threat to freedom simply because we don't ascribe to each of your observations.

You do an admirable job in your area of interest. I encourage you to pursue these interests. However, I'd prefer that you do so here only in the context of my opening post.

Tell you what, though. If you'd like I'll consider setting up an unmonitored, TFL sponsored, IRC Chat Site on which you and others can exchange information and views unfettered.

Fair enough?
There should be a place in this forum to share ideas and links on whatever may effect gunowners in America, however crazy those ideas may at first seem. Let each individual decide for themselves what they'd like to believe or dismiss. The main reason gunowners continue to get beat against the wall is this very line of self-censorship. Speaking in "politically correct" languages so we won't offend anyone, has gotten us the Gun Control Act, the Brady Bill, the Assault Weapons Ban, and it will get us the Juvenile Crime Bill, guaranteed. And this attack will get more intense, and more ugly as time clicks on. Soon we will be barred from exercising our God given rights as well as our Constitutional rights.

Antis see gunowners as impotent when they reason with their ideological anti-gun rhetoric. That is a proven fact. The more we give, the more they take. And they have taken advantage of every single opportunity to exploit their agenda, whether it be motivated by a conspiracy or ideology, it really doesn't matter. It is still against the law to violate the Constitution!

So we have The Firing Line (TFL) as a source of reference for TFL members and those who just come to read the posts. The gun related forums (rifle, pistol, shotgun. etc.) are excellent references, and TFL members have a wealth of info to share, agreed. But the bigger picture includes educating our own on a variety of news, facts, evidence, ideas, theories, and even rumors. These discussions are valuable sources for extending one's thoughts on various subjects past the nine o'clock news, especially regarding our individual rights as American citizens.

So keep your site gun related, but add an area where we can share information and ideas about various concerns related to our Constitutional rights or our individual American freedoms. Keep it locked to "TFL members only" if you need to, but provide for this sharing of information in this site.

Otherwise, we have again compromised our position to those who we think judge us. God judges us, not political correct idealists who are looking for another reason to hate guns or gunowners.

We need to stand united in our fight for our freedom. Our founding fathers stood on principles...those that gave us this once great Nation. But these principles have been lost to a massive effort to achieve a utopian dream, one that strips us of our individualism and freedoms. And we cannot ignore the "extreme" lengths at which some will go to achieve this utopia. We need to join hands and minds in our defense.

We cannot be led into a closet of self-censorship. Doing so only admits defeat.
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