The Future of TFL

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To All:
Best grab a beer or a cup of coffee and relax. This is gonna be a long one. :)

The TFL Administrators have been in conference for several days now regarding the rapidly changing content on the site. Specifically, we recognize a much relaxed position regarding our language and content. We are reminded by a number of Members that threads which would have been closed or deleted a few short months ago are now permitted to remain. Posts which would have been deleted or edited now remain.

The Firing Line was opened to promote "the discussion and advancement of responsible firearms ownership". Our internal motto has always been, "Take the High Road" .As time has passed and we've gotten to know each other, rules have relaxed somewhat. We've opened the General Forum and recognize that frustrations are extremely high due to the past year's spate of highly publicized shootings, renewed attacks on our civil liberties, revelations concerning Waco and other events. Our own success has worked against us here. The rapid growth in Membership has strained our own resources and limited our ability to handle these issues by email as often as we would like to.

Unfortunately, all this has taken us far from our roots and our Policies. I bear the lion's share of the responsibility for this gradual change. I bear full responsibility for the decisions we are making now. I ask that our Members read this entire post before responding. If you'd prefer to respond to me privately, my email is In any case, your input is welcome.

We have posted a link to our Policies on the forum summary page for quick reference. There are only four guidelines there. The last reminds us that common sense is required in interpreting the first three. All four of these guidelines are to be interpreted within the context of our mission to promote "the discussion and advancement of responsible firearms ownership".

We've come to the see a growing use of TFL for discussion of armed conflict with military and Law Enforcement and as a soapbox for broad conspiracy theories. I'm sorry, but these types of threads and posts do nothing to advance "responsible firearms ownership".

Knowing how to survive an unconstitutional police raid has real value; but talk about shooting LEO's does not promote our mission and is extremely insulting to the average street cop, the vast majority of whom are staunch defenders of the Second Amendment. Similarly, New World Order discussions have real value; but not in the context of the stated mission of this site, unless specifically backed by logic and fact.

If you wish to discuss what you would do if a rogue LEO attacks your wife- it's fair game. If you wish to describe the weak points in his body armor- please don't.

Regarding conspiracy theories: Discussion of a conspiracy coverup surrounding Waco, at least has a factual basis. Black Choppers transporting UN troops to civilian holding areas in remote areas of Montana- you'd have to provide a bit of detail. TriLateral Commission's control of the water supply- unwelcome. Glib pronouncements of inside knowledge of the return of The Beast- sorry.

Again, we can't provide you hard and fast rules here. But common sense should prevail. We ask your indulgence in the coming days as we reimplement our original vision for this site. While these changes will be minor, for a few days it may appear that we are becoming involved in too many threads.

This is only because so many have sprung up in the past few days. We are well aware that these decisions will cause us to loose some valued contributors. We apologize in advance to all for that. We recognize your ultimate right to vote with your feet and we hope this will not take place. We also recognize that some will argue that we are "controlling" free speech. This is not the case. Free Speech is alive and well on TFL, but within the context of the Policies that you agreed to when joining. This is not a chat room, but a Membership Only site. Membership, like firearms ownership, demands responsibility.

Again, to those who may object to our format and goals, you may hold me directly responsible. Your input on these decisions is welcome. With best regards to all of you from all of us.
Rich Lucibella

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited September 16, 1999).]
Glocktalk has tried to solve the same issue by branching into numerous sub-forums. I do not think it worked all that well for them. AR15 tech forums are now close to TFL's original mode of operation, while their General area is a pale shade of TFL's. I would like to second the call for staying on topic as opposed to relying on the moderators' efforts to police the content.

As an aside, I hope to see General and Legal/Political bubbled up to the top again.

So far, as you have detailed the situation, I see nothing to object to. I will reserve final judgment until I've seen the implementation.
I'm behind you, Rich. I didn't come here to read about conspiracy theory or how to hurt others. Besides, it's your site, and I don't know about anyone else, but I haven't paid a dime for all the great info I've gotten here.

I'll admitt that many of us on TFL have gone a little to the extreme. Yes, some of these conspiracy theories do seem a little extreme, but we are just exploring possibilities. But some conspiracy theories such as waco and other events are actualy unfolding, and do have some truth. As far as the heated discussion, we can't help it. TFL is the only place where we can express our views honestly and openly. Personaly I like expressing my views on TFL because I know there are others like me who will listen. I apoligize if me and other members have caused TFL some greif. I will personally try to cool down my posts and keep a level head.
Rich isn't saying Waco is off limits by any means...I've posted as many Waco topics as anyone. Many political topics are germane even if not directly gun related, as they are part of the agenda advanced (and help) by those who wish to ultimately ban firearms.
The point is the context a thread takes; too often it degenerates into puffery and bravado about killing the cops/military that are sure to bust your door down tomorrow.
All of us TFL staff have gotten e-mails by lurkers who either have come or are coming to see and agree with law abiding gunownership. We (TFL) even have some ex-Rosieites as members.
Most of us are the "choir"...just as HCI is beating the bushes for support, we need it too and the recent seeming eagerness to go to a shooting war is off putting and feeds right in to the HCI agenda.
"Only a fool broadcasts his intentions before necessary"....or a bit more Sicilian..."Never tell anyone outside the family what you are thinking"

Puffery and bravado, thats all it is and its damaging to our cause.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Its another conspiracy, the link on the forum annoucement page doesn't work because there is period at the end of the link.

I'm with you Rich.
Solo, Rich ain't saying that people can't post conspiracy stuff, its just if your gonna do it, back it up with some kinda of evidence.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
OK by me, Rich et al.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Rich--you've done a good job of restating the conditions we agreed to when we signed on at TFL in the first place. I'm looking forward to TFL's continuing success and to enjoying the privilege of posting here.
It's only common courtesy to observe the rules of the house. I enjoy and look forward to my visits here.
I believe that whatever revisions in policy you wish to implement will not affect the hospitality that you and the other moderators convey to your guests here.
Hey Rich,

Thanks for defining the limits. As a fairly new member here, it's good to know. I think your rules are perfectly reasonable.

Also, being a writer and researcher, you don't know how much this site has meant to me!

Would you consider starting a new forum devoted specifically to members posting stories of self-defensive uses of guns? I read the local sections of several newspapers every day and occasionally run into such stories, but if there was an area where members of this group could post them from their local papers, we could all use the stories in our debates with anti-gunners. Telling a few such stories and having documentation to prove them always makes the anti-gunner dive for cover as he/she attempts to change the subject.

Again, thanks for your wonderful site,and regard my suggestion as just that--a suggestion.

Works for me. I spend time here because it IS the best firearms site I've seen. I particularly appreciate the general maturity and thoughtfulness of the memebership, plus the fact most can take a joke and don't take themselves too serioously. There's a lot of decent intellect mixed with good natured commaradery (without the cliques/personality cults) here that I've not seen elsewhere, and I like the collective sense of humor.

My thanks to Rich and the moderators for a first class operation.

Best regards. M2
Wait a minute, do we know if this is REALLY Rich posting? It could be a conspiracy! Tell me, have any of you actually SEEN him in person? Is he really even a person at all, or could he be ONE OF THEM? Could this be some type of alien plot to infiltrate the true patriots? Quick, look to the skies!!! THEY MAY BE CLOSER THAN YOU THINK.

Thank you for taking this position. TFL is the only discussion forum that I will participate in, largely due to it's higher standards of content and members. I have been drifting away lately because of the more "fringe element" tone that seems to have begun to creep up on us.

I am all for discussion of issues, but when we start the conspiracy talk, the U.N. take over stuff etc... I just won't go there.

Thanks again!


Check me out at:
Rich and others,

Take this in the manly, brotherhood (and sisterhood, DC) oriented way it is meant - I LOVE YOU GUYS!

This is by far the best gun related site there is, even with the recent departures from the mission. I have just about quit going to AR15 because of the paranoid ranting about ominous conspiracies. If you can post some fact to go with the theory then you have a legitimate post - like Waco. I'm also warming up to GUNSPOT but I think they were a little too restrictive at first - hard to find the balance point.

I've been at home sick for a couple of days and I'm sure my post count has climbed exponentially. I would have gone crazy without TFL - I mean, watch daytime TV...yeeeccchh! I'm with you no matter what!


Like othermarc I have picked up A LOT of info here. I am new here and would like to continue to learn from this site. So maintaining a tight ship is fine by me.

Laws that forbid the carrying of arms... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.
--- Jefferson's "Commonplace Book," 1774-1776, quoting from On Crimes and Punishment, by criminologist Cesare Beccaria, 1764
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