badbob, I started out as a Navy Machinist Maintaining the Steam Plants, valves, Pumps and such, started working in a small shop after I got out and saw real soon that, that was not what I wanted to do, Went to work in a Steel Mill Maintenance Shop, no good either, then I got into Plastic Injection molds, Blow Molds, ETC. then came an opportunity to get into a job as A custom Machine Builder that was a really good job, from there I went to a production shop as a Tool maker for Jigs, and Fixtures, for the Punch Presses, CNC. The old Tape Reader Machines, did some Programming on a Hurco KMB-2 milling Machine, didn't mind the Programming part but when the Boss wanted me to run production on it I left and went back to Jigs, Fixtures, And Custom Machines in a R&D environment, Work petered out and got caught in a layoff and Finally got a Job in another Steel mill actually a Wire Rope Factory, which we were maintaining machinery that was over 90 years old and still out producing new equipment, the company I worked for last was Wire Rope Corp. of America, the owner sold off some of the unused equip. To China, and then set out to buy up his competition, and ended up going into Bankruptcy, and had to sell the company off to settle his debts, and that was the end of the Job and my ability to work which came at about the same time, so I was not affected as a lot of the guys were, due to Emphysema I was awarded Disability, a good portion of the old guys went to work at the Lake City Ammo plant which is just 8 min. north of me here, I loved the trade and would not have ever changed to another line of work, I also did some custom Gunsmith work under a gun smith and really enjoyed that, I also did some gunsmith in the same situation while on shore duty in Vallejo Calif. at the Naval Ship yard there, for a gunsmith in Napa Calif. there were two of us building custom guns using the Mouser 98, 95, and 93 actions, I built a 22-250 for myself and just finished the Rifle a week before Remington announced they were going to start making the Rifle and producing the Ammo, so I junked my Pacific C Frame loading press casting and decided to just buy the ammo, because I couldn't keep the components on the Ship anyway.
The 22-250 I built was a Mouser 95 Portuguese, action, I used a Douglas Bench rest Barrel Blank, and machined a straight taper contour from1.08 at the Breach to a .625 muzzle, I put that into a Bishop Full beaver tailed fore end, Monte Carlo cheekiest, Blue Finish, an all metal, the sock was finished with linspeed oil, and set a weaver K6 Scope on her, the first 5 shots out of the barrel were very impressive to me all under 1" at 100 Yds. The gunsmith done a thing that scared the dickens out of me, he said he could improve the accuracy by lapping the BBL, reluctantly I agreed, and was glad I did because the rifle was shooting better than I ever thought it would, I was holding 3/4 inch groups at 200 yds. And at 100 if I did everything I was supposed to it would put 5 in a hole smaller than a dime. My ex wife forced the sale of that rifle and after I got rid of it within a year I got rid of her should have kept the rifle and got rid of her instead.
Anyway that was a lot more info than you asked for but don't get to talk shop much anymore.