The decline of hunters and animal over-population.

I live in North Central PA that has seen record black bear harvests. The problem is that we don't have as many hunters because either guys have lost interest or don't have the time to hunt due to other obligations with work or family.

The black bear season in PA is only three days long and its during the week when most guys are not going to take off work. There is a growing number of bears in this part of the state and more day time sightings in back yards. Our Game Commission needs to get very creative with bear season or we will soon see an explosion of bear in these parts.

The deer numbers for the most part look good and our game commission is getting better at managing deer overall. I feel pretty confident in the present and future deer management program in PA.

I guess it bears re-posting: Back about 40 years ago, Field & Stream reported that the hunter kill of Bambis in Pennsy was some 40,000. That equalled the car kill.

As far as hunters and natural processes, in 1963 in Llano, Mason and Brady counties in the Texas hill country, some 15,000 deer were killed by hunters. However, the winter kill from starvation and thirst in a drouth time was around 17,000 per Texas Parks & Wildlife game surveys.

I just received this joke today and it seems applicable to the discussion above:

"A few years ago, the Sierra Club and the U.S. Forest Service were presenting Wyoming ranchers an alternative for controlling the coyote population. It seems that after years of the ranchers using the tried and true methods of shooting and/or trapping the predator, the tree-huggers had a "more humane" solution. What they proposed was for the animals to be captured alive, the males castrated and let loose again, and the population would be controlled.

This was ACTUALLY proposed to the Wyoming Wool and Sheep Grower's Association by the Sierra Club and the USFS . All of the ranchers thought about this amazing idea for a couple of minutes. Finally, an old boy in the back stood up, tipped his hat back and said, "Son, I don't think you understand the problem. Those coyotes ain't f*ckin' our sheep - they're eatin' 'em"

I believe it was Slim Pickens who popped that line at the hearing. He's always been given the credit, anyway...

Young Black Bears of both sexes are moving back into Southern/Eastern Ohio. A woman shot one during deer season last year - claimed it was acting aggressively toward she and her son. She reported it to the DNR and was charged with something or other and spent the past year defending herself in court. She was only recently aquitted.

About a year before that happened, a local PD put one down that was eating garbage and rambling closer to Columbus every day. That was considered a justfied shooting.

I hope they do make a decent keeps life interesting.
Looks like I need to move off the west coast!

Here in Orygun's Willimette Valley its the other way around.

Im not sure Im even going to hunt (public) this year its so damn crowded. I think the main issue is most the land is private and inaccessable so we end up over crowded on public lands. Last year I headed out before light to my "Secret Spot" hiked in about 2 miles and waited for sun up....At sun up I found 2 orange vests in the clear cut I was hunting. Decided to go home and got caught in a traffic jam on logging roads! Frustrating.

Since then Ive gotten buddy buddy with some land owners.

I wish I had your problems =)

I think you are all pigs, racist pigs.

How come nobody is getting in line to kill white bears?

Just another example of the Man keepin' the brother down.

'Cause, hube, white bears live up in Cold Country. In Terlingua, water freezes at 60 degrees. When the temperature gets below 70, I Am Not A Happy Camper. (But, from 110 to 120, my arthritis doesn't bother me.)

:D, Art
Need more good ole boys

Here in Arkansas the good ole boys would never let the bear population get out of hand. It still took 3 years of doe hunting to get the deer under control.
Well, after reading the thoughts about hunters and hunting on some of the bicycling and backpacking sites, I can see why we're experiencing wildlife issues. IT IS NOT SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC FOR PEOPLE TO GO KILL THEIR OWN MEAT! Of course that is not what the actual point is, but that is how is seems to me. People cannot stand that they are responsible for the animal problems and need to manage the herds back down to size.