The Dangers of Lack of PID

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Alabama Shooter

New member
We have all heard of "buck fever".

Police and military members experince something similiar when presented with something that looks kind of like, but not exactly like a target we are looking for or a possible threat. We react and hope it is all ok. Sometimes it is not ok.

I don't know if this is what happened here but I do know that the police did not, nor could they possibly have had PID. I imagine there will be huge law suit here and possibly charges brought against the offficers. Before the bullet leaves the gun make sure you know where it is going and why.

Since all the strikes indicate the vehicle was engaged from behind, was not the type or color of vehicle they were looking for, was not being driven by anyone remotely resembling the suspect etc, etc, etc....

As a civilian you will not be given the benefit of the doubt.
It's good to be a lawyer in Cali

"Law enforcement sources told The Times that at least seven officers opened fire. On Friday, the street was pockmarked with bullet holes in cars, trees, garage doors and roofs. Residents said they wanted to know what happened.

"How do you mistake two Hispanic women, one who is 71, for a large black male?" said Richard Goo, 62, who counted five bullet holes in the entryway to his house."


Roofs.... Seriously?
Hey, they get a new truck.......glad I dont live out there. Used to work out in LA a couple weeks a month but not any more..
They also lit up a skinny white guy who was driving a pickup truck. Fellow is named Perdue. Like the two Hispanic women, he's lawyered up, stands to make a couple of million over this escapade.

The LEOs in California are not covering themselves in glory during this incident.
1. Research shows that under stress in simulations, police shoot quicker and make more false positive (shoot innocents), accuracy deteriorates.

2. Such instances lead to sympathetic or contagious shootings - where if one shoots, other perceive there is a threat and shoot also.

It's in the literature and expert testimony would demonstrate such. The LAPD should settle for any reasonable price.

There was a second similar shooting.
This was reckless of the police, just plain reckless... I understand they are worried and they have lost people by this guy but they loose all credibility as a police force doing this....
This is exhibit "A" when I hear people worried about over-penetration. If the hit rate is way under 50% for LEOs, much less John Q. Public, what does it matter?
Seriously HOW IS THIS OK?! People just accept this? one or two news articles?!

There's a mass shooting and you here about it for five months, ARs its for the children whatever blah blah blah...

THE POLICE DEPT lights up two separate trucks with gun fire!? NBD just doing their job... Good Lord whats wrong with this country... get rid of their ARs cuz its for the children!
This is absurd. How did they fail to recognize that the truck was blue, not gray? Not only that, but the driver was supposed to be a 270lb black male, not two hispanic women. Talk about trigger happy. Some people should not be carrying a badge.

As far as the other incident

His pickup, police later explained, matched the description of the one belonging to Christopher Jordan Dorner

So without identifying the target, they think it's OK to ram a police cruiser into any car matching the description of a wanted fugitive and then go as far as to open fire. I am absolutely disgusted.

I think it's time for California to up their training and qualifications to wear a badge and carry a gun. Maybe have them learn the color wheel, or have them play a few games of Guess Who, you know the board game where you have to guess the other players character based on sex, race, hair color, eye color... I have zero respect for law enforcement in that state if this is how they operate.

And we throw our soldiers in jail for this type of thing, but in alot of these incidents the officers get to go back to their job after the trial.
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I am guessing that PID is "Positive Identification", sorry, I'm a controls engineer, to me PID is Proportional-Integral-Derivative.

I was shocked by this story. As a civilian CCW holder, i am absolutely liable for every round I discharge, and must be fully justified in doing so. If not, I would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I don't understand how government agents can honestly not be held to the same standards. To clarify that statement; This is such a blatant incident, for these officers to just go back to their jobs will require a profound level of dishonesty within the government/police force.
As I've said before "always be prepared to defend yourself against ANY threat". Too bad some of those folks didn't have some serious firepower to return fire on the bumfuzzles.
Too bad some of those folks didn't have some serious firepower to return fire on the bumfuzzles.

Being mistakenly shot by the police is colossal bad luck. Returning fire on the police, however, is suicidal stupidity. The only thing it would have changed is that they'd be dead now, rather than injured.
Being mistakenly shot by the police is colossal bad luck. Returning fire on the police, however, is suicidal stupidity. The only thing it would have changed is that they'd be dead now, rather than injured.

Or Worse Imagine if they won?! Oh jeez the media would crucify them! It wouldn't be officer slain by civilian in SD. it would read ANOTHER OFFICER MURDERED BY VIGILANTE!

Well i was minding my business and a car rammed me and opened fire. So i returned fire...

But they were POLICE officers, its their job! They were just doing what they had too, you must fall to your knees and comply!

Or some other garbage...
What would Sheriff Andy do?
I think that, since California is soon to be a disarmed state, the police forces should each carry one round in their upper Left shirt pocket. This worked wonderfully in Mayberry, of which, I am absolutely certain LA will be like after the ban.
It may have changed, but for the first couple of days, every news story description of the guy did NOT mention he was black, African-American or any other reference to his skin color/ethnicity. Gave height and weight, hair and eye color but perhaps remaining politically correct did not mention he was black. Of course, the photos show him clearly as a black guy. But I'm betting there was a deliberate non-statement of ethnicity.

I also find it sad/comical that they have to offer a $1M reward to get the citizens of LA to turn the guy in.

Sgt Lumpy - n0eq
It may have changed, but for the first couple of days, every news story description of the guy did NOT mention he was black, African-American or any other reference to his skin color/ethnicity. Gave height and weight, hair and eye color but perhaps remaining politically correct did not mention he was black. Of course, the photos show him clearly as a black guy. But I'm betting there was a deliberate non-statement of ethnicity.

It doesn't matter what the news/media description of him was, every police officer was briefed on the guy and knew exactly who he was and what he looked like down to his eye color. But clearly that doesn't mean a thing, since they cant even distinguish the colors of cars. How they had mistaken a pearl blue truck for gray blows my mind. And California is worried about it's citizens carrying and owning guns? The police officers are not only unable to properly identify targets, but are god awful shots to boot. Good thing it doesn't rain much in California, because the roofs in that neighborhood are riddled with bullets.

they loose <sic> all credibility as a police force doing this....

In order to lose something, you need to have had it to begin with. They have not lost a thing.

They ought to be sued into bankruptcy, and the LAPD taken over by some adults for a clean-out and reorganization. The "officers" involved should be imprisoned for attempted murder.


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