
Sunday I went to the Sacramento Valley shooting center and while I was waiting to pay my range fees something caught my eye.On the bulletin board in the lobby was a notice,it read:Sacramento Police seize records of local gun dealer(Great Guns)sales records of purchases of sks and other banned weapons and are going door to door and asking buyers to forfeit weapons or face the consequences!.....God save us all,I never thought it could happen in America!bikermanX
Welcome to Australia, 1999 ....

only here they use the police computer licensing records, then go door-to-door and take your guns and ... oh, yes ... have a little look around to see what else you might have. And it's perfectly legal.

They seized the records of Great Guns!? Did they have a warrant? There must be more to this than what you posted.

It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.
I keep getting trashed on this forum when i taLK ABOUT THE NWO and their plans for world wide gun confiscation. We are basically the last country left except for the Swiss who are still armed. We are next on the NWO list,but even most gun owners DONT THINK IT WILL HAPPEN HERE.The proof could be staring them in the face and they wouldnt believe it happening. The situation is desparate.

You need to give us more info when you post stuff like this. If you don't have more info, at least give us contact info for that range you were at so we can call someone there and ask some questions.

Unsubstantiated posts here at TFL receive short shrift.

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789

[This message has been edited by deanf (edited September 08, 1999).]
It's not that many of us are not listening to you. It's that a few of us don't agree with you and don't feel that your NWO conspiracies gain us anything in the way of credibility or support. Must everyone who disagrees with your position be considered to be "trashing" you? Is it necessary to label us "sheeple"? Is it a requirement that we, too, have a predetermined picture for every set od dots presented?

Your positions combine every concievable pop conspiracy from NeoFascism to NWO to the Book of Revelations and include thinly veiled racist positions that I find quite uncomfortable. Could we please tone down the rhetoric and the need to attack everyone with a different point of view?
OK sorry I did'nt think to put contact info,but you could call Sacto.P.D......anyway Sacramento Valley Shooting Center owned and operated by Folsom Shooting Club Inc. 15501 Meiss Rd.PO box 1407 Sloughhouse Ca.95683..I'm not sure about that zip(bad xerox)(916)952-3780....there ya go!The sign was on their bulletin board on a hot pink 5x8 card.I don't own any sks's so I did'nt ask anyone about it.
I was just at Great Guns Friday everything normal,BS'd with the guys ,they asked about my younguns but nothing out of the ordinary.
I'll ask around I know some of the older SPD officers,see what I can find out.
Sorry for being so brief,won't let it happen again.I just had to tell somebody,It really blew me away!BikermanX
In Massachusetts we are seeing the pieces fall in to place that may lead to wholesale gun confiscation. Two years ago the legislature funded a bill to lease private storage space for weapons. Last year they past a new gun bill. They leave it up to the discreation of the Police Chief to issue a handgun permit. If your permit expires and the police have not renewed it, you are a felon and must get rid of your guns. No grace period. Previously you could own a handgun and keep it in your house without a permit to carry. Now its illegal. I know two people from two different towns that did not get their permits renewed. Technically they are felons and can be imprisoned. The GOAL Mass is putting together a class action suit to try and fight this law. So don't think it can't happen here. The government has already laid the ground work. www.GOAL.ORG

In the shadow of Bunker Hill from the People's Republic of Massachusetts
I was at River City Gun Exchange in Sacramento last week and spoke with someone there about what happened at Great Guns. This is the story they gave me. Remember, this is third hand info now. Apparently someone bought a Ruger 10/22, and wanted some high cap mags and a folding, pistol grip stock for it. The customer didn't know how to install the stock and asked if the store could do it, so they did. The cust then stuck the hi cap in it and proceeded to leave. An ATF agent happened to be in the store and saw the transaction, so he stopped the cust and confiscated the gun for too many evil features on a post ban. The agent asked the sales person ( don't know if it was the owner) if they had sold any others like that way. Was told no. So the ATF took their yellow forms and actually contacted everyone who bought a 10/22 and asked to see their gun. If they had the evil features they were asked when they were bought and where and for receipts to prove it. Evidently the ATF turned up several other Rugers configured the same way that the store did for the cust. So...the owner is under indictment for lying to the ATF and selling illegal firearms and can sell what stock he has but cannot purchase any more guns to sell until the trial is settled.

I was also told by the guy I was talking to that all the "evil" feature 10/22's were confiscated as evidence. So that is all I know. Remember, 3rd hand. But I would imagine it's fairly accurate being the gun community is pretty close knit. Also, this all started about 3 months ago. That's when I first heard about it.
I called Great Guns and the guy who answered said well we're not in the city so the SPD does'nt have jurisdiction,I cut him off and said"then the sheriffs dept"?He says well actually the BATF.I said whats the story about your sales records being seized and the law going to the customers homes and asking for the weapons?He says Oh I only work here but the BATF are always in here going over our records,They have every right to do so,its their job.So I asked again what do you know about it?He chuckled and said it might have happened but I was'nt here when it did.........neither confirmation nor denial.....As far as the River city exchange story,I know Don(at River City) is a pretty honest guy and thats probably pretty close to what actually happened.But like I said I'll look into it further.One good thing if its the latter story that happened, the media missed it so far,you know they'd have a field day with it.BikermanX
If the ATF DID do this... Or the Sheriff's Posse -
Is this Violating the 4th? I mean if the ban was placed and the sales occured BEFORE... That would be bad. (?) And if the sales occured AFTER the ban?
Who actually had a knock at the door? Locate that person and interview them - that would be most interesting!

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Why would any self respecting gun owner cooperate with the BATF if no warrant was presented?

I guess the threat of a dead cat, a burned out house, and a trashed "compound" might tend to pursuade some.

Glad to see another Monty Python fan on the board.
Just a minute. If the story is true about the gun being a 10/22, that's in violation of the new Kalifornicator law. I thought it read "CENTERFIRE RIFLES equipped with...."

Last time I checked, the 22LR cartridge was rimfire.
Dennis, You are correct. The law is centerfire, but there is also some buried text for all weapons that will accept Hi cap mags, pistol grips, folding stocks. also some interesting little clause's about pocket knifes.
I really fail to see where anyone can call me a racist, Rich? Of coarse, our Central Regime in Washington seems to lump anyone who opposes the dictats from our elites as being "racists". Tax resisters, anti abortionists, militias,gunowners, and all other constitutionalists all are branded with all kinds of evil designations and "racists'' is just another brand put on the resisters by the out of control Regime in Washington. You want racists? Go the butchers of Waco who killed 80 plus men , woman , aand children,many of whom were people of color! But even if all the killed were of one race, the killers were true racists. Heck, these hate groups like the Klan , skinheads, etc. are heavily inflitrated by government agencies and are used by them while calling the patriots racists. I see the big picture and sure do not need to be called a racist.
Let's take a minute and talk about Ivan. I think that he offers a perspective that is useful in understanding the WHAT? and WHY? of many of the mystifying trends that we are seeing today. Is it all NWO? It is like everything else...take it or leave it!

To put it another way: He probably isn't 100% right, but he isnt 100% wrong either.

Better days to be,

Ivan - Rich did not call you a racist... Reread the post.

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Hey Ivan your in good company. Salome and Fatima were thinly veiled as well. At least you were spared the snotty "beam me up Scotty " banter. Tell it like you sees it. You know, like the Emperor has no clothes on. Or there is an elephant standing in the middle of the living room. Or I did not have sex with that women.... Miss who can keep them straight (I have a strange sense of humor at 4am. Actualy I have a strange sense of humor all bloody day.)

In the shadow of Bunker Hill from the People's Republic of Massachusetts

I cannot speak for everyone on this forum, but I think that sometimes you appear in your writing to think that many of us are "lesser educated." I'm sure you do not feel that way, but when you write you come across in that manner.

My brother is a lot like you. I love him dearly, but I know each and every time I call him, I will hear how much of a sinner I am and how I should immediately change my ways. What he has accomplished with me is nothing.

I think it's perfectly fine for you to post your beliefs, but you have to remember, your beliefs are not always the beliefs of others. When trying to get your point across, speak to those who do not believe in you and your ideas, as an equal. Share your knowledge and ideas in a way that keeps the reader from feeling like an ignorant a@@ and I think you may get a better response.

This is just an opinion Ivan, from an avid reader. I have no bones to pick with you. I just tell it like I see it.


[This message has been edited by LadydeeJ (edited September 11, 1999).]
I haven't called you a racist. What I've stated is that some of your positions border on such. If you ask me for backup of such, I will provide it publicly or privately.

I don't have a problem with your theories and, like Ed, I think there's some real basis for your conclusions. What I've been trying to get across, LadydeeJ has stated most eloquently.

TFL is geared toward inclusion of persons seeking information. Thus, while we respect opinions, we truly value research and facts which back up opinions. While we enjoy a good debate, it's a bit unfair to use someone else's site as a soapbox to continuously demean, ridicule and insult the "masses", with whom many of us identify.

When you make statements of fact, expect the curious to request your backup information. When you are unable to provide such backup, expect your credibility and our patience to suffer.

That said, "carry on".