The Combat Roll?

Speaking of the 'combat dive', I am sure most of you here when you were much younger did what was called a 'belly buster' dive at the pool.

Remember how it felt hitting the water? Guess how it feels hitting the cement floor!

Speaking from an Infantryman's prospective, no, there is no such thing as a combat roll. When your wearing 110 pounds of gear rolling really isn't an option. Even if you weren't wearing that much gear, I see no tactical need to roll anywhere, the exception being from a rooftop or something.
I combat rolled exactly once while in the big Sandbox.

I fell of the back of a five ton while climbing up into it and had the prescence of mind to tuck and roll before I hit the pavement.

The "combat roll" is really good for one thing only. It helps keep the mortician
solvent. ANYTHING that keeps you from firing a weapon when you need it, is referred to as a "Widow Maker". ANYTHING that increases you chances to put a bullet where it needs to go is called Friend.

The analogy I used when I was Instructing firearm use was:

You are just like a fighter pilot with a parachute. You wear it every day when you go to work. You hope and pray that you will never have to use it. On the chance that you will, you go to school to learn the proper way to use that tool. For if the time ever comes that you must use it, it is the only tool you have that may let you go home that night. You owe it to your wife and children that you are proficient in the use of that tool.