The Colt .45 never won the west!!

I have read that Selleck is the authority for the period correctness of guns in his movies, at least since he became a big box office draw, ie, had a say.

Sam Elliot, I don't know, I like most everything he has been in, but don't know if he is gun savvy.

I believe I have read all, and still own nearly all, Louis L'Amour books. I don't know of an author who knew, or depicted, so many guns of the old west as accurately as he did.

Quite possible he boned up for each introduction of a new gun.

Something else I should sell all of before I die, or become incapacitated, else the kids will do as they did when they moved in for a while, hired a dumpster and pitched it full. Dunno, don't seem to have anymore free space here after than I did before. Musta been stacked neater and tighter.

Sergio Leone's movies, the "Spaghetti Westerns", Eastwood stuff, hell, they were being made in Italy, they were cheap, and they were mostly period.

No Glisenti's were shown. I liked them. Much more than Eastwood as Rowdy Yates. WITH a Colt 73, I think.


I have read that most, if not all, of the guns that Tom Selleck uses in his western films are either made or restored by Ken Howell of R&D.

I have an R&D conversion cylinder for a Remington 1858 and it is a fine instrument.
This thread is silly

I know for sure that “THE DUKE” could do no wrong. These questions about their never reloading, that’s just silly, the average “piece maker” holds a minimum of 52 rounds, I counted them in one of the “Duke’s” movies. I don’t know which one but I counted them.
It was just like later on when he won WW2, fighting the Jap’s his M1 GRAND. One of his held 37 rounds.
I still ant figured how to get that many rounds in mine but as soon as I find that big of a clip I will let you all know.
One question,,,, About Quigley down under?????
Just how long was that shot????
The guy on the horse with the bucket ran for, what 30, 60, more seconds.
Just how long of a “snap” shot did Quigley take,,,, after having not shot the gun after a “cross the world cruse” that back then took months. Then rode a wagon for how many days,,,,, then within several minutes after climbing off the wagon,,,, fixing the sights,,,, Dropping a little dirt to gage the wind,,,, made a shot that I don’t think I could to with my bench rest gun on sand bags, and here he does it 4 or 5 times off hand.
I know I’m complaining, but I still liked the movie…

I don't know how far it was, but I'd bet I couldn't even SEE it with the 24X on your benchrest gun.

Next time you watch it, count the seconds from the boom till the bucket jumps. Something like 1100 feet per second for sound to travel.

Remember later when the stooge says it was 3-4 seconds after the guy falls that he hears the BOOM and the boss says "over half a mile".

Gotta watch it again to see if Selleck was realistic in the timing, too, as in everything else I can remember.

Heck, gotta watch it agauin just to watch it, not a damned thing on TV that is fit to watch.

George, My wife bought me the DVD for Christmas and I just watched it again the other day and I don't remember how far the shot was. It was a "fer" piece for sure:)

I just put it in the player, paused it to go pee, saw your post and turned it back on.

Gets good a minute in when he knocks the cojones of the Frenchie up into his gut.

I gotta hunt to see if this was based on a book, back to the credits, the book's always better, 4, 8 , 10 hours of readin', and they make an hour of movie, just the highpoints, although this movie, dammit, sure does flow from scene to scene.

Just paused and stepped through, first pistol looks like a brass .36, second like a Dragoon.

When he shoots at the bucket, I can only count to 2. That's about 2200 feet, 700 yards, +. Still, pretty damned god.

When they dump him off the wagon, and the wagon takes off, and he shoots, it's close to 5 seconds, a mile plus, mebbe, what with wiping the blood out of his eye.

All in all, a pretty good movie. 'Specially if you consider all the crap that is out there.


George, Did you catch what revolver he used when he shot the boss in the end? It looked to me to have an open top and an octagon barrel and not real big, I was thinking maybe a navy???
When The girl was shooting the Dingos in the cave I'm sure that was a walker and I liked the way they showed her using the ram when re-loading it.
When he had the shoot out up on the hill from the ranch it looked like one of them had a pocket revolver of some kind that was stainless or nickle???
He used Marstens second pistol. One of the pair I believe they were '51 Navies.
Remember Marsten sent the redhead kid to get his second Gun to give to Quigley.

"I said I never had much use for one....didn't say I didn't know how to use one."

Yeah another one I watch once a month or so. Or everytime it's on Encore Westerns.

Darn it. Now i gotta put my copy in the player and watch it again just to see the guns.... The Scottish guy with the tam is using a in the white fluted Cylinder Colt..I thought it was the 44 Sheriff but wasn't engraved.
George, Yesterday I was doing a little shooting----not much , to cold out! I have an old sat. dish and hung it from a tree and shot it with my Navy .36 with my casted pure lead .380 balls and 25g. of Pyrodex "P". I'll tell you this! I would not want to be on the receiving end of that thing. It left six large holes in that steel dish and they looked like they were shot from a .45:) My guess is that the lead flattened considerable on impact before exiting.
For some reason I haven't been shooting well at all lately, not the guns fault because it's that way no matter what I'm shooting. Guess we all go through a slump every now and then. But when I hit that dish dead center and left a group about the size of a softball at 20 yards with two holes almost touching It made me smile again:) Mike
I was watching some Cowboy show on TV the other day and realized one or two of the actors were using Rugers. There was a close uo of the reveolve and you could plainly see the distinctive Ruger flat faced hammer without a firing pin. It ruined the show for me...I switched to Star Treck at least I KNOW every weapon on there is non existant in the 21st century

You gotta watch out on Startrek, at least TNG, Data likes to go to the make believe room and go to western themes. (I forget what the heck it's called. Just know it's "End simulation". Well, no kidding, the Simulator. Couldn't think of the word.)

Might find an out of its time revolver there, too.


You can bet that Custer would have been happy to have a few Star Treck weapons or wish he could have just said "Beam me up Scotty and hurry!":)
Colt and flogging a dead horse

Speaking of Colt, movies, and accuracy, I understand it's really not inaccurate to refer to Samuel Colt by the title "colonel", nor is it inaccurate to refer to the late purveyor of fried chicken the same way. It still irks every time I hear it out of Alan Rickman's mouth, though.
It would be sort of like referring to our president by his separation rank (that is, before his honorarium as C-I-C). But then there are a lot of folks with a piece of paper in hand or on the wall validating a title accorded by privilege in lieu of merit. as for me, I disdain "lance" and "candidate", both of which are accurate, neither of which serves me. Maybe I should get closer to politicos?

Who said Colt and Winchester guns "won the West?"

Well, er... Colt and Winchester ad writers, that's who.


You mean lance as in lance corporal?

That's like the sweet young thing who met a major general and called him major, and, after she left, his friend asked if he didn't mind being addressed as Major?

He said, "Not nearly as much as I'm sure the Rear Admiral she's talking to now minds HIS address."

Mike, when you mentioned in the other thread that you were missing the target, I didn't realize it's from 3 weeks back, as in your thread from Feb 6, above, just thought it was the past few days from the other thread. Be over there shortly to see what you got to say.


George, I was going to give it a try again today but our weather is going to hell again this morning. Maybe a few more day's off would be better anyway. Mike
Ruger4570 I know just what you mean

Last year I bought a Beretta Storm carbine. This winter I was setting watching TV with my wife when she turned on Battle star Galactica (she watches it a lot).
Well I’m setting there reading when she says, “Look honey,,, there using one of your guns”
I really liked that gun until then, I still have it and shoot it, but I am waiting for the day some one at the range walks up to me and says “Oz did you buy that cause they use them on Battle star Galactica?”:mad:
"&$^%#&$*#$&&*# NO!":rolleyes: