The case against McCain


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McCain-Feingold — the most brazen frontal assault on political speech since Buckley v. Valeo.

McCain-Kennedy — the most far-reaching amnesty program in American history.

McCain-Lieberman — the most onerous and intrusive attack on American industry — through reporting, regulating, and taxing Authority of greenhouse gases — in American history.

McCain-Kennedy-Edwards — the biggest boon to the trial bar since the tobacco settlement, under the rubric of a patients’ bill of rights.

McCain-Reimportantion of Drugs — a significant blow to pharmaceutical research and development, not to mention consumer safety.

The Gang of 14-The Gang of 14 "prevented the Republican leadership in the Senate from mounting a rule change that would have ended the systematic use (actual and threatened) of the filibuster to prevent majority approval of judicial nominees.

While were on judical nominees, let me address the point that we cannot let the Dems in the White House, no we must protect the Court.

Arguabaly the only real conservative W appointed was Alito, and what does McCain think of Alito?

McCain says Alito is too conservative. I know he denies saying it, but the people he said it to don't.

McCain’s stated opposition to the Bush 2001 and 2003 tax cuts was largely based on socialist, class-warfare rhetoric — tax cuts for the rich, not for the middle class. The public record is full of these statements. Today, he recalls only his insistence on accompanying spending cuts.

His memory seems to only work selectively.

His supporters point to essentially one policy strength(They would bless their little neo-con hearts), McCain’s early support for a surge and counterinsurgency.
It has now evolved into McCain taking credit for forcing the president to adopt General David Petreaus’s strategy. Where’s the evidence to support such a claim?

Well now we come to Gun Control we Gunowners must support McCain. I mean after all we can't let the bad ol Dems in.

On the face of things he is better on that issue than Osama or Hitlery, but after all I've just listed you trust McCain not to cut a deal with Democrats?:rolleyes:

The neo conservatives are thrilled with McCain, but I can assure you that paleoconservatives and conservative libertarians are not.

I mean come on lets face it McCain is basically a Democrat on every issue except foreign policy and the war. A policy that many find misguided.

Well I've never voted for a Dem and don't intend to start now. Even if that Dem has an R behind his name.

Maybe if Obama or Clinton are in the White House the Reps left in congress will grow a spine and stand up to them. With McCain in office their sure to rubber stamp whatever leftist lunacy he sends their way.

McCain-08 just say no.
Why Is John McCain Running Against Robert A. Taft?

"The ghost of Robert A. Taft scares the bejesus out of the man who would be the second coming of Teddy Roosevelt. As well it should, for, despite the jeers of Ross Douthat, who notes that Paul hasn't topped 10 percent in most of the primaries, Paul has clearly won the intellectual debate, even if he didn't get the votes. Paul's critique of interventionism, and the entire system of debt-funded militarism, struck a chord with a highly motivated cadre of activists, as well as the more thoughtful sectors of the commentariat. That's what really impressed McCain: you didn't see hundreds of McCainiacs demonstrating in the rain outside the debates, yelling their candidate's name. This is precisely the enthusiasm and energy that's missing from the GOP these days, and McCain must envy Paul the dedication of his "isolationist" followers.

How to explain it? It couldn't possibly be that they're tired of sacrificing lives, both American and Iraqi, in order to ensure a victory at the end of what McCain anticipates will be a "100 year" occupation. It's inconceivable that, at a cost of $1 trillion and mounting, they don't believe it's worth it. And it's downright impossible they take seriously the wisdom of the Founders, "isolationists" all, who disdained "entangling alliances" and warned against militarism and overseas adventurism."
Maybe if Obama or Clinton are in the White House the Reps left in congress will grow a spine and stand up to them.

While the Conservative might by chance grow a spin in most cases the Republican congressmen will have to move to the left to stay in office. As many know the country goes through generational political shifts. At the moment due to the Bush Presidency the electorate is shifting to the left. If you don't believe me just look at all the polls. I believe the Republicans are going to be a minority party for sometime, maybe decades until people tire of the Democrats then the country will shift again to the right. But that is a big maybe since the growing Hispanic population might secure a Dem majority for much longer. Unless the Republicans start fielding minority candidates I expect them to be a minority in Congress.
McCain cannot get to the White House by declaring his support for Bush administration policies, especially the war in Iraq. Just watched the Hillary-Obama debates. Obama has a huge following of folks from all walks of life. It is likely that he would have big coat tails that would sweep McCain, the Bush legacy and many Republican members of congress into the scrap bin of history.
I wish. I mean I might could have got onboard with Thompson or even Romney for all their faults, but Hillbama or McCain never.

This is the worst ever Presidential campaign in history. Where's Nader anyhow?
McCain isn't an enthusiastically supported nominee to say the least. The Democrat candidates are even less appealing.

So what to do right........

Well it's fact time, pros and cons. It's best when making judgments on things with alot of variables to look at it from the worse case scenario. Let's say that the candidate elected performs the acts you most wish they wouldn't but were aware they either intended to or it matched their track records.

McCain allows the Bush tax cuts to expire and maintains the open border polocies of today and even passes a 'cabon tax' . The result would be a failed re-election bid and a new crop of Republicans to choose from in 4 years that can cut taxes again and close the border. Essentially un-doing whatever McCain may do that his successor disapproves of and has mandate to accomplish.

Hillary or Obama (same platform with minor variances) you STLL get the taxes and illeagal imigrations PLUS more gun control AND socialized medicine. Probably in a seemingly benign form initially but the fix gets in. This single action will become an the entitlement program that makes Social Security look like small potatoes and will be impossible to undo. Social Security benefits are received by a few but health care is to be received by ALL. That's the promise of both Democrats. Imagine getting retirees to vote to have Social Security halted and their benefits ended. How much more difficult to have that happen when the entitlement is received by everyone.

It's time to look to our Congressional races. The reality is only your House Representative represent you and is expected to act based upon the will of the majority of individuals withing their district. Senators are to Represent their State's interest and the President the Nations interests. We are a Republic remember, NOT a Democracy as is so often misunderstood. We have a Democratically Elected Representative Republic which is a form of Democracy.

Remember, a straight DEMOCRACY cannot work because the citizens will discover the ability to vote themselves the wealth of the treasury (we call them entitlements) and destroy the democracy. Historically a dictator or invader follows soon after.

Reagan and Goldwater are still dead and their reincarnations didn't run this cycle. The conservative ideal still endures and will take a lot more then John McCain's election to stifle. It's not an 'idea' that can lose favor but rather an affirmation of the greater part of men that believes people can do far more then they think they can and possess a worth realized only be their OWN desire to excel rather then to languish.

When given a choice that is fraught with variables, make your decisions so as to maintain an exit strategy.
Reagan and Goldwater are still dead and their reincarnations didn't run this cycle
Goldwater's closest friend did so, but didn't get enough votes to put McCain on the sidelines like he should have been.

Are we forgetting that Barry Goldwater's son endorsed a candidate?
I was just going to post that myself. Barry Jr endorsed Paul.

As for McCain? I can't support this guy for more reasons than I can list. Like I've said in other threads, we basically have nothing but Democrats left to vote for. None will get my help.
Life provides few perfect choices.

I would encourage those who say they can't vote for McCain to follow the race, and see whether you are willing to effectively vote for either dem.
Watch McCain's VP choice closely. Maybe he/she'll be somebody more acceptable. Melanoma has a way of coming back with a vengeance!
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The OP is accurate on his original posting. It's going to take a lot for many of us to finally suck it up and vote for McCain. McCain is certainly not a conservative. He is barely a Republican. But I guess he is just a little to the right of Obama.
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Bruxley you make some good points ones I had already carefully considered. Trust me the thought of Hillbama in any political office more less the presidency makes me:barf:.

I'm not angry that RP didn't get the nomination my support for him was mainly one of protest to the poor choices that were offered.

I probably would have fell in line and supported Thompson or even Romney for that matter, but McCain?

When a Democrat is destroying the country I want them to have a d behind there name not an r.

Bush has done enough damage to the GOP fracturing and almost destroying it McCain will finish the job.

I wasn't around when Nelson Rockefeller almost got the nomination, but I was in '76 and '80. 1980 was when the GOP said goodbye to the Rockefeller wing by nominating Ronald Reagan and I'll be damned if I'll let them sneak in someone worse than the Bushes on us.

McCain can change his affiliation to Dem for all I care it would suit him much better and all the rest like him for that matter and we can begin to rebuild the GOP.
Are we forgetting that Barry Goldwater's son endorsed a candidate?

So did Ronald Reagan's.

"Let me say this. There has been plenty of battling in the primaries, and I’ve been in the middle of the battle, but until now haven’t committed myself to any candidate, waiting until we had a nominee.

That’s over.

If John McCain is the nominee of the party, this Reagan will happily campaign with him. The alternative is unthinkable to anyone who loves this nation." Michael Reagan

Pretty well said, if you ask me.