The capacity of all of your magazines?


(I don't mean literally 'GO'. I mean stay here and post more stuff. I mean I support your posts.)

Note: Dale is not the hippest person on the planet.
I don't know. I just tried to do the math in my head, and stopped when I went over 1,043. I don't even know how many mags I own.

I know that just for handguns I have more than three .50 cal ammo boxes full of mags.

And that I have more than two dozen 30-rd AR mags.

And I just realized that if I wanted to load up every mag I have in the house it'd take a very long time, even with the Uplula.
Lot's and lot's of bullets. Like some others here I don't know how many mags I own or how many rounds of ammo I have. I know I have more ammo arriving in the next day or two.
Bubbau, Was it on Lake Martin? If so, I will attempt to recover them when the weather warms up. I am so far out in the sticks to where no one cares how many trillions of rounds are in your possession.
If I carry the 6 ... the exact scientific amount is a sh@$$tload. Which is just a bit more than a barrel full.

I am a mag whore. Sue me.
Ok. I just counted one full mag for each firearm I have with a detachable mag. Total comes to 696 rounds. I'm not even going to think about counting all my extra mags, let alone all they rounds they could carry.
They don't think anyone needs more than one handgun / mag, if that.

OK, one of those "needs" people. That's fine. Let's play that game, see if they like it, turned back on them. No one "needs" more than ..say 600 calories a day to survive. No one "needs" more money than provided by minimum wage. I'm pretty sure you could go though nearly everything in their life and point out how they don't "need" it.

It's not a question of "need". Not at all. And, even if it were, (which its not), what makes them the authority on what other people "need"????

Do you NEED to maintain a relationship with that person? (relative or not?) or is it just a matter of "want" for convenience??

Seriously, the "needs" people just irritate me. Perhaps because I inherited too much attitude from my mother (the first elected female town supervisor in the over 200 year history of our township at the time) who's response to someone telling her what she "needed" was to look them in the eye, (if not spit in their eye), and ask the now decidedly un PC question "who died and made you God???" :rolleyes::D

I've seen her do it. More than once. ;)
Nobody needs/Just one life

I fantasize about the “Great Gun Debate” which would be held in the “Big Hall” where the issue would for once and all be decided and the gun grabbers would admit defeat and quit trying to sleaze their way around the second amendment.

One of the high points in the debate would be when the anti-gunners proclaim “Nobody needs an ASSAULT WEAPON” (or hand gun or high capacity magazine or anything else they object to).

The gun rights guy (I always see the late Charlton Heston in this role) would stand up and cast a penetrating glare at the anti-gun folk while the gun rights folk would start to softly chant in the background “no-body-needs, no-body-needs” and then he’d rip off a couple dozen things near and dear to the anti-gun crowd and EVERYONE would see the fallacy of the argument.

I see the same thing happening when the anti-gun crowd would demand some concession by imploring everyone to grant it based on the argument that “If it would save JUST ONE LIFE, wouldn’t it be worth it?”

Again Heston would rise to the occasion while this time the gun rights folk would softly chant in the background (“just-one-life, just-one-life”) and then he’d rip off a couple dozen things near and dear to the anti-gun crowd and EVERYONE would see the fallacy of THAT argument too.

Disclaimer: once again, it’s really cold in the Twin Cities and maybe I really do have too much time on my hands.

P.S. There actually is, IMhO, a gun debate free of all the histrionics normally associated with the topic here:
It’s kind of boring since there are no cheering/jeering crowds but a LOT of common anti-gun points are brought out and the gun rights guy wins the day (once again, IMhO) with logic and reason.
example: you have one 10 round magazine and three 12 round magazines, so your total is 46 rounds.
Wow. One stick magazine for my Marlin Camp 9 that holds almost that many, and I have 5 of those! Let alone AR-15 mags, P-14 mags, M1A mags, 1911 mags, SIG P220 mags, and various 22LR mags, etc. Guess I didn't know it mattered! What matters is what you do with them.
Former marine.... I can't count as high as the number of magazines I own, let alone count them and then multiply for round count....

I can count to 64, because 64 crayons come in a box
A nonsensical post. I would estimate "all my magazines loaded" would get close to 20K rounds...just a rough estimate, plus or minus 10-15K:D

Those who have been infringed from a previous magazine "ban" know that stocking up (both ammo and) on magazines is the only logical answer...
