The Brady Cam-pain in the rear

There are Perhaps, what maybe 10 million Ar15s out there in Civilian hands? Probably again that many in Police or law enforcement hands. And who knows how many SKS's Aks Mini 14s M1As and so on and so forth. I think the " Body counts " are pretty low considering the numbers of those weapons around. The Brady Bunch are a Bunch of idiots who call guns evil names like assault weapons to get people scared of them so maybe they will git banned. I got a aunt like that. She saw My Ar-15 and was offended by its presence. You should have seen the look on her face when I showed her my Ar-30 , (she thought it was a guitar in a case) She liked to had a heart attack. She asked, is that legal? I told her yes and asked her why it wouldnt be? She said because it is so scary looking. Lets put it this way, there is a "Jackass": sticker on her car. And a Kerry 04 sticker on her car. Here in Texas!! Like Dems have a chance here. It nice to know they dont even waste there time here. Im ramblin, sorry
Gentlemen and Ladies if any lurk here:

If I may. I submit that the movers and shakers in the anti gun movement, as opposed to what have been described as "useful idiots" are essentially interested in one thing and one thing only, the accumulation of power. This would be expressed via their having obtained the authority/ability to meddle in the private affairs of others, being able to tell you what to do, when to do it, how to do it, also when not to do it, whatever "it" might be.

The particular issue of the moment serves only as a hook on which they might hang whatever bill of goods they, at any given moment, view as saleable to the peasants.

Some things, though they might appear complicated, really aren't. Remember the KISS principle.
May the force be with us in November.!! Somebody besides, well any of the Dems, and Romney and Guiliani and McCain, Crap, maybe I should run. Hey!!
ARMEDTOTHETEETH for president.!!
If you scroll down their webpage, you see a red, white, and blue revolver with a caption saying that in 2004, guns murdered so many people in a few countries and then so many thousand people in the U.S., wrapping it up with a very sarcastic God Bless America. Now, I see two things that make me scratch my head at this poster. First, it doesn't specify how many of those "murders" ( :rolleyes: ) were in self defense. Second, maybe if we give those guns a better education and send them to church on Sundays, they will learn that murder is not the answer. However, since we have gun-free zones in schools and most churches don't allow guns by either legislative mandate or local decision, guns will never have the opportunity to develop their social skills and learn that murder is wrong in a society. So the guns will continue to roam the streets, killing for fun because they don't know any better. :eek: Oh, wait, over three years of research so far has proven that guns don't do anything if left alone. ;)
44capnball said:
They're at their usual game, I see. What about the cost of assault weapons in millitary and police hands? Pretty obvious the Brady Campaign "cares" about some lives but they don't care about others.

Then there's governments, whose record says shouldn't even be trusted with sharp sticks.

Government is nothing more than a form of organized coercion. It should be viewed as a necessary evil that needs to be kept on a VERY short leash, with strict accountability to the people it serves.

The Brady crowd views government as some great force for good, as if it weren't made up of the very same people they don't trust to keep weapons privately. It goes back to that old saying (of Jefferson, I think): If people can't be trusted to govern themselves, then how can they be trusted to govern others?
Maybe we should just give the government all of our weapons and hope they take good care of us. And especially protect us from all the bad guys who still have their weopons. :rolleyes: PLease!~~ Like that would happen.
Some of these Democrats wouldnt be too bad if they werent all gun grabbin idiots. Theyd be great if they would quit castrating the Military, and giving tax money to all the poor folks so the poor folks could sit at home and play X box, smoke and drink beer all day.
armedtotheteeth wrote:

I curious as to what the heck the Brady campain was after,


Same thing they and others of their ilk have been after since day 1. This by the way, from their own mouths: The Total Proscription of Firearms.

Look at the record, for instance including, though not limited to the offerings of Senator Dianne Feinstein: Mr and Mrs. America, Turn Them All In, this after the passage of what was then The Feinstein Amendment.

I sometimes wonder, re some gun owners, as to how many times you will be bitten by a rattlesnake before you realize that such creatures are dangerous?

Please excuse me, I sometimes wax bitter.
Definition of a Saturday Night Special: a defensive firearm that those on a limited income can afford.

Of couse, if your income is below a certain level, your life is worth nothing.