The Brady Cam-pain in the rear


New member
I curious as to what the heck the Brady campain was after, went to their website.
The first thing I say was a cartoon of a Judge marking out the 2nd amendment. I contacted them and posted this--

"Second, there are certain classes of weapons that should be out of bounds for private ownership. They include Saturday-night specials, which are used almost exclusively for crime, military-style assault weapons like Uzis and AK-47s, and .50-caliber sniper rifles, which serve no ordinary sporting purpose"
I like how you guys invented the assault weapons term and the like to scare people into banning them,
So what of AR-15s, the kind you can buy at local sporting goods stores? I got some, I love them, I hunt with them, The are accurate, dependable, and very effective. They are also just plain fun!! On sits right next to my bed every night. As far as 50 Caliber "sniper"(PLEASE?) rifles go, they are used exclusively for long range matches, and some very very big game hunters use them on Elk and the like. They are also ,alot of fun.
Some people like to play golf, Hotrod and fix cars, fly airplanes and boat, Weaving , sewing, gardening, and even underwater basket weaving. Some people like me, like to perfect the art of shooting things repetitivley and at long ranges. I am a veteran of the US navy Sub fleet, I served my country with honor , for many years, risking my life every day for this country that is scared of an armed people. I feel safer having my guns, Because I know the criminals have their sources too. You honestly dont expect the criminals to say, "Oh darn, they banned my Ar-15, I guess I have to give it up now!" You know darned well this aint the case. If those"Assault weapons" (pardon me while I barf)get banned,the only people who have them will be the criminals, And that is why you will fail in your quest. How many people get killed every year due to "50 caliber "sniper" rifles and Semi automatic 223 rifles? Probably not more than 2. I find it silly that the pistol gripped "assault rifles' (GAG BARF VOMIT) are banned in some places simply because of the are "scary" looking, when the ruger Mini 14 is for the most part, untouched. It is the same caliber, and function, down to the 30 round detatchable mag as a AR-15. It just has a wooden stock. Silly. I cant wait for the day when Hr1022 gets shot down and burns in flames. You are all nuts. Happy new Year whackoes!!!

I hope you all check it out and see for yourselves what they are after.

I also went here and found out my best option for protecting my 2nd amend rights

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How many people get killed every year due to "50 caliber "sniper" rifles and Semi automatic 223 rifles? Probably not more than 2.

I think the answer is 'less than 2.' :D

As an AK and SKS owner what can I say? You're right, of course. It's frustrating to have gun-ignorant people make up a name like "assault weapon' in an effort to ban firearms I love to use and collect. I go to the range and shoot at paper targets. Otherwise they're locked up in the safe. I obey the laws and mind my own business - I wish the Bradys and their like would just leave us the hell alone. :mad:
"Second, there are certain classes of weapons that should be out of bounds for private ownership. They include Saturday-night specials, which are used almost exclusively for crime, military-style assault weapons like Uzis and AK-47s, and .50-caliber sniper rifles, which serve no ordinary sporting purpose"
And whoever said the Second Amendment was about sports? I doubt it was placed in the Bill of Rights for that purpose.

Then again, who knows? Maybe the Founders thought hunting Redcoats was kind of like a game...
To me this seems like the typical leftie game of making any disagreement with their divine position seem like foolish elitism.

For example, without any hard data real knowledge of the topic, a liberal with an agenda might say, "Spent bullets from assault rifles contaminate the drinking water of children, leading to sickness and death."

Our first inclination is to defend the rifles. In falling for that trap it implies that we think poisoning the water of children is okay.

The solution? You have me there. I have never learned how to debate someone who is ignorant on a subject. Even when I know the debater is using the minipulation of a troll, the afront angers me.

Yikes, read a book before you shoot your mouth off.
Heres the link with the cartoon judge that has peed me off so bad, i just want to smack that guy , and the jack ass that drew it, and the guy that posted it.

After looking at that link, I don't really see too much wrong with that cartoon. Look closer and see what the cartoon judge is not crossing off!:D

*This is my first post here, so go easy, lol.
Checked out the Brady link and it's hard to hang around that website long without being repulsed. Checked out the Texas gun laws and very proud they gave us a failing mark.

Couldn't believe the following:

Oops, pic did not download. It's the Triangle of Death photo if you go to their website.
Checked out the Texas gun laws and very proud they gave us a failing mark.

We got a failing grade in Florida as well, went from ‘D’ to ‘F+’. :D They hate our CCW law “No police discretion, minimal training, reciprocity,’

We get no ‘extra credits’ and a ‘demerit’ for ‘Enacted nation's first shoot first law.’ :cool:

From the Brady site on ‘assault weapons’ in Florida:

Are there limitations on assault weapons and magazines? No

Florida - No state restriction on the sale or possession of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons like the AK47 and Uzi. Assault weapons are as easy to buy as hunting rifles. No restriction on the sale or possession of rapid-fire ammunition magazines that can fire up to 100 bullets without reloading. Federal law does prevent the sale of some assault weapons and rapid-fire magazines manufactured after 1994, but the federal law will sunset in 2004 unless Congress and President Bush renew it.

“military-style semiautomatic assault weapons like the AK47”

Oooo, scary… :rolleyes:

The whole site is full of lies, misinformation, and scare tactics. :barf:
WEll, i did look at the cartoon again, I did notice that the judge is not marking out "the important part" of the second amendment but he is still marking out a part of it, , which could lead to the whole damn thing.ONCE THE BRADY CAMPAIGN can prove that, we the people are not " a militia" I think they will move to have the whole second amendment removed thus leaving us to the mercy of armed criminals like in the entire British Empire.
Has anyone even been hurt by a .50 rifle in recent history, other than the guy in the video who got bonked in the earmuff by a fragment of bounceback from a steel plate?
Manedwolf said:
Has anyone even been hurt by a .50 rifle in recent history, other than the guy in the video who got bonked in the earmuff by a fragment of bounceback from a steel plate?

Ignoring Iraq and other war zones, I'm sure they've scopebitten a few shooters who haven't tried them before.
Im sure some weiner just deleted my email, But alot of people would have had to delete it as I sent it to every freakin person i could find a link or email address too. I couldnt find the janitor, but i found everybody else.
As far as being hurt by a 50, i have, i forgot the earplugs once, wont do that again!!
I make every effort to check the Brady Campaign site out at least once a month. I think we all need to be aware of what they are up to. As a matter of fact, the Brady group was the reason I joined the NRA. I don't agree with the spin the NRA puts on things, but I feel that when confronted with the Brady group, the NRA is our best option.
Ha! The Brady Boneheads gave my state (Montana) an grade of "F" for gun control laws. Love my state.

California, Massachusets, and New Jersey got an "A-".

Their site says that 32 states got either a "D" or "F." Doesn't sound like too many state legislatures agree with the ideas of the Brady surrendermonkeys.

As far as being hurt by a 50, i have, i forgot the earplugs once, wont do that again!!
I did that once too, pulled my right earmuff off to see if I could get a better cheekweld, and like an idiot forgot to put it back on. My ear rang for two weeks.
Just one of the gems at the Brady site:

Shootings in Colorado and Nebraska Reminds Us of the Cost of Assault Weapons in Civilian Hands

We are saddened by the recent shootings that left four people murdered and four more wounded at a missionary training center and a church in Arvada and Colorado Springs, Colorado. This follows on the heels of the shooting in the Omaha, Nebraska mall where eight people were murdered and five wounded. Our sympathy and prayers go out to all of the family and friends who are grieving.

Having a military-style assault rifle with high-capacity ammunition clips, enabled two troubled young men to kill and injure innocent people quickly and efficiently. Allowing the easy acquisition and possession of military-style weapons like this is foolhardy and the results are tragic.
Notice how they forget to mention incidents like this:

CRANDON, Wisconsin (CNN) -- An off-duty sheriff's deputy used a police-style AR-15 rifle to kill six people at an early morning party in a small Wisconsin town, officials said Monday.

Besides, you can go into a house and kill people just as quickly (if not more so) with a 12 gauge pump gun.
the Cost of Assault Weapons in Civilian Hands

They're at their usual game, I see. What about the cost of assault weapons in millitary and police hands? Pretty obvious the Brady Campaign "cares" about some lives but they don't care about others.

Then there's governments, whose record says shouldn't even be trusted with sharp sticks.