The best "under the seat of my old pickup" gun???

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Bob S

New member
I'm looking for a handgun to keep under the seat of my old pickup. It would need to be: durable, reliable, of reasonable caliber, and fairly economical. Basically a tough trail gun that wouldn't kill me if it got lost or stolen. (Ive also debated a rifle or shotgun behind the seat instead of a handgun, but that is for a different forum!) I'm mainly looking for something for self defense, plinking, trail use, ect... Let me know what you think
I would probably go with a Ruger P-89 or newer polymer framed P-95 9mm Semi-auto pistols. Ruger also has .40 and .45 caliber pistols in both standard and polymer frames. Great, tough, inexpensive handguns that really get the job done! I came very close to purchasing a P-90 (metal framed, full size .45 ACP Ruger) but went with the GLOCK 21 (got a good deal on a couple hi-caps!) Some people complain that Rugers are too big or blocky but that trait is what allows them to take so much abuse. If you want to spend a little more money, go with a Glock 17/19 trade in. These were traded in by Police Departments who recieved new pistols or switched all together. They are factory refinished. Some have little wear, some have a lot. Glock Inc. makes them just as good as new with low cost. I have seen many around for well under $400. Most will come with pre-ban mags too! Go to the range and try some out, then make the only logical choice, your own. Good luck!
I would look at a Heritage Stealth 9mm. About the same size and shape as the small frame Glocks, 10 rounds, stainless slide, polymer frame, excellent trigger. About $250 new. While it won't win any beauty contests, it's accurate and reliable and at that price you don't have to lose sleep over the possibility of it being stolen. A lot of reviewers have labeled it as a sleeper deal.
Glock 23.
1. The gun is cheap enough so you won't have a heart attack when it is stolen.
2. The finish is tough enough so it won't look like a mess after one or dances on your clay-covered floor-board.
3. The gun has no saftey so the fool who steals it will probably shoot himself picking the thing up.
4. It is so ugly it will make your old truck look good.
5. If your truck is frozen in an iceberg, so I'm told, you will still be able to get it to function when you chip it out.
6. You can get hi-cap mags.
Bob S. Thats a bad idea leaving any firearm in an unattended vehicle. Why not just leave a case of ammo with it to hide the firearm from view?
I've gotta agree with Sierra. Vehicles are burglarized much more often than homes. It may not kill you if it is lost or stolen, but it may kill someone else.

Having said that I feel better. If you insist on a beater gun in your vehicle, I'd say first decide what your favorite handgun is. Chances are, someone makes a cheap clone of it. If you're a Beretta 92 guy, get a Taurus. If you like Glocks, try a cheap Sigma. If you like Kimbers, get a Colt ;). Pretty much every popular design has a knockoff cousin somewhere. Please be careful.
A cheap revolver such as police trade-in would probably be ideal. If I had more dinero, I would want to leave one in the pickup too. You should be able to pick one up fairly cheap at a gunshow from a private dealer no less. I would recommend wrapping it in a rag and leaving under the seat or putting it in the glove box as opposed to hiding it under a case of ammo though ;).
As far as behind the seat goes, a Bushmaster M17 bullpup .223 is "cheap" enough (relative to an A/R) to not have a heart attack if it's stolen.
I think leaving loaded weapons unattended in your truck is a bad idea no matter what it is. Unload it and lock it up when you leave the truck, or don't take it at all. :(

You can get a drawer-type safe with a Simplex lock on it. Browse thru any common gun rag; it's in there somewhere. Bolt/weld it to the floor under your seat. You can open it quickly when needed, and keep it safely locked when not. I'd do it but there's virtually no under-seat room in a Probe.

You might want to check with the local police to make sure a handgun under the seat isn't considered concealed. If you're OK--I'd suggest a stainless steel Ruger revolver in .357. Hard to damage it, and not very pricey should someone walk off with it.

My recommendation is a S&W K-frame revolver, police or security guard trade-in, for example, a model 13 or 19. The prices on these guns run under two bills. Usually, they haven't been shot much but do so show some holster wear. You can have them re-blued and slick up the action. Even with this work, you still have a fairly inexpensive piece that will serve your stated purpose well.
Chinese Tokarev 7.62 pistol. 8 shot clip.

Flat shape, long barrel easy to conceal auto.

Heavy Hitting cartridge in a cheap to purchase gun with a tough finish ammo is cheap as hell if you buy non-reloadeble stuff. You still shouldn't pay more than $120 for one. This was also made in 9mm by chinasports and by maddi of egypt (we called 'em tokagypts)

When you leave the truck take the clip.

FEG PJK 9HP (a high power copy) 225 bucks, all steel deep finish, has 3 dot sights, magazine safty (see above safty tip), shoots VERY GOOD (i have one) hi-cap (13) rd mags have been in production since 1935... should be EASY to get clips at a reasonable price.

(not that I condone carrying a gun in your car for the hell of it)

Stay safe and stay LEGAL

Just about any of the S&W J or K frames in .357 will do the trick. Go with Taurus if cost is a bigger concern than that. If you like autos, go with a 1911 clone. There are several less expensive versions around.

Then go and buy a nice Bianchi or Mitch Rosen carry rig, inside the pants or paddle style, whatever floats your boat, and carry the darn thing where it may do you some good. Remember what happened in Texas with the nutjob that crashed his truck in Luby's diner? At least one of those people in there had a gun, just 100 feet away in her car. She watched her parents die. In truth, probably several other people that died had guns in their rigs as well (its Texas, after all). Nobody had a gun where it would do any good, however.
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