The Belgian Mauser is closer than ever!

Thank you sir!! I seem to remember a Winchester Ball Powder being just the bees knees. I used it in all my rifles with a magnum primer. Stuff burned like the dickens, and sent bullets right where I aimed.

I don't know if they have any offering of 6.5 PRC yet but Federal brass has been my go-to for years. For some reason, I have best results of all the brass I've used yet.
Yes Federal has 6.5 prc ammo. I've had good luck with their brass. Some say it's to soft. Hodgdon doesn't show any data for Winchester powder.I did load 6.5 stabal in mine but the speeds where slow.
When you say “slow”, you talking under 3000fps?? Another powder company bought out Winchester last I knew, and then all the powder companies were under one umbrella outside of the foreign makers. I’ll definitely give Hornady brass a look. I am very excited to see this thing come to fruition. Has been years in the making.
I used H414 in my 300 WSM to glorious results. 3100 fps, less than 1" at 200 yards grouping. Absolutely obliterated a buck last rifle season opening day. Spun that poor thing right around in its tracks. Broadside slam, right in the lungs, didn't even take a step, but was 180 degrees and facing the other way before he dropped. Don't want to get grotesque, but the trauma, shock, and carnage must have been mind numbing.

Anyways, got a call from the smith today, he started on it, said the receiver rails were dead on, just needed to trim away a bit of the feed lips for the fatter cartridge, and will polish feed ramps once barrel is fitted. He is going to lap the lugs. He just finished up truing up the tenon threads. He had a 6.5 PRC reamer on hand, so I didn't have to shell out for one of them. This is exciting!
You mention this as I was thinking to myself what this puppy is going to weigh. I could tote it through the field if I really wanted to, but between the stock, action, barrel, scope, etc. I think it is going to be a “camp out in corner of field hoping a woodchuck pops up” kind of rifle. Probably going to be close to 8 or 9 pounds…. then with the mild recoil?? Pleasure to take out for sure!!
Did you see the photos?? Bull contour, 1” at the muzzle. But the tube only comes in at like 3 pounds and change because of the carbon fiber wrap.
Yes, a Boyd’s Hardwood At-One. I’ll have to get photos once its put back together. Bought the upgraded parts with the over molded rubber on the forend and target wrist panels for a more upright grip. The overmolded rubber forend is also beavertail so its flat on the bottom. Great for resting on a bag. Stock is pretty light up front, sporter style. Back end with all the hardware and gizmos is the heavier side, which is a good thing from what I have read.

I plan on setting the stock for myself and just leaving it there. My wife doesn’t do much rifle shooting and the little one isn’t here, yet, so no need to change it anytime soon. I also have a 6-18x40 or 50 with steel Warne Rings and an EGW Picatinny Rail to bridge the two bridges. I find that a one piece scope rail is superior to two piece mounts. But that is splitting hairs.

I think this is going to be one tame little rig. Can’t wait to scare the stuffing out of some woodchucks on my cousin’s farm.
Speaking of splattering them... Took the 300 WSM out, snapped one off at a chuck maybe 75 yards away. Pink mist. I am sure you understand JUST how gratifying that is... Even just getting a shot off at them is a drug!!

That is a huge slug moving pretty quick. Blunt force trauma alone would ruin its day.

This thing is going to be a smaller pill moving just as fast if not faster. Poor thing isn't going to know what hit it. All this talk is going to cause me to daydream.....
I hate woodchucks since i was a kid. Damn near flipped a tractor with a narrow front end. I was raking hay and the hole didn't have a mound around. Both front tires hit the hole. Never met a farmer that will deny you shooting them. You and your wife will enjoy the 6.5. I have mine for a year and have 2000 rounds down the tube.:D. I was only 7 when i hit that hole.
Talk about OUCH!!! My cousin's farm has its fair share of groundhog holes. If we waffle any, he usually either fixes dinner or takes us out for a bite after chorin'.

Even gives us the seemingly unfair advantage of the water truck to flush those bums out. One guy will pump the tunnel full of water, and the rest of us will line up looking for the exit hole, and put a bit of lead downrange.

All this chewing the fat makes me want to suit up and perch on the corner of a field right about now!!
I usually take a whistle with me when I see 1 I blow the whistle to get them to stand up. Then shoot them.
Dude… cheating or not. You cannot sit there and tell me with a straight face that it would not be just about as entertaining as anything to see those suckers shoot out of their hole followed by a steady stream of water???? Hahahahah

I’ve done the old whistlepig thing, too. That seems to be a foolproof solution. They stand up like they are showing off to some mate, and BAM!!!
Can’t wait to get this thing back so I can start hewing out the barrel channel on the stock.

It’s all assembly once the barreled action returns to me. Tick Tock!!!