The Atlantic---The Dumb Continues

Is she wrong?


Heather Sher said:
As a doctor, I feel I have a duty to inform the public of what I have learned as I have observed these wounds and cared for these patients. It’s clear to me that AR-15 and other high-velocity weapons, especially when outfitted with a high-capacity magazine, have no place in a civilian’s gun cabinet. I have friends who own AR-15 rifles; they enjoy shooting them at target practice for sport and fervently defend their right to own them. But I cannot accept that their right to enjoy their hobby supersedes my right to send my own children to school, a movie theater, or a concert and to know that they are safe. Can the answer really be to subject our school children to active-shooter drills—to learn to hide under desks, turn off the lights, lock the door, and be silent—instead of addressing the root cause of the problem and passing legislation to take AR-15-style weapons out of the hands of civilians?
I wonder how the good doctor would respond to the idea of taking medical practice away from "civilians"?? The figures are there, medical malpractice kills and injures more people every year than guns do.

Clearly the civilian doctors cannot be allowed to continue to wreak such carnage! Despite thorough medical school training and state licenses, the horror just goes on and on....
(yes, its sarcasm)

Since civilians clearly are so irresponsible, shouldn't all medical professionals be government employees? All uniformly trained, responsible, and paid at a standard rate scale?? And on the same scale as other govt employees, such as the military??

If civilians are too irresponsible to own an AR-15 (and the police and military are responsible enough) then we civilians are too irresponsible to practice medicine as well. Also puts one in mind that we are too irresponsible to elect our own leadership, as well.

Though, I am wondering about the last point, considering some of the people we have elected...:rolleyes:
I guess the Dr needs new friends if their ARs are that much of a risk to her kids going to school.

Expect more of this until we can no longer own them.
It’s not going away.