The assault weapons ban, by Hillary Clinton ...

I oppose Obama and Clinton, not because of their race or gender. Just because their history has Marxism smeared all over it. I also know the history of Marxism, and so do they. So I feel I know what they want, they know people like me will always oppose them. A very dangerous situation. I don't like McCain much either. How about someone like Condi Rice? I could probably support her. As a Soviet Union scholar she certainly knows all about enemies to the Constitution, both foreign and domestic. If only she could stand up to the subtrafuge of evil that is governance over others.
"I've said this before and will say it again...playing the crypto Stormfront Hussein game"

Ahaha, what a bunch of PC crap. Uh oh some might read it and become offended. Bleh,
Just because you fail to see the significance of his name and how it relates to where he came from and those that he has associated himself with. Don’t blame me.
im thinking that a second awb would not pass, i will buy up ahead of time anyway come november, if the dems win. mccain is fairly pro gun i dont see why gun owners give him a bad rep, he is against an awb and pro carry rights.
the plus side of an awb is that the dems lose congress, only if that could happen without an awb
well, I really don't like my choices (all 3 of them) and I have already gotten 2 more lowers and 30 more mags.

Now, do i think they will pass an AWB again is a toss up. I really can't tell how they will vote this time around. Some will fall in line and vote with pelosi and the anti's, but some may just remember the ramifications of the last go round.

I do know that if obama were to make it into office and propose his blanket anti CCW that would never get passed, but if it did there would be a few states that would resist even if fed funding is with held.

Personally, I really wish Condi or another righty conservative becomes vice president, because McCain is not getting any younger :rolleyes: .
Rigby1962 said:
WildAlaska said:
I've said this before and will say it again...playing the crypto Stormfront Hussein game

Ahaha, what a bunch of PC crap.

Strawman. Especially seeing as how you didn't quote the whole sentence:

WildAlaska said:
...detracts from the serious criticism one can raise about the inexperienced, far left, machine politico that is Senator Obama.

Rigby1962 said:
Just because you fail to see the significance of his name and how it relates to where he came from and those that he has associated himself with.

I'm gonna attribute the above to trolling.

On topic, I contend that Hillary will not go all-in for AWBII if she were to become President. She remembers what happened in 94 real well. She is doing lip service. Primaries force you to move further away from the center. Obama, however, seems serious about his convictions.
people at my school say im closed minded cause im not voting for a black guy in a suit or a pshycho bitch, aka osama bama or hillary, but id vote for condi in a heartbeat.
applesanity wrote:

On topic, I contend that Hillary will not go all-in for AWBII if she were to become President. She remembers what happened in 94 real well. She is doing lip service. Primaries force you to move further away from the center. Obama, however, seems serious about his convictions.

But she has said, out of her own mouth, that one of her very 1st things she intends to do upon getting in office is to re-instate the AWB. SHE SAID IT. SHE MEANT IT. To believe she meant or would do otherwise is just plain silly.....
As was already pointed out, in a primary race you run toward your primary voters. Who tend to be the most committed. Which usually means they are more extreme in their viewpoints. Either further to the left (for Democrats) or further to the right (for Republicans). Clinton and Obama are still trying to win their party's nomination.

1) A year ago, it was long odds that there was any chance at all of the GOP winning the Presidency in 2008. Considering the two opponents, I think the odds look much better now. I think it is better than 50-50 right now. Obviously McCain could still blow it but these two have problems. Hillary has such deep negatives that she will never be able to get the massive support from the middle she needs. And sooner or later the population is going to realize that Obama is ideologically aligned with George McGovern. And you remember what that election looked like. In my lifetime, there have been two elections where one party or the other picked somebody from the farthest wing of their party. The Democrats with McGovern in 1972. And the Republicans with Goldwater in 1964. Both were wiped out in the general election. It is DARN HARD to win the general election with either super liberal or super conservative. No matter how personally engaging. This is the upside with McCain and his appeal to the middle.

2) If the Democrats do win, I think they will mostly vote around the margins of the issue for the first congressional term. Try to ban .50 rifles or something like that. Flirt with a new AWB but somehow just never quite seem to bring it to a vote in both houses. After 2010, 2012, that might change.

I don't understand why everyone likes Condi Rice. She's nothing more than a Bush flunkie and she has carried out the dirty work of this administration on more than one occasion knowing full well what she was saying was a lie. There was an interview with the Times reporter who broke the wiretapping scandal open a couple of years ago. The White House called a meeting with the reporter when they discovered the story was going to be published. At that point in time there were a lot of people in the administration who were questioning the legality of the operation and several people had already resigned because they disagreed with it. Condi was one of the people in the meeting who assured the reporter that the program was legal and there was in fact no disagreement that it was. A nice outright lie to cover up a program that was illegal and was being questioned. All members of this current administration need to be purged from public office and appointed positions forever. They have shown over and over again they cannot be trusted. It's not just Bush, it's the whole machine that put him into office and that has been built around him since. The whole lot of them are corrupt beyond measure.
And sooner or later the population is going to realize that Obama is ideologically aligned with George McGovern.

I sincerely doubt that. You have too much faith in Americans. Like I pointed out in the debate thread, twice as many Americans watched American Idol than the debate Wednesday night; I myself cared more about baseball. George McGovern didn't do what Obama is doing now.


Chris Matthews said:
"I’ve been following politics since I was about 5. I’ve never seen anything like this. This is bigger than Kennedy. [Obama] comes along, and he seems to have the answers. This is the New Testament. This is surprising."

Until Hillary can get people praying to her, she ain't passing no AWBII.
But she has said, out of her own mouth, that one of her very 1st things she intends to do upon getting in office is to re-instate the AWB. SHE SAID IT. SHE MEANT IT. To believe she meant or would do otherwise is just plain silly.....

She is simply pandering to her base. She does not intend to pass a new AWB. To do so in her first term would be political suicide, and she values personal power over philosophy.

Pandering to one's base is common. Bush did it. He said he would make gay marriage and abortion illegal. Once he got elected, he stopped talking about that. Hillary will do the same with guns, in her first term at least.
guys I like the Rice for VP idea. I have had the honor of meeting her on 3 occasians and each time I was very impressed.

Here is one Redneck ignorant white guy from the boonies that is willing to vote for a black woman! I don't care what color anybody's skin is, it is what is in their noggin' that counts and obama and clinton scare me.

Anyway, a run on the .50 cals would sound like something they would try and probably would get passed :mad: guess I might want to start saving up or cash in my CD's for a .50 :) now , that would be a task trying to explain the .50 to the wife as a must have for home defense (i guess the "it's for the anti UFO" line might work). Maybe next I need to get one of them 105mm recoilless rifles :eek: .

Anyway, don't blame me I voted for Huckabee (would have voted Thompson if he didn't drop out) and would vote for him or Paul if they were on the ticket in Nov.

Anybody know if Perot is gonna run??? LoL~
What Hillary does and will continue to do -- up to election day -- is express her support for the 2nd Amdt in terms of hunting only, not self defense, or defense against tyranny.

This sells pretty well with moderates and the public at large, and it prepares for "reasonable" restrictions on evil handguns.
Anyone that believes for one flat second that Hillary would not do all within her power to trample the 2nd, hasn't looked at her past record on guns.

I wish we had some better choices for president. I am so sick of voting for the lesser of evils. None of the candidates are too promising this time around.

Maybe I'll just write in Larry The Cable Guy.....:p
My wife works for a very liberal teaching college in our state. Part of her benefits include a very nice on campus apartment within one of the residence halls. As a result, I am constantly exposed to the student body of the university, and overhear many of their conversations. While this by no means is a proper sampling of young voters, what I have heard worries me greatly. Many of these kids have stated in many conversations how excited they are that the Democratic nominee will either be a woman or a minority, proving that the Democrats are the "Party of the People" once and for all. While I understand some of the comparisons to the far left/far right campaigns of the past, these campaigns were carried out in a time when information or disinformation wasn't so readily available to anyone with five minutes and a computer.
It is my belief that if Senator Obama recieves the nomination we're in real trouble. I believe that his popularity among liberals will galvanize the Democrats and hello Weapons Ban. I'm giving my support to Hillary. If she gets nominated it will galvanize the Republicans and they will bring the middle with them.
W. Perkins
Anyone that believes for one flat second that Hillary would not do all within her power to trample the 2nd, hasn't looked at her past record on guns.

Past record? She has very little record on guns, or anything else for that matter. What she does have a record on is trying to increase personal power. And for that reason, she will not sacrifice a 2nd term over something she cares little about.

She will talk about assault weapons bans in order to appease her base, but then take no action. Just like Bush on gay marriage and abortion.
She is simply pandering to her base. She does not intend to pass a new AWB. To do so in her first term would be political suicide, and she values personal power over philosophy.

I don't think so. The "assault weapons" moniker has been out there long enough that people believe it. It's not just the far left that wants this ban, but moderates as well. Believe me, with either Clinton or Obama in there, the ban is going to happen. I worry that even McCain wouldn't have the gumption to veto it, with the popular support the ban would receive.

And I don't think it's going to be the same old ban; I'm expecting something more like H.B. 1022.