The Art of "I don't Know"...Global Warming Redux!


Or is it climate change...

Last year Killer Hurricanes were destroying the

Study says global warming not worsening hurricanes

By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science WriterSun May 18, 7:50 PM ET

Global warming isn't to blame for the recent jump in hurricanes in the Atlantic, concludes a study by a prominent federal scientist whose position has shifted on the subject.

Not only that, warmer temperatures will actually reduce the number of hurricanes in the Atlantic and those making landfall, research meteorologist Tom Knutson reported in a study released Sunday.

In the past, Knutson has raised concerns about the effects of climate change on storms. His new paper has the potential to heat up a simmering debate among meteorologists about current and future effects of global warming in the Atlantic.

Ever since Hurricane Katrina in 2005, hurricanes have often been seen as a symbol of global warming's wrath. Many climate change experts have tied the rise of hurricanes in recent years to global warming and hotter waters that fuel them.

Another group of experts, those who study hurricanes and who are more often skeptical about global warming, say there is no link. They attribute the recent increase to a natural multi-decade cycle.

What makes this study different is Knutson, a meteorologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's fluid dynamics lab in Princeton, N.J.

He has warned about the harmful effects of climate change and has even complained in the past about being censored by the Bush administration on past studies on the dangers of global warming.

He said his new study, based on a computer model, argues "against the notion that we've already seen a really dramatic increase in Atlantic hurricane activity resulting from greenhouse warming."

The study, published online Sunday in the journal Nature Geoscience, predicts that by the end of the century the number of hurricanes in the Atlantic will fall by 18 percent.

The number of hurricanes making landfall in the United States and its neighbors — anywhere west of Puerto Rico — will drop by 30 percent because of wind factors.

The biggest storms — those with winds of more than 110 mph — would only decrease in frequency by 8 percent. Tropical storms, those with winds between 39 and 73 mph, would decrease by 27 percent.

It's not all good news from Knutson's study, however. His computer model also forecasts that hurricanes and tropical storms will be wetter and fiercer. Rainfall within 30 miles of a hurricane should jump by 37 percent and wind strength should increase by about 2 percent, Knutson's study says.

And Knutson said this study significantly underestimates the increase in wind strength. Some other scientists criticized his computer model.

MIT hurricane meteorologist Kerry Emanuel, while praising Knutson as a scientist, called his conclusion "demonstrably wrong" based on a computer model that doesn't look properly at storms.

Kevin Trenberth, a climate scientist, said Knutson's computer model is poor at assessing tropical weather and "fail to replicate storms with any kind of fidelity."

Trenberth, climate analysis chief at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., said it is not just the number of hurricanes "that matter, it is also the intensity, duration and size, and this study falls short on these issues."

Knutson acknowledges weaknesses in his computer model and said it primarily gives a coarse overview, not an accurate picture on individual storms and storm strength. He said the latest model doesn't produce storms surpassing 112 mph.

But NOAA hurricane meteorologist Chris Landsea, who wasn't part of this study, praised Knutson's work as "very consistent with what's being said all along."

"I think global warming is a big concern, but when it comes to hurricanes the evidence for changes is pretty darn tiny," Landsea said.

Hurricane season starts June 1 in the Atlantic and a Colorado State University forecast predicts about a 50 percent more active than normal storm season this year. NOAA puts out its own seasonal forecast on May 22.

In a normal year about 10 named storms form. Six become hurricanes and two become major hurricanes. On average, about five hurricanes hit the United States every three years.

WildithinkglobalwarmingfolksarelosingitAlaska TM
I see that not all of the Global Warming theorists have gotten the memo that the phrase "Global warming" is out and the phrase "Climate Change" in now the scary word(s) of the day. "Climate change" covers all their bases whether the earth cools or heats up. I'm surprised that they didn't think of this sooner.
I guess it is supposed to be settled science. The non-socialist scientists seem to be throwing rocks into the cogs of government control over the means of production.

The names of over 31,000 American scientists that reject the theory of anthropogenic global warming are to be revealed on Monday.

Although this will occur at the National Press Club in Washington, DC., it seems a metaphysical certitude media will completely ignore the event.
Ever since Hurricane Katrina in 2005, hurricanes have often been seen as a symbol of global warming's wrath. Many climate change experts have tied the rise of hurricanes in recent years to global warming and hotter waters that fuel them.

Another group of experts, those who study hurricanes and who are more often skeptical about global warming, say there is no link. They attribute the recent increase to a natural multi-decade cycle.

Gee whiz. Hurricanes may or may not be tied to climate change / global warming. Scientists aren't in some kind of lockstep conspiracy. Go figure.

Wild$pithyAlaska, would this be legal or political? I didn't realize this was a conspiracy theory forum. . .

The names of over 31,000 American scientists that reject the theory of anthropogenic global warming are to be revealed on Monday.

Although this will occur at the National Press Club in Washington, DC., it seems a metaphysical certitude media will completely ignore the event.

Is this like the previous list of 400 scientists, some of whom where aghast to find their names on it and asked to be removed? Edit: Whoops, I guess the list was 500 (details of that poor list is here.)

Whether or not MSM covers the event, there are plenty of ways to distribute this list. Who actually trusts MSM about anything anymore (let alone being timely) anyways?
Wild$pithyAlaska, would this be legal or political? I didn't realize this was a conspiracy theory forum. . .

We did so good on the last Global warming debate (14 pages of almost civility) I figured it was time for a break from McOballery and the Barrpauls :)

WildyaknowthatreallybadbandAlaska TM
We did so good on the last Global warming debate (14 pages of almost civility) I figured it was time for a break from McOballery and the Barrpauls

You love us. Admit it.
You love us. Admit it.

No dude I don't. Dr. P hangs with folks who would burn me 'cuz I eat bagels. Thats my line in the sand.

Thats why I am so firm in my support of McCain. Obama is a racist and hangs with anti semites (among other flaws in his character). His election is a direct threat to me.

WildbacktotemperaturevariationsAlaska TM
oh, I was just trying to determine how this wasn't a drive by thread.

Breaking news :)...

Plus it has all the goodies for legal and political.....phony science used to promote a socialist agenda, muzzling of scientific thought, George Bush, implied Al's a soap opera!!!!!

WildplusicutandpastebetterthanitypeasyouwellknowfromreadingmytyposAlaska TM
Breaking news?


BTW, McCain is a huge racist. You ever hear him talk about the Asians? The quote to Google is ""I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live."

But hey, you are free to use any issue to vote for or against anyone you want. I just want you to be informed.
BTW, McCain is a huge racist. You ever hear him talk about the Asians? The quote to Google is ""I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live."

LOL...ok :rolleyes:

Thread drift.

WildbutheyimjustagaijinAlaska TM
Considering what the Asians did in Vietnam to McCain, I think he has a reason to hate them,

In regards to Global Warming, either way I think its important to reduce emissions regardless of if it is having direct impact on the climate or not.
He said that during the 2000 campaign. Then shortly after he released this statement:
“I will continue to condemn those who unfairly mistreated us,” McCain said in a statement released Feb. 21. “But out of respect to a great number of people for whom I hold in very high regard, I will no longer use the term that has caused such discomfort… I apologize and renounce all language that is bigoted and offensive, which is contrary to all that I represent and believe.”
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In regards to Global Warming, either way I think its important to reduce emissions regardless of if it is having direct impact on the climate or not.

Cool, let me know when the rest of the world is as clean as us..ever see them wearing dust masks in China? Yes?

How about in Portland?

WildthinklocalactglobalAlaska TM
Considering what the Asians did in Vietnam to McCain, I think he has a reason to hate them,
and this argument applies to all candidates. Or their pastors.

In regards to Global Warming, either way I think its important to reduce emissions regardless of if it is having direct impact on the climate or not.

This is important. I'm not sure there has been consensus that the root cause global warming (fact) has been determined to be caused by man (speculation based on timing of industrial age) or periodic events such as ice ages (plausible speculation) or the 31,000,000 year Earth drift into a region of space with high concentration of meteors (wild speculation)

Cool, let me know when the rest of the world is as clean as us..ever see them wearing dust masks in China? Yes?

It doesn't matter what the rest of the world is doing, we should be continually raising our own standards considering we were/are/hopefully will stay, one of the leaders of the world
Cool, let me know when the rest of the world is as clean as us..ever see them wearing dust masks in China? Yes?

Why does the rest of the world matter?
Hey, we should use countries like China and Saudi Arabia as our role model. We can create a slave class and bring in beheadings to lower our prison population.

I think we should bring back the "don't litter" Indian with the single tear from the 70's ads. :D