Springmom, you mentioned that you knew of no state in which he didn't need a license of any kind to carry a gun concealed; did you forget Vermont and Alaska?!
The two states that have it "right"!
One aspect of this issue that I notice is that IF this friend ever has to use his gun to defend himself, I guess he'd better hope that the situation occurs in a far-outta-the-way place where he can leave his attacker's body, and bug the hell out.
He does not want to be caught with a gun he wasn't licensed to carry, standing over a dead body, self-defense or no. I mean, does he have a couple hundred grand to blow on a lawyer? I suppose it's possible to make an affirmative defense ("Yes, I was carrying a gun illegally, but excuse me, because it just so happens that it's what saved my life!")
Any comments on how it might play out if he had to use the gun defensively, and had to answer for it?
My own feeling is, his ideal situation would be that he bags-n-tags his attacker but does not have to ever have
anybody know about it...