The Ammunition Encoding Issue

I am amazed to see some of those southern states on the list.

It's just a list of states where the legislation has been introduced...not passed. Even the southern states have anti-gun elements in their legislatures...they're just a minority.
Let's just remember being a "gun friendly" state doesn't grant immunity or warrant complacency with this legislation. We are a "gun friendly" country and look at what horrendous gun laws we have.
The guy in the video is crazy to be comparing bullets to coded soda and yogurt.:eek: and all i have to say is i hope to god none of this gets passed.:(:mad::barf:
I think the reason the brady's and their ilk are floating this in otherwise gun friendly states is because they think just maybe it's an issue they can win with.

The average gun owner may be against a gun ban, but if he doesn't belong to a gun organization or read boards like this all he knows is what he hears from the news. And all he hears from them is that the police support this new bill that will attach serial numbers to bullets, but he will still be able to buy just as many bullets as he wants. And he doesn't care if they're tracked, because he knows he won't be committing any crimes.

So the average gun owner doesn't care much about this. Just like many also ignore things like one gun a month, safe storage, etc.

And they won't care about it until the effects are felt, and then it will be too late.

Starting a couple of years ago I started reading on the anti-gun blogs that with the momentum moving an individual right to own guns(long before Heller, but some anti-gunners felt the wind was at least blowing that way at the state level, even in Cali) that they should begin attacking ammo.

And they can get some traction there. I remember reading some comments on the VT murders where otherwise normal people were amazed that he was allowed to buy a "full 50 bullets." Wow. They had no idea that's often just one box.

And most of the hunters I know do very little shooting except to sight their guns in, and may only buy a box or two of ammo a year.
I think the reason the brady's and their ilk are floating this in otherwise gun friendly states is because they think just maybe it's an issue they can win with.

Garand Illusion is correct. The anti's are looking to get any foot in the door and if banning guns doesn't work, banning or limiting ammo would work just as well.
I may be wrong here, but I think I just witnessed the birth of a new coined phrase!!

I can't take credit...I heard it from somebody wittier than I. I've been making sure to spread it far and wide, though!
I think the reason the brady's and their ilk are floating this in otherwise gun friendly states is because they think just maybe it's an issue they can win with.
And the reason for their floating is that we have always tried to stymie their efforts rather than extinguish them altogether. Why in the heck are we tweedling around with those toads rather than stomping their entire organizations out completely? They have an end game and they are getting closer to it--we don't even seem to have one.
"Rocket surgery" just sounds better than "Brain science"

And has been in use are around here for years, along with "does the Pope xxxx in the woods?"

The ammo ser# bills are just crap, stalking horses that they expect to get shot down. We still have to spend time, effort and money against them though. And should one actually pass, well....then what?

Perhaps something from all the ammo makers like what Barret did for California might have some effect. If it could be brought about. Image the public reaction when they get told (repeatedly, by us, is necessary) that the cops are going to run out of bullets, because, by this stupid law, the bullet makers can't sell their product in your state!, and that includes to the cops who protect you! Tell all the little old ladies how the police can't protect them any more, because they can't buy bullets to practice with, or use against criminals! Don't bother explaining the truth, just tell them the (possible) results! And be sure and tell them which of their congressmen caused this to happen! You think being dependant on foreign oil is bad? Just wait until the police are dependant of foreign ammo!!!!

Anybody checked the exact language of these bills to see if "police" ammo is excluded? I would hope that they are not. But if they are, think about the consequences. Every shooting with a non-ser# bullet (or one where the number could not be read) could be a police officer gone bad! The first thing that would have to be done, every time, is to check the bullet against ALL the police guns, as they are the only ones who do not have ser# bullets!!!

Ok, fantasy, but hey, it could happen? Right?