The advantages of holding your handgun sideways while firing.

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I'm certain there was someone teaching a 45 degree tilted hold. I think it had a couple of months as the new thing within the last two decades, and that the reasoning was that it was a more natural, less physically stressful way to hold a pistol.

I have attended instruction that posited a natural cant (I wouldn't say 45 degrees, more like 25-30) is preferred when shooting one handed. This was not bullseye shooting, but SD training. At any rate, it's much closer to vertical than horizontal so it doesn't look so dramatic. It is only for one handed shooting. I could see how some would find it more comfortable. I have been shooting for a pretty good while... it was more of a "new trick old dog" thing to me. I had to force myself to shoot that way to try it, and would always revert back to a vertical hold if I didn't pay attention. Since I shoot quite well one-handed with a straight vertical hold, I didn't see anything broken that needed "fixing." I gave up messing with it after a few tries. I won't bash the style or thought though.

And yes, having run a shield before the horizontal hold is about the only way you will be able to aim while reaching around the shield and utilizing it as cover. Other than that, horizontal hold is silliness.
Have seen "gangsta" style (in movies/tv) where the arm is extended out and above the head at about 45degrees, pistol held 90 degrees sideways (always a pistol, they never seem to do it with revolvers...:rolleyes:), pistol, held sideways, pointed down at the target, while their head and body do the bob and weave movements while the actor talked smack.

Very much put me in mind of the threat display/courting ritual done by certain birds and animals. In this case, I think the arm was pointed up, sideways gun pointed down, etc in order to make them seem bigger and more threatening.

While there are real world situations that can call for the gun being held and fired in off normal positions, they're fairly rare, very rare for civilians.

What you see in the movies, and being aped by the ignorant in the real world is posturing by posers, not something worthy of serious consideration as a valid useful technique.
I'd LOVE to see a gangsta' try to shoot a Desert Eagle 1-handed turned sideways.

I can't speak for the big .50 but I have DE .44 and .357 and the recoil is surprisingly mild. Blast is huge but recoil is significantly less than the same round fired in a large frame heavy revolver. Compared to firing the same ammo out of a lightweight snubnose, the DE barely recoils at all

Now, I'll go you one better, if you (or anyone) wants to shoot my .44 Mag Contender or my .45-70 Contender "gangsta style", I'd let you. You are responsible for all medical bills and any damage to my gun from you dropping it....

10" .44 mag with the thin octagon barrel, actually weighs quite a bit less than a .44 Mag revolver.

The .45-70 has a 14" barrel, and a red dot sight. You might be able to use the Red dot when holding it gangsta, but when that sight on top of a thick steel bar slams into your face, don't blame ME! :D
44 AMP said:
where the arm is extended out and above the head at about 45degrees, pistol held 90 degrees sideways (always a pistol, they never seem to do it with revolvers...), pistol, held sideways, pointed down at the target, while their head and body do the bob and weave movements while the actor talked smack.

One handed is a necessity in such circumstances... the other one is needed for the crotch grab / pants holding up.
One handed is a necessity in such circumstances... the other one is needed for the crotch grab / pants holding up.
One handed is a necessity in such circumstances... the other one is needed for the crotch grab / pants holding up.

I saw a guy limp-wrist a S&W 500 at an indoor range with one hand, and his pants fell down anyway. Along with his tighty whities not smelling so white. :)
Specific demographic?

You mean black people?

He most likely is talking about adherents of the "hip hop thug" clique. You don't have to be black to be part of that clique. There are plenty of white boys and Asian boys who want to be "G's". Youtube is FILLED with them and they bring the entire package of stereotype too. Saggy pants, mysogynism, guns being held "gangsta" style. The whole nine yards.

Ironically, the black folks who live in my neighborhood several avenues down from my building all happen to be ultra-hipsters. And then there is this one ABC Chinese kid whose parents are friends with my parents simply because they can converse in the same language and shops at the same supermarket. Their kid has always been a "gangsta" since he was 12. Now he is 23 and serving 6 years in prison for a gun/drug rap. Got caught trying to sell a quantity of coke to an undercover and was carrying an illegal and defaced Beretta. Might be other gang related stuff involved too. Go figure:)
A far more advanced technique is to twist the pistol when you fire it. Assuming the rifling twist is correct... turning the pistol when firing it will add a bit more gain to the bullet RPM, making it stabilize betterer and fasterer. The correct application of this technique is for advanced professionals only... because you don't use your sights.
500 internet points for any poster that can link me to the video I saw once years back where two young guys detail the entire rundown of the "gangsta" style use of a handgun. Of course it goes sideways, but they also detail holding it high, and sort of throwing each bullet out of it while trash talking. It's hilarious because the one guy tells the other to trash talk so he says "I'm a way better soccer player than you, man!"

Please drop a link to this video if you know it! :D
How many online vendors out there accept Internet Points as valid currency? Me wanna win some points too and buy some ammo! It is almost Cyber Monday!:D Well, in a week, but still!
I believe the Bank of Sevens is the only one that accepts internet points and then only as payment for backing up unsubstantiated claims made in forums by the payor.

Right, Sevens?:D
Heck yeah, that's the one! :D

Those 500 internet points are valid towards the purchase of factory new, new in package Hornady and RCBC steel rifle reloading dies, available in the TFL Handloading and Reloading area of the site.
Specific demographic?

What I read is the specific demographic of otherwise unspecified homo sapiens who CHOOSE TO PRACTICE the behavior of turning their gun sideways.

IMO,the common denominator would be those who buy into the "culture" that Hollywood portrays and those who take that portrayal seriously.

All sorts of people wear their caps backwards.All sorts of people install big amps and annoying subwoofers in their Hondas. And they aren't playing Charlie Pride.Maybe Eminem.

IMO,there was absolutely no reference to race,and any leap to a racist agenda exists only in the mind of the leaper.

I'm so tired of people walking around with a quickdraw race card...I'm fed up.

A racist is someone who walks through life filtering,examining,and evaluating every social interaction in terms of race.Many Social Justice Warriors ,aware of it or not,actively practice racism every day.
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