The administration's condemnation of Iran...why?

They have begun building oil refineries here in Colorado. They are shale oil refineries. They basically drill a hole down into the rock, and put down a heating element. The oil is drawn to the heat, basically sucking the oil out of the rock. The oil slowly comes out of the hole at a good rate.

Our need of Middle Eastern oil is slowly coming to an end:,1299,DRMN_86_4051709,00.html
Shale oil is not a panacea for energy needs, it is still slow and relatively energy intensive. We could replace all of our imported oil needs in a relatively short time frame and relatively cheaply through electrical generation from nuclear power EXCEPT that it is politically infeasible. Instead we feed overseas dictators that want to destroy us, and spend trillions in the process that could otherwise go to converting our energy production and usage, and we also keep older, less safe, nuclear reactors on-line because we both refuse to build new, safer, reactors and cannot do without the power the current ones generate. The U.S. is too stupid for its own good.
No it is not bullcrap. We need that oil from the Mid East NOW.

We only get about 15% of our total oil from the Middle East. In the grand scheme of things, they could turn off their spigots for us tomorrow, and it wouldn't be fatal to our economy.
Given Irans history of asserting itself as the regional power in the Middle East, and basically crapping on Arabs for the past several hundred years, It would be extremely irresponsible and short sighted to think that having the tools to do so, Iran would choose not to create a nuclear weapon.
There is a very real danger. Do a Google search on "the 13th Imam" or "The hidden Imam"
Iran needs nuclear power because they don't have any oil. And they were only joking about wanting to destroy Israel and the USA.
Just exept the fact that they just are not right! OK? These people went from camel jockies to Jet jockies too fast to learn how to play right with others.

Hell they can't play with each other in the sand box.

Even fuel grade Uranium makes a dandy Dirty bomb! No I would not trust them !!!!!!!!

These folks in charge over there just an't right! Iran has how meny borders? Do they get along with any of them?
This matter is either obvious or incomprehensible, depending on who you are. If it's not obvious to you, just don't worry about it. Leave international relations to somebody else.

More then anything, the big oil bussiness wants control of all the oil in the world. Iran has some as well as the means of moving the oil around the capsian sea into the world markets. They have every intention of freezing out Russia.
Do a google search. There is a wealth of information. One of the reasons for going to war with Afganastan. Not that they have oil but the land between the countries north of them. Why do you think our government put that puppet Karizia in power there.
Yeh, believe the news that told you it was Bin Laden. He's just blowback from Carter and Reagan's war against the USSR in Afganastan. After taht war he and his crew were used in Yugoslavia. Same reason, OIL!
Finding out the truth means not accepting everything the media tells you. Looking at many resourses. It's on the net. Keep an open mind, some of it is pretty farfetched. But most of that is the 'official' report regurged by the mainstream as fact. Not even close.:eek:

Oh, and enriched uranium is for both powerplants and bombs. Depleted uranium is very similar to raw. Both are used by us on armour pierceing bullets . Ie, most ammo in tanks and bunkerbusters use it. On impact the uranium breaks up into fine particles and infects anyone who breaths it into their lungs.
We use it everyday in Iran. The amount of airbourne particles will kill more Arabs then all the bullets. Just takes longer.:mad:
They have every intention of freezing out Russia.


Meanwhile, back on Earth, the Islamic Republic continues its political and economic death spriral. The mullahs may not have much time left, but if they can get the bomb, they can at least go out with a bang.
God is on their side, they have no doubt.

And because of that, I fear what they would do, "knowing" they were in the right.

Now that the genie is out of the bottle, many nations have realised that nuclear weapons are not as difficult to build as everyone thinks. At least crude "Hiroshima" type weapons (atomic bombs) could be built by virtually any major manufacturing firm, IF they have the raw material. And that is the key. Larger thermonuclear devices (H-bombs) are more complex, and require more in the way of engineering and raw materials, but the basic principles are common knowledge nowadays. A really dedicated nation probably could produce even one of these in secret, if they had access to the right materials and people.

You can build a reactor to run on natural Uranium. It is more difficult, but it can be done. Enriched Uranium makes the process alot simpler. There are a couple of nations that can, and do enrich Uranium for customer countries to make fuel to run their reactors. Iran could buy enriched Uranium, to make into fuel, or they could buy fuel rods already constructed. They are not doing this. There is too much international oversight to suit them. Instead they are buying the centrifuges and other machinery needed to "enrich" the Uranium themselves. This is the key element that indicates that they are NOT just interested in nuclear power. The centrifuges and other equipment that is used to enrich natural Uranium is also the machinery needed to concentrate fissile Uranium for use in a weapon. It takes a bit less than 30 pounds to make a Hiroshima size weapon (20 KT). This stuff doesn't even need to go through a reactor. All that has to happen is that the fissile element is extracted from natural Uraniuim ore, and concentrated. The hard part is that fissile Uraniuim is only about .7% in natural Uranium. So it takes alot of natural U to get enough fissile U to make a bomb. Tons must be process to get a few pounds of the stuff that goes boom. And the Iranians have got themselves the equipment to do it with. It is also quite possible they have people with the capability of operating the equipment as well.

So, the have the technology, and apparently they have the will to do it. The problem for the diplomats is that they also have publically stated aims that indicate that they will use the bomb when they get it built. SO, what point do we act? After they turn a city into radioactive waste? Or when we have "proof" that they intend to do so? When they have the capability, they will likely attack Israel, but there is no guarantee.

Sept 11 is proof that Moslem extremists do not target just Israel. A Hiroshima style bomb could be physcially smuggled into any city in the US, a possibility that keeps security people up nights.

and FYI, depleted Uranium is not particularly toxic. it is slightly radioactice, so breathing the dust is not a good idea, but it is excreted by the body, and does not persist in the organs, so there is no real long term exposure. Chemically it is not toxic. Now Plutonium on the other hand is a whole different critter. Radioactive and a heavy metal toxin. And it is a bone seeker, staying in the body for ever without treatment. very bad stuff.
This one is really simple. The Bush administration wishes to expand the conflict into Iran and the Dems lack the stones to oppose them.

The whole argument about Iran arming terrorists with nukes is ludicrous. Nobody is willing to hand over nukes to terrorists, not even the Iranians. #1 The nuclear club is exclusive, #2 They're not about to place themselves in the line of return fire at the behest of a group they can't control. #3 They know that nukes work better as a diplomatic tool than a weapon. If you want to worry about nuclear armed terrorists, worry about Pakistan.
Setting aside the fact that military action against Iran would be illegal and repugnant, it's also staggeringly ill-advised given the current dismal situation on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan.
See? Looks like the Israelis can take care of themselves. Why do we need to stick our noses in there, if Israel is both willing and able to do whatever it takes?

It is the able part that is the question.

The Israelis know that the United States can take out all the nuclear production sites spread out over Iran much more effectively than they ever could. Israel would rather not use their nuclear arsenal for obvious reasons.

Keep in mind that the Iranians have spread out their nuclear production facilities all over their country as well as taking their efforts deep under ground into armored reinforced structures. This is well known public knowledge.

The Israelis would much prefer that the United States completely destroy those sites in a swift coordinated strike using our bunker-busting technology. But if we decide not too, the Israelis will do it themselves as best they can with what they have.

Which likely wont be very well and not at all completely.
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Iran sits on an ocean of oil which can be used to generate electricity fairly cleanly with modern technology and much cheaper than nuclear investments.

That's a really silly point: Iran sits on a rapidly sinking ocean of oil, which will only be available to generate electricity for a couple more decades, and whose value as an export is climbing fast, making nuclear look like a sensible investment. And that's the case whether or not they're really using civilian nuclear power as a cover for building bombs, which I suspect they probably are.

The bottom line is that it really does make sense for the oil exporting countries to be working at this time to build up nuclear power infrastructure. That way they'll be able to export $200 a barrel oil for making plastics from, instead of burning it.