The Actual Guns of Littleton

From what I have seen at Gun shows it is extremely possible that someone sold a handgun and a rifle to someone who was under 21. While it would've been legal to privately transfer the longgun, the transfer of the handgun to the 18 year old would have been illegal.
I agree that the person transfering the weapon should be held accoutantable, if he did nothig to find out the girl's age.
In the past, I have almost always doen as Morgan describes above, recorded the ID info of anyone that I have transferred a weapon to.

If it is true that the weapon came from such a sale, this could be the death toll for private transfers taht the gov't has been waiting for.
When I was in Russia, I was under impression that a man with a gun was almost invincible.
Having got familiar with firearms, I know better.

Lack of knowledge, suspension of belief in reality, knowledge that action might mean death of others (family)...I don't know.

Won't know till I am surprised at 3am and have a few seconds to find out just what they felt. I just hope that we take out more enemies in the process...

Cornered Rat Updated March 20
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."
Incidentally, watching "The Capitol Gang" yesterday, one of the leftist female talking heads, (Wish I could remember her name.) referenced at the end of the show an "NRA" advertisement for the Tec 9, which sounded very much like something the gun control folks dreamed up; Said the ad talked about how good the gun was for "spraying bullets into crowds". Gosh, do you suppose that if a right to life group told her about an ad an abortionist ran that talked about "killing babies", she'd believe THAT, too?
funny how malfunction prone guns never malfuntion when used in the commission of a crime, but always fail when your at the range. is there something criminals know that we don't?

actually its not funny in this case, it more odd and sad. why can't it be the other way around?
This morning on one of the network nes whows (Good mornig america?), the Sheriff's Deputy who was on the school premises indicated that he fired at a suspect who was using the Carbine, the shooter sprayed the deputy's vehicle, but the rifle jammed.. after clearing the jam and inserting a fresh mag, the shooter continued to shoot at the deputy.. he siad he felt "outgunned" and that is why he did not enter the building.

Also, he noted that he thought the shooter "reeled back" from one of his shots..
On the news it was said that the rifle and one shotgun were legally purchased at a gun show by a female 18 year old friend who then gave them to the killers. The girl has been questioned by the sheriff's dept twice and DA hasn't decided to press charges or not. So far they have no idea where the AB-10 came from. No mention of the other shotgun.

Most reports I have seen all day long have indicated that she purchased The Carbine and the ab-10/tec-9 at the gunshow....
I just heard today that the shotguns produced by far the greatest number of injuries and death in this incident. Anyone have any confirmation of this?

Why would this matter? Because the anti-self defense forces want to demonize the tools not the criminals. For example, the crazies at the Violence Policy Center ( ) report "Guns Reportedly Used in Littleton Had Combat-Style Designs ... 'These guns are designed to be anti-personnel weapons, not sporting firearms,' said VPC Director of Federal Policy Kristen Rand. 'These are far more deadly than mere handguns. Their features surely increased the carnage in this tragedy.' ... The Hi-Point 9mm is a relatively new rifle, which features a pistol grip and pistol ammunition. Dealer advertisements for the Hi-Point brag that it is 'the hottest gun since the SKS,' a notorious military-style weapon imported from China and sold in the U.S. for low prices."

So, the Hi-Point is more deadly because it has a pistol grip and uses pistol ammunition? Beam me up Scotty. I feel like Spock searching for a little logic ...

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited April 26, 1999).]