the 700x watchdog thread

funny how people on the net like to tell me what to do because its all they can do, yet im the one thinking outside the box being proactive.

thanks unclenick for (getting the point.)
just by you posting from ohio may help someone in ohio reading this.

and for those that think im just spitting in the wind, i just had a fellow find 2 lbs of it in mo. i will be at his little gun shop on the side of a mountain in pick it up.

spitting in the wind is much more productive than sitting on ones thumb.
im long retired from the military, but leading still comes natural to me. hope it helps others.
hopefully in time, others will get the point of the thread.
the 'chief' has spoken.
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You obviously know what you're doing; but I have experienced shops buying other's stock when they gone out of business or scored a stash from an estate--and then sell it concealing the true origin.
and another thing overlooked doing this not only for myself, but for others.
for instance, im too far from ohio, but someone else here may not be.
join in and be part of the forward thinking crowd guys.
Sorry, I put a vibrator on my Dillon to shake the large 700X flakes down 4 grains at a time to use it up for pistol ammo, since I have about quit shotgunning.

they were constantly changing sub-contracted sources

Right. We read all the time about lot-to-lot variations, but what bothers me is source-to-source variations when powder under the same label this year doesn't even come from the same continent as last year. I have a little H322 in two cans; one from Scotland, one from Australia. Same load gives slightly but discernably different velocity.
but leading still comes natural to me. hope it helps others.
hopefully in time, others will get the point of the thread.
the 'chief' has spoken.

Chief, your service is separate from your posting. I respect those who serve, but they too are human with all our inconsistencies.

Now what kind of an idea it is I will leave to the readers to determine. I don't put it down as leading anything. Hail Mary, Wishful thinking comes to mind.

Best of luck with it but I don't think you have invented the bread slicer.
I just checked my stash--it's like a trip down memory lane--it's coming back to me now when Hyskor powders were "temporarily discontinued" (plant blew up or something like that, can't remember for sure) more than 10 years ago. I freaked out and hit the local stores but all I could find were 800x of which I scored about 4 pounds, but all I have remaining of 700x is a couple of pound jars which looked to have been opened at some point.