the 700x watchdog thread


New member
wasnt sure if this should go in the want ads section, but it seems more people frequent here so here goes.....

i went looking for 700x and found 90% of all the ads on the net are fake, on fake websites, claiming to have it.

in all actuality, 700x is hens teeth and hasnt been made for years.

so.....lets put our minds together and spot some other than websites.

if you see some for sale in a store or lgs.....tell us where!

reason, im in the hampton roads va and s.central mo ozarks area. if i can drive to it, it would be nice.

even if you dont need it, report it here!

i will start.

i need at least 2 pounds. i would like 8.
i would like to find some local.
if you see some....lmk!
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If it is a “beer thing” wait on. BTW, I checked 3-4 favorite sites of mine before answering and found nothing. There is a place in PA….CAC Associates that has come through for me…

I always have a PPA so I’m not in a bind with beer or powder!
reason i ask....whatever it is you like, why not something else!:>

we all have our favorites. and mine is 700x.

cac doesnt even have 700x listed.
anyone else?
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You may need to post WTB ads in local papers and at local clubs in your area; I haven't seen 700X in quite some time
everyones missing the point of the thread.
its for everyone searching for it.
if someone sees it (locally) tell us where you saw it and maybe someone here is close to it.
There is no point to the thread. It is unobtainium. They store it behind the pink unicorn with purple polka dots at the end of the rainbow.
I would rather be reloading and shooting than whine about it.
But, I do have 100 plastic bottles of instant water for sale for $500. They save money on shipping because they ship empty. Just add water!
somewhere out there, there is an old can of 700x stuffed way back on a shelf in some little gun shop somewhere in this big usa.
if anyone sees one, tell us where it is on this thread. someone on this forum close by, may need it.
thanks but...the topic is about finding stashes of new old stock 700x laying around.
ive been loading for over 40 years and know just about every powder out there and its performance. i have 4 homes, a shooting range, and 4 loaders. i travel between them and i carry what i need when needed.
ive been using the kiss theory and enjoy its benefits. im not from the transformer generation where i enjoy having to retool a machine when i change something.
and i also learned being on the internet thats its impossible to just ask something without getting 500 suggestions, all having nothing to do with the first question.
so, i thank you for your concerns and suggestions. you are kind, but no thanks.
been there done that.
its not luck, its called asking good friends, and waiting.

so...minus the nar-de-wells, if anyone sees some, join the club and bless someone.
I don't think you'll find it easily. I have a mostly full old 8 oz can in my basement (IMR label) that I would give you if you were near here. I never used it beyond trying a few rounds and, finding it no better than the 16 lbs of Bullseye I had at the time, didn't have a reason to experiment further.

The reason I think it will take a while is that when I started using QuickLOAD in the '90s, I asked the author why 700X and 800X and some of IMR's SR number powders were not in its powder database. He's a German industry insider who does work for the CIP and the powder and munitions manufacturers across the pond, and he said he excluded the non-rifle IMR powders because they were constantly changing sub-contracted sources, and he didn't trust their properties to be consistent enough from lot-to-lot to be comfortable publishing a fixed model for them. Of course, some powders he did choose to model have changed over time, like Nitro100. That particular one happened because a source ceased to remain available to Accurate, and that, in turn, was because Europe banned some of the constituent materials we use as being carcinogenic, so some of the old formulas can't be had from Europe now at all. I don't know if the #00X powders are in that mix or not, but they could be.

In any case, anything sourced from Europe is currently at a standstill anyway because of the nitrocellulose shortage. Alliant, whose powders are all from offshore, has suspended all orders and is not taking new orders, effectively ceasing production until the situation changes. Any of IMR's overseas stuff will be in the same situation. Until the war in Ukraine ends and the Europeans get time to catch their military stockpiles up, a lot of our old powder standbys will be difficult to get.

I am sympathetic to your plight and hope you can find what you want. Just don't be surprised if another half a decade or more goes by before new production can be had. If that's longer than you can wait, like it or not, exploring alternative powders will become necessary.
I am new to this and have a little over three 8oz cans of the stuff. What pistol caliber is it best to reload with? I am looking to use it up. Can load 38, 357, 9mm, 10mm and 44mag.
This is as Wish In One Hand and Spit in the other and see if it fills up with 700X.

Use up what you got and find another one that works.

They don't make AL-8 anymore either. Love that stuff. Not going to find it.
It's a good flake powder for certain handgun loads--ironically it was typically cheaper than many of the alternatives back in its heyday. I still have a few pounds--even have some 800x which is rarer still. I've been happy to help out people with modest amounts of reloading components when I can; but powder is something I'd have to think about, too much liability for my not being able to vouch for what condition it's in.