The 7 Most Stupidly Overpowered Hunting Weapons

Cracked is a low-brow humor website, and if you take the article for what it is, it's really quite hilarious. Just my kind of humor... Don't take the article to heart- meant for laughs, not to disparage hunters, or hunting.
Fat White Boy said:
There is a reason they use a net on Emu. They have a velociraptor type talon on their feet that can disembowel a human in a heartbeat...

I remember back in the '80s a bunch of local farmers were raising Emu, touting their low cholesterol for eating and their fine leather for boot-making. Some guys were making huge bucks with Emu, then one day the market collapsed and the birds weren't worth their feed.

A rancher isn't going to keep feeding something that is worthless, so the less reputable folks would load them in a trailer, and head for the forest in the dark of night. You'd see tail-lights, the gate would open, the gate would close and someone would be out of the Emu business. In my neck of the woods, this whole market collapse happened in the later weeks of October.

It caused quite a stir in the deer camps. Folks telling tales of big birds wandering past their deer stands. They did give the coyotes something to think about because an Emu is a match for a couple of coyotes, a flock of Emus is a match for a bunch of coyotes.
Cant remember where i saw it, but it was on the net, there is a .600 cali er revolver. It may have been a spoof but thats a big hoss of a hand cannon.
I thought for sure the 500S&W and the cartoon looking revolver that shoots it would be on the list! A snubbie 460S&W should be on that list also.