The 7 Most Stupidly Overpowered Hunting Weapons

Granted, I don't see much point to the T-Rex, other than, "If it can be done, somebody will do it."

The general commentary about the other items comes across mostly
as "Plumb iggerant".

Punt guns were used in the days of market-hunting for ducks and geese. those days are gone, so the punt gun is merely a curiosity, same as da Vinci's "bombards".

Net guns? Mostly used by wildlife agency biologists...
There is a reason they use a net on Emu. They have a velociraptor type talon on their feet that can disembowel a human in a heartbeat...
Not what it's cracked up to be

I had a hard time reading the article without :barf: over the authors snide attitude. There's a line between witty and witless and they couldn't hit it with a punt gun. That being said, the shadow blind looks awesome! The clips of the fragmenting bullets in action was also impressive.

Is it just me or do anti-gun folks all think everything about firearms or hunting relates to the male anatomy? :rolleyes:

**Paging Dr. Freud.**
I think this site is Cracked magazine online. I remember Cracked magazine as an edgier version of Mad. I wouldnt put much energy into this article folks. :)
I think the punt gun missed one of the clays. Its not so bad afterall. My girlfriends great grandfather whom is in a duck hunting museum in maryland used these punt guns and some of his guns are on display in the building. Her mom also has an OOOLD 4gauge single shot shotgun thats about 6 feet long that he used after thay banned the punt guns. Pretty cool!!!
I was actually thinking about loading up some of those Varmint Grenades someday when I need to reload my .22-250 brass. We're going to just leave them in the field, so why not just spread them across the field? A little barbaric? Sure.
Barnes Varmint Grenades

These projectiles are pretty cool. In 22-250 the 36 gr. shot great--accuracy was outstanding. But they weren't exactly grenades. Maybe the prairie dogs were just tough. :D I shot one from behind at a couple hundred yards. Knocked him a$$ over tobacco box. Next thing, it was standing facing me, and there was a red blotch on its chest maybe an inch in diameter. Took a minute or so for it to go down. A V-max or Blitzking just blows them to pieces with a hit like that.

Use the 30 gr in 22 hornet. Different deal altogether. They don't exactly blow'em up but it rips'em pretty good---very lethal---disembowles the critters. And they are really accurate and work in my CZ really good.
Judging from the clothing - the .577 was being shot in the Persian/Arabian Gulf region --- possibly the UAE, since there's so many gringos shooting, as well.

Not surprised. When I visited the UAE hunting exhibition - they had firearms that were all over the power spectrum. In the Gulf region - bigger is almost certainly better.
That's Sheik Hamad of Dubai's personal underground range. United Arab Emirates. I've shot there a few times.


Barrel: 16 3/4"
Length Unfolded: 42.5"
Length Folded: 33.5"
Weight Unloaded w/out Optics: 26lbs
Weight Loaded w/ Optics: 30lbs
Muzzle Brake: Armalite AR-50
Magazine Capacity: 5 Rounds
We had to use a net gun to catch a couple endangered Mexican wolves to give them their vaccines when I worked at the wolf refuge center. It's a blast.
If the author that wrote that section spent half as much time actually hunting as what he did writing that post, he'd be to busy harvesting and cleaning his kill than crying about other peoples toys. Just my opinion.
Hey they forgot about that .950 JDJ or whatever it is, has like 200lbs of recoil or something crazy like that. Don't really see the purpose on all that but who WOULD'NT want to at least shoot a big bore English double rifle???
Many people like the author can be blamed on the school system, they are told they are smart and witty so as not to hurt their feelings when in fact it some times does a person good to be told that they are not good at something and would be perceived by most of society as stupid of they persist.