Each to his own...but my love affair with the .44 Special started after reading Keith's Sixguns in my 20's. I knew then that I couldn't afford a M-24 Smith or one of the Colt SSA's so it was just an idle pipe dream.
In the 70's, Skelton started writing about conversions, using .357 Smiths as a starting point...and I had a Highway Patrolman with a 4" tube that would qualify. I contacted one of the gunsmiths doing that sort of work then who responded by saying that he could do it, that it was more expense than I could afford, and that he wouldn't guarantee the accuracy of the resultant product. I had the loot to afford it at the time, but his comments put me off, and I didn't follow through.
So when Smith offered the re-introduction of the M-24 in the 80's, I jumped on the first one I found...a 6" model that I lost in a pistol vs rifle match...yep...never bet a hand gun against a rifle!!! And the proud winner was my 13 yo son, who was deadly with his Marlin M-39 at most any distance you care to shoot. He's still got the Smith, shoots it a moderate amount, and half a dozen Christmas' ago, he presented me with it's twin...another 6"er...with the admonition...don't bet a hand gun....yada yada yada.
Since then, I've acquired both the 4-5/8" and 5-1/2" barreled Lipsey's to fill out my stable. But the all time favorite is the 4-5/8" model...short enough to pack in my rear pocket, with more than enough smack for anything in the Kentucky woods, and a tack driver if I'm having a good "eyes" day. All I could ask for in a gun and caliber.
My favorite load: Lyman's 220 gr LSWC #429215 gc sized .430 and cast from WW, over 6.5 gr of Win 231 or HP-38. Skelton's load of 7.5 gr of Unique with that same bullet or any quality 240 gr LSWC is equally good. These are sub 2" grouping loads in any of my guns
Regards, Rodfac