The 32 family.


New member
I've been tossing the idea of buy a ruger lcr in 327 magnum and a keltec p32. The 32 caliber has peaked my interest lately. I really like the idea of being able to shoot such a wide variety of ammo with a 327 magnum. From what I've read you can really get some mild recoiling rounds in 32, or you can crank up the heat. I was also thinking of taking up reloading soon. It looks like a nice round to reload, so tell me about your 32s. 32 short, 32 long, 32 h&r magnum, 327 magnum. And 32 acp. Do you like them, and how do they shoot?
I have carried a Keltec P32 since before they were available to the general public. My wife carries one, my daughter carries one. We have 2 spares.
I have the Ruger LCR in 327 mag and also in 357 magnum.

So far, I have shot 32 S&W Long rn, 32 H&R mag mostly in Hornady Critical Defense, and some Gold Dot 327 100gr.

the 32 Longs are very mild and and very accurate. The 32 H&R is milder to me (subjective) in recoil than 38 target loads and also an accurate round. The 327 certainly has more power and bark that reminds me of a 38 plus p in an airweight Smith.

I am wanting to try some Double Tap 327 75 gr sometime in the future as well as their 32 H&R load.

the 32 H&R in Critical Defense is now my main carry load as I have retired the LCR 357/38 from carry. I appreciate the six round capacity and the reduced recoil the 32 H&R offers. Even with the boot grip on the LCR, control is easy as the recoil is so manageable.

At my age, I have a new deep appreciation for the 32. I am shooting more now instead of less.
I have been carrying an LCRX .327 for about a year. I am very happy with it. I load it with .32 H&R mag for carry and practice with .32 S&W long. It usually goes in my pants pocket, but I have a belt holster for it, too, and I'm slowly getting more comfortable with carrying it like that. I like the .32x enough that I added a Single Seven birdshead. The heavier Single Seven is much more comfortable to shoot with .327 ammo, although I mostly run the .32 S&W long because it's cheaper. I want Ruger to make a 3" LCRX in .327. I keep talking myself out of buying a 3" SP101 in .327, but I might not be able to resist the urge much longer.

I also have a Beretta 3032. Twice as heavy as the Kel-Tec, but similar in size. It goes in my pocket on the rare occasion that the LCRX doesn't fit my clothes. Nothing against Kel_Tec - just bought the Beretta 20 years ago and don't see a need to replace it. The weight doesn't bother me. I do agree that .32 acp is a fine caliber for a small pistol.

Check out the posts at Lucky Gunner Lounge for ideas about ammo for both guns.
It can be hard to reload the smallest, lowest pressure .32's, like the .32 S&W because they require charges so small it can be a challenge to dispense powder for them accurately enough. But 32 S&W Long and up are economical to load for (small charges of powder and relatively light bullets that don't cost as much as those for the larger calibers) and that makes them attractive to load for, IMHO.
I have three 32 longs and three 32 mags. I never wanted a 327 because I rarely ever shoot full power 32 mags. But if I bought a 327 it would be in a gun that would use the potential of the round more. Like the 7.5" barreled Single Seven. I would think you would get an ear full of 327 pretty fast from a snubby. Besides if I wanted more power I have 38s and 357s to use in snubbies.

But I really like the 32 mags loaded to around 1100fps like the original 32 mags were loaded. They will do everything i want a 32 caliber gun to do. And I have a S&W model 431PD snub in 32 mag. Thats how I know about the blast from such a short barrel. Its a very nice gun and I'm glad I have it.

My other two 32 mags are Ruger single sixes with 5.5" barrels. Those are my favorite trail guns. Light 32 longs feel like shooting a 22 and full power loads will get just over 1300fps with an 85gr Hornady hollow point. 1200fps with a 100gr Hornady HP.

I am all for anyone who wants a 32 caliber gun. But plan on reloading for it. Its fun to load for and even more fun if you cast your own bullets.
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I too have recently become interested in .32 caliber. I bought a .32 S&W Long target pistol a year or so ago and found myself hooked. My plans are getting a cheap but serviceable revolver such as the Charter Arms Undercoverette in .32 H&R so I can shoot .32 short, long and magnum in one handgun, but first a Gen 2 Kel Tec P32 for deep concealment. Problem is, the Kel Tec hasn't been available new for months. I guess they only manufacture a run of P32 once a year.
I just got a (new to me) blued Bisley Ruger Single Six with a 6.5" barrel. No box or papers but I have to wonder if this hasn't seen a pistol smith before it was put in the safe. It's as good as factory new but the trigger is outstanding and the fit is awesome with very tight cylinder gap. About all I might do to it eventually is put in an oversize Belt Mountain base pin someday to tighten the cylinder even more and dress it up.

Being a Ruger, this .32 H&R Magnum has been pushed by others past factory loads by many others. We don't talk about that here but

I have some experience with supersonic handgun loads and I do not care for the CRACK of the report nor need banjo string trajectory.

The reason I am so pleased with this find is that the Single Sevens had been pulling at my heartstrings but was afraid I would be disappointed. Getting a chance to see this... I have high hopes! Bisley grips??? I HAD to have it!

As for lighter loads- the only problem I have is Unique doesn't meter all that well and I have to be careful to weigh often but then I use a single stage press.

32 S&W Long pretty much means "100 grain wad cutters going 700 fps" or "98 grain Semi Wadcutters" going 750fps and you don't shoot JHPs because we are plinking or target shooting and why? 231 is one powder you could use and you'll be throwing about 1.9 grains which is indeed tiny. I might be tempted to use Lee Dippers in a bowl of powder instead of my powder measure. I think those are a bit too popgun, even for me. Think of powder in the 3ish grain weights and up

Moving up to 32 H&R magnum... we can take these 100 grain cast and hollow points up to nearly supersonic. 850 fps is a nice speed for cast and with a magnum powder, something I might shoot a small deer with in the right circumstance could be done. I would use my .44 for deer hunting- it's still hard enough with a hand gun.

327... well, I don't like supersonic loads. It's just nice to know that whatever "ruger only" 32 H&R load you put in it, it's fine.

I have a lot on my mind about what is popular in the gun industry vs what I enjoy. .32 is a fine caliber. It's bigger than a .22 and I like that it can be hand loaded.

I hope to get to the range soon. I have a couple boxes of ammo loaded up and I will get back to you boys with some results.
It can be hard to reload the smallest, lowest pressure .32's, like the .32 S&W because they require charges so small it can be a challenge to dispense powder for them accurately enough.
That's when you reach for your handy dandy Lee dipper set!

They work like a champ for small charges.
I like my 32's a lot...

KT P32, PP clone, Mauser 1914, an oddball Taurus PT132, Beretta 81, very cool Beretta Model 100...

Single Six in 32 H&R, old NEF in the same, CA Undercoverette, Ruger SP101 4.2", and S&W Hand Ejector...

I got interested in them because my wife can't tolerate recoil and my daughter got interested in shooting at a young age. I stayed interested because they're fun.

32acp - not much recoil to speak of, fun to shoot

32 S&W long - not much more recoil than a 22, very accurate, can't imagine why anyone would carry a 22 instead for SD

32 H&R - not a lot more recoil that the longs, "should" be more popular than it is, imho: a decently performing SD cartridge without much recoil that operates in a simple revolver

327 - has some snap and noise to it, but doesn't kick like a 357

The Single Six has a 6.5" barrel and makes it seem like I know how to shoot.

The PP "clone" (from FEG in Hungary) has a very nice balance and is easy and entertaining to shoot.

I don't personally use 32acp or S&W long as SD cartridges, but I am comfortable with 32 H&R and 327 in that role.
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In semi-automatics I seem to have more 32acps than 9mmParabellum and 9mm Kurz combined. Only one 32 revolver left though and it's an old H&R 732 from the late '60s.
I too am a fan of the 32cal rounds and also reload for the 32Long and. 32H&R. I have a few S&W & Rugers in these calibers and love shooting them. I like making SWC reloads for the 32L, they are tack drivers and provide a pleasant shooting time for people of all ages. I found the joy of the 32cal during one of the ammo hording panics (a friend had a nice little 32 we went and shot) and I consider it my reloadable 22. I even carry it around the neighborhood when walking the dog. I would love to add a LCRX in 32 but haven't found a nice used one yet.
I have a Ruger SP101 in .327 and handload for it. I load wadcutters on the low end, 32H&R for medium and I am working on safe, hot loads for it that equate the factory loads. I load everything in .327 brass.
The .327 is a very versatile cartridge that spans, in the loads I've mentioned, 120-500 ft-lbs in one gun.
I will agree with an earlier post that there should be more 32H&R guns and ammo available, it seems like nearly the perfect balance of power and fun.
My carry piece is a Keltec P32. With a Blackhawk or Sticky pocket holster it disappears into pretty much any pocket - pants, inside sports jacket pocket, coat, or medium weight windbreaker. I also have the LCRX and 732 revolvers, but I don't carry them because of weight compared to the P32.
It's an underappreciated caliber. 9mm is great an all in a larger pistol, but for the super small carry piece the .32 excels and even in a medium size gun like the Beretta 81 it's hard to beat.

I wish the ammo manufacturers would put as much effort into improving .32 ACP ammo like they did .380.
The LCR 327 is my EDC. It's reliable and as others have said, the stock trigger is comparably excellent. I especially like that it's a pocketable six-shooter. I load mine with 85-grain Hydra-Shoks. Felt recoil is indistinguishable from mid-weight .38+p as fired from the original LCR. The effect on water jugs, old canned goods, spoiled fruit, etc.; is more dramatic. :)

In the LCR, some of the heavier .327 loads start getting obnoxious like .357 magnum. So I save those for longer barrels. I've fired various factory ammo in .32 H&R Magnum. Using the above comparison, felt recoil and results on various media are similar enough to standard-pressure .38 special. They should be okay for self defense but I prefer the lighter loads in .327 Federal.

I've tried .32 S&W Long. It's okay. Recoil is very mild. I get unburnt powder from the 98-grain Magtechs. It's nice that you could use them in a pinch but I wouldn't do it on purpose. The same could be said for the shorter .32 S&W. I actually haven't tried .32 acp despite having it on hand.
Seems like most responses have centered on CC use for a .32 of whatever persuasion....I'll take a different tact...carry as a trail/hiking round.

I have four .32's at present: a pair of Ruger Single Sixes in .32 Magnum (H&R), a Smith & Wesson 16-4 in the same .32 H&R, and a Colt Police Positive in .32 Long. All are fun to shoot with recoil that's little more aggressive than a .22 LR. And all are wonderfully accurate.

I load for them all as factory ammunition is expensive as hell...and also cast my own bullets from Wheel Weights, saving on expense, that makes these guns cheaper to shoot than .22 LR. On average, using Bullseye in a mid-range load, powder comes to 7/10 cents per shot...figuring primers at $35 per thousand the last time I bought them, I'm getting good reloads for 4.2 cents per shot....granted I've accumulated the dies, presses, molds et. al. over the past 50 years so that cost is long gone..but still it's remarkably cheap shooting.

As to use, at 20oz. loaded, the Colt is a fine choice for walking the dog out along the local trails on our farm, as are the pair of Rugers, at a slight increase in weight. The Smith is a 4 incher but with that ridiculous under-bbl. lug that they cursed the gun with and only add's unnecessary weight to an other wise outstanding K frame.

For accuracy, all four do well, with the pair of Rugers and the Smith able to keep a cylinder-full well inside 2" at 25 yds from a rest, and the Colt, despite its hog wallow rear and finger nail front sights, does as well from the 15 yd line.

All are fun, cheap to shoot, and have plenty of smack if you need it for close in work on skunks, porcupines, or suicidal coyotes. They're great guns in two fine calibers, but like Unclenick says, loading those small powder charges, not to mention the skinny cases, can be challenging with arthritic fingers and a powder dispenser more designed for bigger charge loads.

1st Pic of the Colt Police Positive. 2nd Pic of the Rugers.

YMMv, best regards, Rod

I’ve got an SP101 (3”), and a GP100 (4”) in .327 Federal.

The SP101 is my daily carry, loaded with .327.

I practice with the SP101 and .327 ammo, but, all of my other shooting, with both revolvers, is with .32 H&R and .32 S&W.

I also have an RG30, in .32 S&W, but not sure if that actually counts as a real gun sometimes.
Pay attention to Unclenick's post. I load for 32 Auto up through 327 Federal Mag, and many powder measures won't let you dispense sufficiently little powder for the 32 Auto if you use quick powders like Clays or Accurate No.2.

Everyone says you can fire even 32 Auto from the 327 LCR, so that's interesting. Note that you CANNOT reliably fire 32 Auto from the SP101.

I really like the 32s. I hope you will, too!