The 3 Percenter

As a kid - hadn't thought about it... But I do remember once getting into a scrap with a friend from down the block - started chucking rocks and insults at each other. Made me mad so I rushed him and got a handfull of gravel flung in my face at close range so hard it knocked a tooth out. I bent, picked up the tooth, and grabbed by friend around the neck in a bear hug - telling him thanks for getting the troublesome tooth out for me - I'd been working on it for days...

That count? :D
I have had some interesting experinces, while young and not on drugs, and older and not on drugs, that may suggest that i could have some traits of a "3%'r. The oft mentioned kick, knee strike to the groin makes me mad, even if after it happens to do damage. Have gotten the deadly throat strike, that is supposed to kill someone, that made me not able to talk for 20 minutes. Worked for and waited to see a Dr. for about 6 hrs after breaking my back, but the fact that I was in decent shape, made it so it was a stable break. Just wondered how to actually tell if you were or weren't, or are there people who are born this way, or grow into it, or if chemicals induce it.

PS I am wondering if you can just "train" yourself into it. We used to just play very rough as kids. Tackle football with no pads, at full speed, a game clled "chicken" where a kid rode on you "piggyback", and you had around 5 to twenty teams. The object of the game was to crash in to each other, and make the person who was on piggyback, touch the ground, and the team was out, and the last team standing won. We also played a gmae with a football. where the person with the ball was chased, and tackled, or whatever, the object was to obtain the ball. There was no winner, the game went on for a long time. We also played "ice bowl" versions of each game in the winter. It always seemed to rain with a layer of snow on the ground, we always managed to get a rogh game of some sort started. Fights, were not looked down upon like they are today, it was just something that happened.
3 percent

I wonder how accurate that stat is.

Comment: Probably irrelevant. You are dealing only with the situation you face.

If so, what did you do?

Comment: Tactics is the application of the fundamentals to the situation at hand. Your own human biomechanics don't change and, when you reflect upon it, your options don't really change either.

Let me give you some examples.

In an abstract situation, some one is trying to hurt you. Unless that person has a gun, bow and arrow, or a rock, he must get within grappling distance to hurt you. Doesn't matter whether the adversary is a 3 percenter or not. Unless you are LEO, there probably isn't any reason that you have to come in physical contact and subdue (read arrest).

If your abstract situation is one in which you cannot retreat, you have decided that you must resist. Do your options really change?

How do you deal with a person on "dust"? The only thing that "works" is a butterfly net.

How do you deal with a person who is a 3 percenter who has a broken leg and is still coming at you? Either you break the other leg or move faster than a person with a broken leg.

When I say human biomechanics don't change, I mean it. With equal skills, a 5 foot tall woman with a knife will beat a 6 foot man with a knife. The smaller person has an advantage in a knife fight. Similarly, the same movement you make to avoid a knife thrust by a 3 percenter is the same movement you make to avoid a knife thrust by some one who is not a 3 percenter.
I think that most people are using the term 3 percenter, to mean berserker, unnaturally tough, or strong person. Not maybe the actual percent, out there.

Either you break the other leg or move faster than a person with a broken leg.

If you can diagnose someone with a broken bone without x-rays, that is amazing. T Owens, broke a bone in his ankle, and was hobbling around, and looked to be trying to "walk off" the injury. He did not know it was broken. A 3%'er I am assuming will not show any affects, of the injury.

Unless you are LEO, there probably isn't any reason that you have to come in physical contact and subdue (read arrest).

I am not le, but I can move fast for only about 10 to 15ft. I am going to be forced to go hand to hand.

It depends on many factors the force you can use to subdue a person. Just displaying a handgun is considered a crime in some places.

With equal skills, a 5 foot tall woman with a knife will beat a 6 foot man with a knife. The smaller person has an advantage in a knife fight.

I'll take the reach advantage.