The $200 'Machine Gun Tax' of 1934

Proper terminology, Gentlemen....

Especially here in the NFA forum!
I went online and purchased 3 new assault rifles just minutes after Obama gave his speech. It was the best $4000 I've spent in a long time.

I seriously doubt you were able to purchace 3 assault rifles for a mere $4000!
Assault rifles (using the correct definition) are machine guns under US law (because they are select fire). And finding any single civilian transferable machinegun for $4000 is a tall order these days.

The semi auto military style rifles demonized by the antis and banned/restricted by the 94 AWB are called assault weapons in the laws pertaining to them. The 94 Assault Weapons Ban did not ban or restrict a single assault rifle, it only applied to semi auto firearms.

What never heard of the black market.

Yes, we have all heard of it. But please be reminded that advocating any illegal activity is a violation of forum rules. Disagreeing with existing law and advocating change to existing law is allowed, even sometimes encouraged, but advocating or encouraging actions which break existing laws are not.
You’re nuts if your getting a machinegun for investment purposes, it only take a stroke of a pen to make it worth 0 to anyone but you. Laws could change (both state and federal) that would not allow you to transfer the gun, they could raise the tax to couple thousand. It really isn’t worth it and has been beat to death on some of the machinegun boards.

he's already lost %50 on his stocks
the dollar itself is dropping in value still
the government has confiscated peoples precious metals and has made statements to the effect that the possibility of doing it again is still on the table

in this day and age... a gun is just as worthy of an investment as anything else....

and if you really think an outlawed gun would be worthless, you obviously dont understand the finer intricacies of supply and demand ;)

molon labe anyone?
Ever hear of "Club Fed"? Dealing NFA in the black market is 1st Class ticket to the hooskow.
Have you heard of the profits? There are people I went to high school with who make more in a month than I make in a year. (I don't associate with them, but you hear things through the grapevine.) Tax free no less.

Banning guns is the quickest way to start having shipping containers full of AKs smuggled into the US.
I seriously doubt you were able to purchace 3 assault rifles for a mere $4000!
Assault rifles (using the correct definition) are machine guns under US law (because they are select fire). And finding any single civilian transferable machinegun for $4000 is a tall order these days.

44 AMP, you are right. These are not the true "assault rifles" as pertained to this NFA Gun and Gear forum. I was merely referring to the assault rifles that the AWB had considered and probably any future bans that might be in play.

I purchased another AR15 M4 carbine, an AR15 M4 carbine parts kit, FN FS2000, and an AK.
Deliberate obfuscation by the antis

The problem is that since 1944 when the German Army got Hitler's approval to use the MP44, Hitler renamed it the "Sturmgewehr" and the common English translation for that is "assault rifle" It could also be validly translated as "Storm Rifle". Soldiers "assault" or "storm" an objective, and so the rifle is aptly named. The US Army and the firearms community adopted the term to describe all rifles of the type, and it has been in use for over half a century.

The proper definition includes the words "selective fire", along with the other features common to this type of weapon.

When the anti gunners began demonizing military look alike rifles following the Stockton Ca. schoolyard shooting, many knowledgeable individuals point out to them that the rifle used was not an assault rifle, and wasted a lot of their breath explaining the difference. They didn't care. In order not to be accused of "lying", they started using the cumbersome term "semiautomatic assault rifle", knowing full well that this term would soon be dropped by newscasters who were more interested in a good sound byte than in being accurate. Semiautomatic assault rifle became "assault weapon" when they included certain handguns (those resembling SMGs), and this was the language that was adopted (verbatim) by legislators in Fed and state service when they proposed (and passed) legislation back in 94.

Assault Weapon is a totally made up term, one never used in the firearms community. Online dictionaries and later even print ones included the terms, with inaccurate definitions. Protest to the editors recieved the same response, that the dictionaries reflect the definition of the word, in popular usage.

The antis scored a major coup, by deliberatly using a misleading term, rather than the intellectually honest one in use by the military and firearms communities. Even today, a great many shooters use the terms assault rifle and assault weapon incorrectly, referring to semi auto rifles.

It is in our best interests, as public representatives of the firearms community (and don't think for a moment that this board isn't public) to ensure we use only the correct proper terms, and not the language of the enemies of freedom.
It's too bad that they are going after the AR-15s because it's THE most versatile gun in existance. By just swapping out the upper receiver you can change it over to about 15 different calibers including big bore large game stopping calibers. All they ever focus on is the .223 which they claim is only good for shooting 'people'. Yes, this is what the round was designed for, but the availablilty of other calibers in this platform is what gives the AR-15 it's appeal. Load it up with some .458 Socom and it's well suited for deer, elk, or grizzlies!