

New member

This is just a note of thanks to those of you who have been posting threads concerning the issue of gun control on the Rosie O’Donnell message board. I am not a gun owner and have been perplexed by the whole issue of gun safety for my children. I wasn’t sure where to begin with that one. I am embarrassed to admit that even though I grew up in a house with air rifles, pellet guns, and hunting rifles, the extent of my “gun safety” was a word of advice from my father “don’t point that at somebody.” I want more than that for my own children. Because we choose not to have firearms in our household, I find it very important that they learn more than I was ever taught, should they encounter guns at the homes of their friends or our extended family.

I read about “Eddie Eagle” sponsored and funded by the NRA in the Operation Exile report. Is this project only offered in schools as part of those types of programs, or is there someone I can contact to have them come to my son’s preschool/school? Or could I get the parent’s guide on my own? Also, is “SAFETYON” a software program offered on CD ROM?

I want my son to be able to tell the difference between a toy gun and a real gun. I think if he could hold a real one and a cap gun in his hands, he would be able to tell the difference between the two. I would like to find someone to demonstrate the true power of a weapon to him so that he could see the effects up close and personal (which is difficult to see on television). I believe that someone on the Rosie O’Donnell message board (for some reason, I am assuming that it is one of you, please forgive me if I am incorrect) mentioned that they fired a gun into a large metal bucket of water to demonstrate the effects of a fired weapon to their firearms students. I believe that would be a powerful image for him to witness. Where can I find a professional to do this for him? Should I contact a hunting goods store or the local police department, or would either be able to point me in the right direction? I imagine that you are probably surprised that someone who doesn’t even own a gun would have this much interest in seeking gun education. What would surprise you even more is that there are a whole lot more of me out there than you think. Do any of you have any answers to any of the questions above? I would really appreciate any information or suggestions you may have. I will check here again soon!

Concerning the Rosie O’Donnell web site... I am afraid that you have been mislead. The message board you have been posting on is not devoted to the Denver shooting. Instead, it is simply a generic message board. There is a Littleton Shooting Message Board hyperlink in the top left corner about all the thread titles that lead to an entirely different message board, which may be what you are looking for. I have not been posting any responses to many of the gun threads for several reasons (but don’t think I haven’t been reading them). When I do go to the Rosie message boards I just want to enjoy half an hour of light hearted fun (goofing off mostly). Just because I’m not responding to the thread, doesn’t mean I have my head in the sand. I have however thoroughly enjoyed the discussions between many of you and a few of the regulars on the Rosie board. I have found the information exchanged between you very useful and very intelligent. I have become certainly more aware of my own position by listening to all of you... and I thank you for that.

It’s amazing that if Rosie had not reacted so strongly that first day after the shooting, you guys wouldn’t have posted on the Rosie site, and I wouldn’t be having this discussion with you right now. I guess one person really can make a difference. I know that this is probably not at all what you had in mind when you began posting there, but this is something that came out of it. Thanks again.

P.S. If I have any more questions, is there a specific place on this message board I should put it?
Hiya G&R..

Actually we are glad that the firearms and 2nd Amendment rights dialog on Rosie's board sparked your interest. You are welcome anytime.
As for specific places to post, just post in the particular forum your question most applies: your present post is perfect right here, any legal/political over in that forum, rifles in Rifles, etc.

As for your questions:
I'd contact one of your local hunting/gun shops, and ask what you asked us about a demo...they may do it or refer you to your local gun safty instructor. Unless you live in a rural area, I doubt if the police would give you a demo

Safety: this link is to the NRA website, and there is specific info about the Eddie Eagle program

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Dear Gunz-n-Rosie, Welcome! Their are many here that can help to answer your questions.
Stay and learn!
Hank Lampe
Thank you so much for your replies. I really appreciate it. I will certainly look it up the safety information on the nra web site.

Since some of you are evidently online right now... I have another question. To what exactly are people referring to when they say "gun control?" Is that referring to laws and regulations placed on weapons, or is it a phrase used to describe the elimination of all privately owned firearms? Also, when you refer to "anti-gun" does that describe someone who wants all firearms banned or someone who does not own a weapon?

1) Most people believe and generally refer to "gun control" as the various laws regulating purchase and possession. Many, if not most, firearms owners believe gun control is the process in the ultimate banning of all privately owned guns

2) Anti-gun refers to those who want guns banned.
You might wish to look at my website
There is lots and lots of info. Hope this helps

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

(love the name)..

Thanks for following my link to TFL, I hope you'll become a regular visitor.

You can learn quite a lot about guns here, but there is no replacment for a good hands on safety course. For that, contact the NRA.

The SafetyON Software is great for peopleat all levels, it stresses the basics of gun saftey, and also introduces you to basic concepts about firearms, ammunition and the shooting sports. yes, it is a CD rom, for MAc and PC.

Learn more at about it at


Welcome! Great to hear from you on this forum.

You are obviously a level headed, concerned parent who chooses not to own a firearm but doesn't necessarily feel that nobody should. I am impressed with your desire to get some training for your children and believe you are on the right track.

The NRA trains and certifies safety instructors all over the country. Most, if not all, of these instructors have agreed to teach NRA safety classes (like Eddie the Eagle) as volunteers. I am a certified instructor myself and I don't know of any that wouldn't be delighted to teach children about gun safety. I wish all parents and teachers felt the way you do. I have volunteered to teach at local schools free for the past two years and not a single school has asked me to come.

Gunz-n-Rosie, What a great username! Welcome. I hope you find the information you seek,it may take a little work. There are few things that could be more important to teach a child.
As for you, have you given any thought to re-introducing yourself to the world of shooting? I don't feel I'm qualified to teach a child anything about firearms but I would be glad to take a responsible sounding adult such as yourself to one of the local ranges. If you're interested drop me an email, click on one of the symbols above each post.

Just a side note: I spent an hour or so on the Rosie board this afternoon. It blew my mind what I saw, regular Rosie posters were actualy apologizing for having agreed with Rosie after reading the pro RKBA posts. They had seen the light. For anyone who didn't know what was going on at the Rosie board, it was flooded with pro-RKBA posters as soon as she made her "anyone who owns guns should be in jail" comment. This new member isn't the only friend we made.

[This message has been edited by walkin' man (edited May 04, 1999).]

It's a pleasure to have you on the board!

Feel free, as you have done, to ask anything you'd like about guns, gun safety, and pending and past legislation concerning gun ownership and uses.

I believe you will find all types here, from all walks of life.

Where are you from? There may be a member of the forum here near you that could direct you to a dealer or shooting club, or even instruct you themself, if you are willing.

Many of us have children (I have 3) and have learned effective methods of teaching our children about this inherited right and responsibility.

You will find that many are well versed in legitimate Constitutional Law, and will field any questions you have about that historic and valid document.

Feel free to express your disagreements. Of all the boards that I have frequented, this one has, by far, the least flame wars that I have seen. That is to say that there is not much name calling here, and if it does occur, it is quickly squelched.

If you feel overwhelmed by the information you receive, you are not alone. I felt this way when I first started my education in this field. Just take what you can at your pace.



"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
Actually, I am not a gentleman... I am a mom. At the risk of sounding sexist, women are more likely to respond to situations first with emotion... gather information... form an opinion... and then take a serious stand (maybe that's how MADD got started). Not all women react that way... and heck, I know some men who do. I never responded positively or negatively to any of the threads. It doesn't suprise me that some of them apologized to you. They actually are extremely nice and polite. I for one was not sure what I thought about what Rosie said that first day. I was still in shock from the whole incident and am embarrassed to say that I did not take it in word for word. Although none of you probably watch Rosie, I have come to respect her for her caring heart. That doesn't mean that I agree with everything she says.

I thought you might get a kick out of my user name... just as I got a laugh out of some of yours: freedom, ranger (I know it's you HankL!), livefree, etc. Your names made it easier for me to find your threads.

I really appreciate the friendly reception I have been getting. I am enjoying this discussion very much.

Me too, Mom I mean....he'll be 1 yr old on the 19th. :)

OK guys, relax...this won't be a protracted "Rosie" moment ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Mike: they may not have taken you up on the gun safety offer because they thought it was too controversial. I am certainly going to seek out some information on my own. It may be a lost cause for me as well, but I won't know if I don't try. If it doesn't work going through the school... I'm going to go through my mother's group at the church... if that doesn't work, I'll get together with some of my friends as a group... and if all else fails I will try to find a way one on one with a professional. I think a lot of people think they don't need it because they don't own firearms. It did not occur to me either at first because I associated "gun safety" only with "how to shoot a gun safely" instead of "how to treat firearms with respect." In the meantime, until I can find what I need, I am going to use the "stop, drop, and roll" version of what I found on the Operation Exile file: stop, don't touch, get a grown up. My oldest is only 4. He's a bit young to fully understand a lot of what I am trying to teach him... but he's old enough to accidentally shoot himself if I don't start teaching him something now. I asked him today "what would you do if you were at a friend's house and he found a gun in his mommy and daddy's room and pulled it out onto the bed." His answer was so innocent. "I'd tell him, don't touch bad guns, use water guns." I wish it were that simple. I am constantly correcting him whenever he calls real guns "bad guns" (as opposed to water guns). I have been telling him "Those aren't bad guns. They are real guns. They can be very dangerous guns. But they are not bad guns." Do you think I am even heading in the right direction with all this?
Wow--I'm impressed. Maybe Rosie's viewers are quite a bit more diverse than I thought. Good to know she doesn't have the kind of stranglehold on your mind that Oprah often seems to have--I estimate another 2 years at most before Oprah will have a force of brainwashed, kamikaze zombies capable of defeating both the standing army and the citizen militia together.

GNR, you might do well to post your state or area and see if any nearby forumites respond (just don't put your address and phone out there for everybody to see.) I enjoy shooting but with college haven't been able to do it in forever--until a forumite who grew up in my college's town emailed me out of the blue and told me about a range in his current town which isn't far away. Now he, I, his wife and my fiancee are going shooting this weekend. Forumites love to help out.
Sounds like you are doing great to me, G&R...

please head to our SEarch engine and look for some threads about "kids" "children" and "safety" I think some of the discussions could really give you some interesting insight.

(3 kids here..)
Thanks, Rob. I will use the search engine to look those things up. I added my city and state to my profile. Is that what you were talking about DC?
Thank you dear lady for proving that not all people who don't own a gun are anti-gun. I commend you on the good sense you have shown. By all means, research, learn, ask questions and then decide for yourself.

I suggest you check your phone book to see if there is a local shooting range or gun club. Shooters are very friendly people and I'm sure you can find someone there to help you.

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited May 04, 1999).]
Grayfox: Actually, most of the people I know do not own guns (with the exception of my dad and brother). None of them are anti-gun. However, they are all anti-violence. Some people think those are the same things.
Well, sort of :)...having grown up in a rural area and also lived in some big cities, I've found that rural police are a lot more helpful and friendly when a citizen has firearm questions.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

You have the basics of the Eddie the Eagle program already. Just add "leave the area"... Eddie says "Stop! Don't touch! Leave the area and tell an adult."

Too many times children try to stick around and convince a friend to leave a gun alone. They have to learn to get away from the situation and tell an adult RIGHT NOW! It may be a little much for a four-year-old but worth trying.

I like the way you are teaching about the difference between "real" and "bad". This could lead to a child that someday understands personal responsibility. Guns (electrical outlets, cigarette lighters etc.) aren't bad but children who "play" with them are.

By the way - I raised two children to adulthood in a gun owner's household by practicing common sense and responsibility. I'm working on being a Paw-Paw now (ages 3 and 1). It's a hoot!
