Thanks Guys - NOT !

That's it RA -- you're right off the Christmas card list!! :)

I can live with "Vickies" -- it appeals to the more sensitive, feminine side of my nature ;)

As for the storms, I'm right on the West coast and it hasn't been worse than any other winter, as far as I know. It gets pretty wild and woolly here in winter -- in fact, it's like that this morning ......


fac ut gaudeam
Make my day...
Duncan, I must extend thanks,
For explaining “Strine” to us Yanks.
I hope this won’t cause you anguish,
Strine rhymes like that odd Cockney English!
For they say they’ve been rhyming their slang,
Starting shortly after the Big Bang!

To you all: I don’t mean to sound mushy,
supercilious, sanctimonious, or gushy.
There’s too much I never have learned,
And by scholars I’m frequently spurned!
But there’s one thing I know full well
I'm quite thankful for TFL.

On each forum there is many a thread,
Discussing live people and dead.
And unfortunately sometimes we flame,
On our friends and others by name.
Do my efforts apply here? YOU measure.
I’m presenting this just for your pleasure.

In keeping with our jest-like tones,
And avoiding antagonistic groans,
I called in my daughter Vicky,
And said, “Try reading this, it is tricky,
A lot must be based upon phonics.”
Said she, “No, it’s Australian ebonics!”

Let’s remember that as every nation,
Strives for communication,
Both within its borders and without,
Good will prevents many a pout.
But even in the best of times;
Our effort seldom rhymes.

Perhaps we’d be better off
If our smart aleck hats we doff
And with patience and good will
Prove to each other still,
That in each land from pole to pole,
Good will should be our goal.

Though we have different views of history,
(How they all could be true is a mystery),
And although we must learn from the past,
If humanity is to last.
We should stress less our disparities,
And acknowledge more our similarities.

Our Right to Life, Liberty, and Happiness,
(If we find it in our mad, worldly mess)
Will NOT come from cruel and snide inferences,
Or lack of respect for our differences.
We’ll all live happily and longer,
Be wealthier, healthier and stronger
If we just quit picking at each other,
And remember we are sister and brother.

Hats doffed to a rhymer such as thee.

But there is no Australian that I know of, including my dear old dad (who married mom, of Cleveland, Ohio, stock in the sunny clime of Suva, Fiji) who could honestly take offense at being called a Vickie. And if they did, god help the rest of the world at the liguistic wrath which would flow as such a torrent you've rarely heard.

Anyway, I meant it in the same tone as Seppo, Pommie, and, well, I won't even go into what other fine names there are for non-Australians. Being well relatively versed in Strine with having dealt with THAT side of the family, numerous friends from points all over the worlds smallest continent and a fair number of lager louts along the Gold Coast, I just wanted to lend a hand to anyone who feels a little twinge of something when called something they don't understand. Its not like I'm whinging about being called a Seppo, just leveling things a little.

But I understand your point as you poetically stated it and as such I think it fair to only point out that since I'm half Aussie I would be insulting myself if I meant it as such.

And switching topics even further, are any of those of my fatherland here on this thread Australians for a Constitutional Monarchy?

And does "spit the winky" mean what I think it does......ummm, heard this one a long, long time ago and didn't want to believe how the term came about...but if it did, I salute the intestinal fortitude of my (half) countrymen/women.

Duncan "wasn't born there but still like Vegemite" Campbell
I'm for the constitutional monarchy. I won't go into details why because it would take too long. It's not just a simple case of replacing our head of state from the Queen of Australia to an Australian. No the Queen or the British have no Authority or say over Australia - we are completely independent.
One reason I'm against the republic is because of the main people pushing it are doing so simply because they hate the English, the royals and anything British. It's being pushed mainly by Irish Catholics and different ethnic groups. This isn't an anti Irish statement it's a fact even one republicans would accept.
Now if they were pushing a republic because they thought it woulds be better for us then fine, but they aren't they are being divisive.
Unless your Australian this debate will be harder to understand so I wouldn't take the republican side just because you got rid of the royals. Conservatives over here aree by far the biggest supporters of the monarchy.
Duncan, mate, bonza bloke, cobber....
Ever seen what happens when a Septic Tank eats Vegemite that's been spread like Peanut Butter ???...LOL Big Time ! :D
WWII saying in Aus:
"They're Over Sexed, Over Paid & OVER HERE ! ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Well, I've said it before in public and I'll repeat it here....

Until _all_ Australians have a say in the "new" Constitution that would go with a republic, and that constitution <b>includes</B> the inalienable right to possess arms for self-defence PLUS the statement that all "rights" belong to we, the people, and we "lend" some to the Government ...

... until that happens they can shove their republic where the sun doesn't shine!

B (and there's no "smileys" on this one!)
Interesting comments concerning the new Australian constitution process(well, its not exactly new, seems like this sort of discussion is always going on).

I am relatively up-to-date with the whole conversation and since you fellahs shared your view, I will have to say that, alas, I am on the other side of the fence.

Not to say that that I completely share all the of the Repulic arguments.....hell, if there isn't an equal say in the matter then things are more than a little iffy at the get go. (though this is not to say that here in the States the common man had much say in the matter concerning our Constitution.)

Anyway, I find the whole matter distinctly interesting and I think it is somewhat of a shame more people (outside of Australia) aren't interested if only for educational side of it.

As for the Vegemite, I had my laughs in college. I like it best in the cooler months or when I'm hiking, or, oddly enough, with some Sheaf stout.

As for the WWII US troops, I think I met some of their Australian offspring on the Cocos Islands...bastards in the line-up in the surf but nice as you please when on the piss :)

I'll be tavelling to NSW to Queensland, and maybe up into to Cape York in Feb. 2000. Anything anyone suggest that I shouldn't miss?


[This message has been edited by Duncan (edited August 27, 1999).]

You're going into FNQ and the Top End in February? In the Wet?

You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din.

The best part about that side of Australia is you're only 5 hours by air from Western Australia! :o

(RA, HS -- that's a joke, Joyce!)


[This message has been edited by Bruce in West Oz (edited August 26, 1999).]
Interesting thread guys. I live in Shoshoni, Wyoming. You probably never heard of the place. Remember, the DOE did a study here to build a Monitored Retrieval Storage site (MRS) several years back to store spent nuclear fuel rods. Now NEWCORP has gone ahead with the permitting process for a private site. Don't worry guys, if a site is built other than in Nevada it will in all likelyhood be in my back yard not yours.

I am saving the Left Coast (har-har) of Australia for later on in life. I've always been curious to see the Nullarbor and the NW Cape region.

Yeah, going that far north during the wet is going to be a bit tricky, but after this summer and coming winter here in San Francisco, I need something tropical. Besides, I reckon if I can take C. America, Indo, a few islands in in the S. Pacific and Indian Oceans, then I'd be pretty much lame if the Coral Sea and York Penisula stopped me, though it is possible Kirra will trap me with its endless right barrels (tubing waves). Anyway, rest assured that I've got a few hardy mates to show me and my sweetie the way.

Hey, what was that about Shoshoni, WY? Isn't that near Casper and by some artifical lakes....I remember that because one of those resevoirs is named after a favorite camping food of mine: Dinty Moore canned stew.

As you can tell, I love to travel. Having no kids makes somethings in life easier (no college education to save for).


[This message has been edited by Duncan (edited August 27, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Duncan (edited August 30, 1999).]