Thanks Guys - NOT !


New member
A USA company is trying to use land in Western Australia for a Nuclear waste dump !
Apparently the Company is trying to make "us" feel bad if we don't do our Wordly Duty to accept another Countries weapons/toxic waste as our climate would be "perfect" for the "safe" storage of said waste.
Hey.... Ever hear of Death Valley? ;)
jeez, the next thing will be asking us to sign a United Nations Accord on dis-arming civillian population !
Oh, what... They did & we did, Damn :(
Can I suggest Bill Clintons back yard as a better alternative? :D

"The Gun from Down Under !"

[This message has been edited by HS (edited August 21, 1999).]
Maybe instead of Clinton's back yard, we send it to HCI. At least there it would blend in with the other trash.

You are... What you do... When it counts.
The Masao
So HS what are you going to do about it? You don't have any guns in order to use armed force to stop us. I would suggest just sitting back and enjoy the glow you'll get.

(do hope you know that I'm not attacking you, was just showing the stupidity of your gun laws).


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
We have no problem in selling uranium, I think that plan to store waste is actually a good one. We have probably some of the most geologically stable areas in the world.
If we make millions from selling it(true not to the US) we should also beresonsible for the waste.

[This message has been edited by rabbit assassin (edited August 21, 1999).]
Looking at other places for possible storage sites -
Well - youve said it your self - there are places in OZ that even God has forsaken...
What other options are there? Africa? Yeah, there are places in Africa that could serve - but the geopolitical situation is unstable. And this unsuitable. Hell they can't even guard a couple freakin Rhinos - let alone a Nuke Dump!
Same with Siberia... Although that would be a better option than africa...
South America? Not as suitable do to climate - not condusive to long term storage. I had a Bayonet RUST in it's sheath overnight there!

Antartic? South Pole would be good - but it is unstable, and inaccessable.

My suggestion of feeding it into the sun via cheap rockets was dismissed. Oh well.

Hey! Better Idea - Use those rockets and launch them into upper Canada! No one would notice... And if the Canadians started to act funny... well, still, no one would notice!

Kidding - have a lot of good friends in and from Canada...
They still act weird though... Double action 1911? See - Proof!

"America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
If y'all would consider taking Bill & Hillary off our hands, I'm sure we would be willing to keep that radioactive waste as a trade-off!
If you'd take Chuckie, Sarah and Babs as well, we'd consider taking YOUR radioactive waste!!
I'll second that motion...
Heck I will volunteer to fly the barrels my self!

"America is a melting pot, the people at the bottom get burned while all the scum floats to the top."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Don't even think of putting anything in Death Valley......I vacation there every winter.

I would not like to think of what I call paradise suddenly paved to make way for massive trucks....because you know, they'd want to put in the most remote part of the park, and that is where I go.

I can just imagine it: Duncan soaking in some hotsprings, thinking thoughts of flightful fancy, suddenly being overwhelmed by hoardes of people protesting the initial land surveys prior to putting in a new road to the US Uranium Waste Dump.

On a slightly more serious note, the place for radioactive waste is the sun, but is it a little cost prohibitive and risky (how many rockets have failed in the last year? something like 6 or 7?) So, then what?

I like the idea of encasing it and putting at the points where the crust subducts, like in a marine trench. It would be a great midden. It would take some time for the earth to recycle that. And what, we'd need only a few million years right? Surely the continental plates sliding over the sea plates that are subducting would take at least that long.

Anyway, I doubt it will happen, but then again, I never thought I'd ever make as much money as my parents did when I was 5.

They've been trying to put that stuff in Ward Valley, CA for years, but the environazis have been making much trouble. I believe that the facility is about 80% complete now.

Unforturnately, there's really no perfect solution to radioactive waste. We only have a 50 years of experience with something that lasts 20k years.
Hmmm... What about Deap Ocean Trenches?
Pack it all aboard Air Force 1, and during an official flight - plunge it into the ocean over the merianas trench...
Hey, hang on, guys!!!

Isn't Pangea a Pommie company, not a Septic company?????????

The spokesman I heard being interviewed tonight was definitely a Scot.

FWIW, I think there are parts of WA (Western Australia, not Washington) that would benefit from being a nuclear dump!!

(Yeah, that's cynical, but I used to be the Itinerant Teacher for School of the Air in Kalgoorlie; I drove 60 000 kms for the Education Department in one year -- and some of the places I drove through you just wouldn't want to know about)

B what is "Septic"?...your slang definition, not the Webster's.

I'm tempted to institute an English language writing test for Aussie members....this place is becoming bilingual!! ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

A writin' test? Bewdy! Sling 'er our way and let's have a butcher's. Reckon we'd go through it like a dose of salts. No probs, cobs! We're not a total bunch of drongoes down here, ya know!

:) B :)
If we really want to get rid of the stuff, I think the most rational thing is injecting it into subduction zones; By the time it was through being recycled into crust, it would be so dilute, and so old, you'd never know it was there. But why the fuss, anyway? Heck, 100 years from now we could be over this irrational fear of radiation, and want the stuff hor home heating; Just follow Jerry Pournelle's suggestion: Put it out in a desert, with no sheilding, and a fence with signs in a dozen languages reading, "Cross this line and die!"; The stuff will guard itself, after all!
Flying it to the sun is the best option, but is a rocket blows up on its way into orbit, then we are all jacked. plus, the ecofreaks and demorats would wet their pants when they found out about this

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
In jest only, I say we call our true blue ockers from the Lucky Country Vickies.

Using Strine (Oz slang) against them, here is how I come up with Vickies:

A portion of Oz has relatives that were originally handpicked by England's finest (judges). Meaning they were convicts.

So, just shorten that and do it upside-down and you have "victs" (rightside up would mean they were "cons").

Then drop the 't', insert 'kie' for rhyming sakes, and there you have it: Vickies.

'Course, it being somewhat of a girlish sounding name could get somewhat touchy, but only to someone who's got a complex, yes?

Anyway, and very off-topic, I've been seeing a fair number of storms smacking into Western and South Australia and a friend or two report of big, big, BIG waves along the shores...any of this effecting the Australians on this thread?

If those waves get here I'll be worried. It will be Ark building time then.
I proudly have no convict ancestors. All free settlers and one soldier.
But as for Bruce and HS I'm sure they are of convict stock :)