Thank you TFL for opening my eyes.

This morning when I went shopping with my wife at walmart and the post office, I decided to put a HUGE knife sheath on my belt, under my tail out tank top. This left a big bulge right where my CCW would be.

I did this to see if I could get anyone catchin my fake "print"
I mean I couldn't been carrying a .44 desert eagle, the bulge was so big.
My wife didn't mention a thing, and no one else even glancin in my direction. I was right in front of a "NO GUNS" sign at the post office, bent over packing a package with the big bulge and no one even noticed.

To me, it was alot more noticeable than wearing a hip pack, but shows that most people do not even look, and who is going to come up to you to ask what that bulge is?
It seems to me that those of us who do carry concealed will notice a bulge where other people don't. Most people don't assume that a fanny pack has a gun in it and most people don't assume that a bulge on your hip is a gun. I've carried pistols under clothing that left a huge "print" and I've never seen anyone take notice and no one has ever asked me "Whats under your shirt?" Once you start to carry, you notice your own body movements more because you are keeping something hidden from other people and you notice anyone else with a bulge on the hip or who keeps pulling down their shirt on the right hip. ;) It's been my experience that people, for the most part, walk around in their own little world not really paying attention to what's really going on around them. CCW makes you wake up and pay more attention to your surroundings.


"Grab your gun and bring in the cat!"
I never thought of them as being gay

I just think they are completely DORKY! You'll never catch me wearing one of those OR a cell phone on a belt.
Almost twenty years ago, I found that I could no longer sit comfortably for 8 to 10 hours at a desk with a wallet in my hip pocket, Since my job was a "coat and tie" type I started carrying the wallet in my inside coat pocket, but suit or sport coat inside pockets were never meant to hold a folded wallet. Then I found a wallet designed for a suit coat inside pocket and life was good!

At least until I started traveling internationally. Wearing a suit and tie is not always a good idea in many places in South America. And I was paranoid about losing my passport and/or wallet (money, ID's, etc.). The obvious answer was a fanny pack - holds "suit coat" wallet, passport, reading glasses and cigarettes. Perfect.

My life style has changed over the years and I seldom need to wear a coat and tie. I found a belt pack with a seperate compartment for a gun (S&W Chiefs Special .45) and still carry wallet, reading glasses, cell phone, etc. in the other two compartments.

A side benefit of a belt pack is that it is infinitely easier to draw while seated in a car than any strong side IWB or belt holster that I know of, and makes the whole process of going into a stall in the men's room easier.

Does it make me look "gay"...? Don't know - or very much care. It works very well fo me.
Fanny Pack

I agree with John. I had to give up the wallet in a back pocket afret my third back operation (should have done it earlier). The belt pack carries wallet and CCW plus keysand Medicines quite handily.

I compound the problem by wearing wearing cheap pants from Wally with their undersize pockets. The shorts are even worse and I often can't get my hand in the front pocket to reach change.
I carry in a fanny pack most of the time now. Not just a "fanny pack", but the dreaded "black, leather, fanny pack". Does it look "dorky," or "gay,"? Does it make me look like a mall ninja? Does it scream "GUN?"

I don't know and don't really care.
Think I'm actually going to look into one for this winter, specifically designed for carry purposes. The only reason I haven't gotten one yet, is I do think they look really in in really stupid.....AND they seem to scream loudly either DORK! or GUN!

But.....maybe I'll try one. They seem useful. And maybe the 1st person that calls me a fag I can shoot 'em. :D (Just kiddin)
A derringer fits quite nicely against my thigh when secured by a garter...
pulls the hairs on my leg sometimes, though.

Does that make me look gay ? -Animal

Dont high do you have to lift your skirt to draw the gun?