Thank you TFL for opening my eyes.


I was at a local festival with my significant other. A man with a sheriffs department softball t-shirt walked by wearing a fanny pack. My girlfriend thought it was funny for anyone to wear one. i told her it probly had a gun in it. No real point to the thread, but I thought it was cool to not have the wool over my eyes anymore.
fl ccw

Here in FL it is a given most people are ccw. I was in a deli in Broward Co., one guy didn't even TRY to conceal his Glock. It kept flashing from under his shirt.
I use a fanny pack once in a while, and it sometime does not have a gun in it. Now are we going to assume that everyone that wears a fanny pack is packing?
In calif. that would include a lot of tree hugger types then.

Oh, I started wearing one to see if anyone would suspect that I might be packing in one. No one seems to notice, and if I did, they would never know whether I am or not. My glock 19 fits perfectly in it, and it's not a large pack. More like a hip pack than a fanny pack.

And I dont' look gay you homophobics!
A guy with a fany pack in this area (Ky) gets a second look. When I've gone to see the great mouse, a lot of guys seem to give into practicality and use a fanny pack.
A derringer fits quite nicely against my thigh when secured by a garter...
pulls the hairs on my leg sometimes, though.

Does that make me look gay ? :D

sorry dude, but fanny packs look gay. :D :D
I live in central Fl. about 45min from disney(god I hate that place). If you wear one here and are not asian or super old everyone will think you're gay :barf: , have a gun :cool: , or gay and have a gun :eek: .
Animal wrote:

A derringer fits quite nicely against my thigh when secured by a garter...pulls the hairs on my leg sometimes, though.

Does that make me look gay ?


It's getting to the point where everytime I see a guy with a fanny pack, I think "gun". The off-duty attire of some of my fellow officers consists of :

1. Fanny packs (they usually say "Blackhawk" or something like that on them)

2.Khaki vests (these allow you to blend in if your on a Safari or at a photographers convention)

3.Aviator sunglasses ( I like Top-Gun Too)

4. Duty boots (especially wth your pant's tucked into them)

5. T-shirts that say Whatever PD, or HK or something like that on them. ("OFF DUTY OFFICER-WORKING ON A CASE" is one of my favorites)

Then they wonder how the guy they arrested for DWI the week before recognized them! :cool:
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I use a fanny pack when I go hunting because it's convenient for small items that are still too big for pockets. :o But I can't make myself wear the thing in public...Here in TN you don't see guys wearing fanny packs in public. It would draw a lot of attention.
We get guys who come into the store wearing fanny packs. They have to declare concealed, usually if i see a fanny pack you already know but they act like they are so sneaky.

Them: "Excuse em sir, I'm carrying concealed"
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It's getting to the point where everytime I see a guy with a fanny pack, I think "gun". The off-duty attire of some of my fellow officers consists of :

1. Fanny packs (they usually say "Blackhawk" or something like that on them)

2.Khaki vests (these allow you to blend in if your on a Safari or at a photographers convention)

3.Aviator sunglasses ( I like Top-Gun Too)

4. Duty boots (especially wth your pant's tucked into them)

5. T-shirts that say Whatever PD, or HK or something like that on them. ("OFF DUTY OFFICER-WORKING ON A CASE" is one of my favorites)

It's like this in California as well. Point by point...exactly the same.
well i think fannypacks do look gay,...homophobic?...most likly yes.the only time i think it looks ok is when someone who is hiking might be using one for food or meds,just my opinion. I guess the way i see it,if someone has the right to stand up for gay rights then someone has the right to be against gay rights and im just practicing my right to be against the whole gay right thing.I believe to be gay is against GODS will. A man can love a man without a sexual relationship, I for instance loved my father. Anyway sorry i blew up ..and im not really homophobic ,i care about all people but dislike some notions of whats right and wrong.You perhaps may feel the same way about me ..possibly thinking im a gay not i care about the person but hate the sin.
Hulk Hogan wears a fanny pack on his reality show on VH1. I guarantee you there is a gun in there, and I doubt he is funny.
A long time ago, I worked with an FBI agent who wore a 'fanny' pack when he went jogging.

It held his S&W 1076 better than any IWB holster in his shorts ... :D