TFL Radio Talk Show?


New member
This is not a dream it could happen within a few days.....what do you think?....everything is in place would just take the powers that be to say yes...I have always felt that talk radio and the internet were made for each other....your input would be welcome.....the host's I have in mind are either Dr. Norm Resnick or Johnny Rowland
I would fight TOOTH AND NAIL to get my local station to carry this if and when you ever syndicated it. I would then listen religiously.

Other questions?


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Go Rich! Go DC! Go Mykl! Go Dennis! Go George! Go Members!

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
GO TEAM - - - TFL RADIO!!!!!!

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited December 14, 1999).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I have always felt that talk radio and the internet were made for each other[/quote] Does that mean you will have something like setup?
The problem with a radio show - You have to listen at certain times... And then there is the coverage - where is the show going to air?

This would be a fun project that I would love to do... But I dont like tackling projects that are doomed to failure... If this could be set up in a way that it would reach people - Such as doing WEB CASTS... Where you can listen to the radio station via Real Audio or something similar. Having the shows recorded and be able to stream it down would be nice.
That way - every one can listen.

But if your going to go to all this production trouble - Why not just do a video program? You can stream video like you can Audio. Then we can SEE the guns we're talking about. That would be more fun to do and watch.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
We, the people, are tired of being taxed, penalized, supervised, harassed,
and subjugated by a federal government which exceeds the powers
enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
Well to answer all the questions in one post.....a TFL poster "labgrade" will be a guest on Dr.Norm Resnicks show this afternoon (Wednesday) from 3-5 PM MST....Dr Norm has been one of the most outspoken supporters of CCW here in can listen to the show using either real audio or stream works ....this will be a great test.....:-)

But if your going to go to all this production trouble - Why not just do a video program? You can stream video like you can Audio. Then we can SEE the guns we're talking about. That would be more fun to do and watch.

Johnny Rowland who does a two hour show on Sunday (American Freedom Network) currently has a TV program called "The Shooting Show"...I'll see if we can't get it on "stream video"....good call :-)
I have seen another Shooting show - maybe its the same one... I liked it - alot. But I wasnt able to view much of it. You know - catch the last 10 minutes of something cool.
I hate that.
Johnny is a great guy his show on Sunday is one of the most popular on our network should try and catch it this Sunday.....

PS....I turned him onto TFL this week between running his store (gun) doing radio and TV stuff...he said he would try to log on....
Kicking out the chocks & starting to taxi ..... ;-)

FYI Rob's on at 7-10AM, MST & Norm at 3-5.
AM1360 & Rob, you might want to give out the SW coords.

This past Monday, we had a pretty good discussion about "where's the line" (re government intrusion/gun controls laws/CA confiscation) & what to do about it.

Enlightening, at times, & even heated (if you can believe that ;-)
How about posting the satellite coordinates for those of us who have dishes in our back yards. All radio feeds are uplinked to distribute to stations for distribution. The Shooting Show (video) is on Sunday nights at 7PM central on Anik 2 channel 2. The radio talk show "Gun Talk " with Tom Gresham is on Talk America Feed 2 on Sundays from 1-4PM central. I don't remember the sat coordinates. When and where are the feeds for TFL? Thanks, Bill

For those of us in Arizona (You live in Scottsdale, right?)

What radio frequency will it be broadcast on?


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Gotta add this. The American Freedom Network is a very small station with about 2 paid members, although several donate time, etc. due to their principles. Punches out at a "full" 5K watts, I think & has a pretty limited broadcast area. Maybe 50 miles radius on a good day. + the SW, satelite & web coverage.

Big problem with the station's income (they run on a constantly very tight budget) is that quite a few advertisers won't because of the blatant message - just like what you hear in this forum. ;-) A lot of merchandisers figure they'll lose business if associated with The Lunatic Fringe (that's us BTW). Station's quite a bit like this forum but on radio & makes for a nice touch because it's more real-time - in the full-blown arguments, you actually get to yell at & interupt your foolish antagonist. ;-)

They put the word out & Dr. Norm constantly says "I will never equivicate" & means it. Good stuff most of the time, but, hey, whadaya want for nothin'. ;-)
Today's show went rather well all in all. Started to get a bit roudy towards the end & that's way OK. 3pm MST 12/16 we'll be discussing the political dimension ... watch the fur fly! ;-)