TFL Primer

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George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I have had a lot of questions from many new members and a few lurkers about what things mean here at TFL.
Let me summerize:

TFL means The Firing Line. Where your at on the internet right now.
MM or mm as in a 9mm, means Milimeter.
ACP means Automatic Cartridge Pistol... refering to calibers or cartridges intended for use in autoloading handguns.
IMO In My Opinion.
IMHO In My Humble Opinion.
LOL Laughing Out Loud.
ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor, Laughing My Arse Off.
JBT Jack Booted Thug, slang for Government agency tactical units.
Tactical An item that is Flat Black and or entended for fighting... This is highly over rated and over used. There are many things out there that are very well suited for Tactical Duty but lack that "tactical" look because they may be shiny... this is frowned upon by the swatpup crowd. Take the traditional Bowie Knife. Now - that aint "tactical" because its not TANTO shaped or blacked out... Nevermind the fact that it can cut a man in half as easily as a Samuri's Katana! Tactical indeed.
SWAT Special Weapons and Tactics. These are specialized law enforcement units that do high risk response duties above the normal patrol officer duty.
TEOTWAWKI The end of the world as we know it. Hasn't happened yet. But its just around the corner...

RKBA Meaning the Right to Keep and Bear Arms... or is it the right to Keep Armed Bears? I forget.
Trolls and Flames A troll is someone posting with the purpose of inflaming or starting an emotional response... basically done by jerks with nothing better to do with spare time... Trolling takes away from good porn surfing time - so they should go back to what they do best. Flames are insults... mud slinging. And not allowed here at TFL.
JMB John Moses Browning... The designer of all the best guns. The lever action rifle, the 1911 Government Model .45, the M2 Machinegun firing the .50BMG round (which means Browning Machine Gun... see the pattern here?).
JHP Jacketed Hollow Point.
Kodiac My short tempered Evil Twin who listens to Rage Against the Machine and bashes heads for the same reasons Orca whales kill for fun.

I'm tired of typing - Other members can fill in the rest... I need a Cola.

Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited April 25, 2000).]
LEO - Law Enforcement Officer(s)
IMNSHO - In My Not-So-Humble Opinion
OF - Old Fart
OFIT - Old Fart In Training
DFTFT - Don't Feed the Trolls (The more you type, the more they type)
LMAO - Laughing My Arse Off (Between LOL and ROTFLMAO)
S&W - "Traitor"
GOA - Gun Owners of America
NRA - National Rifle Association
JPFO - Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
TMJ - Total Metal Jacket
SJHP - Semi-Jacketed Hollow Point
LWC - Lead Wad Cutter
LSWC - Lead Semi Wad Cutter
LRN - Lead Round Nose
JFP - Jacketed Flat Point
BT - As in FMJ-BT; Boat Tail bullet

I thought ACP referred to Automatic Colt Pistol, or something like that...

Anyone else?

Bulldawg: NRA, GOA, TSRA, Shiner Bock Connoisseur.
Bulldawg's Firearms Page

[This message has been edited by Bulldog (edited April 25, 2000).]
BTW = By The Way
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
KYPD = Keep Your Powder Dry
BP = Black Powder
SxS = Side by Side (shotgun barrels)
U/O = Under and Over (shotgun barrels)
BOHICA = Bend Over, Here It Comes Again (What we do every time new gun laws are passed!)
GG or TGG = (The) Good Guy
BG = Bad Guy

Senior member= > 15 posts
member= < 15 posts
Moderator= the unpaid workers that keep us in line
OTOH= On The Other Hand
anti= someone who is against self defense
HCI=Handgun Control Incorporated (bunch O' antis)
MMM= Million Mom March (another bunch O' antis)


Formerly Puddle Pirate.
Teach a kid to shoot.
It annoys the antis.
FUBAR = F*cked Up Beyond Recognition

NOYB = None Of Your Business

KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid

BATF = Barely Able To Fight

FBI = Forgot By Instinct

NSA = Nearest Satellite Around

RENO = Retaliatory Evasive No Option

FRAUD = Federal Reserve System
YMMV= Your mileage may vary.

A number follwed by 'mm' is a bullet diameter in millimeters. A number with a period '.' (dot, to you geeks) at the beginning of the number is the bullet diameter in tenths of an inch. A number after an 'X' is the length of the cartridge case in millimeters.

Thus: 9mm fires a bullet 9 millimeters in diameter. A .357, fires a bullet .357 of an inch in diameter. Bullet diameters can be expressed both ways, thus: a .223 is the same size and the same cartridge as a 5.56mm, and a .308 is the same as a 7.62mm. A 7X57 fires a bullet 7 millimeters in diameter, out of a case 57 millimeters in length. Don't put a period or dot in front of a number and 'mm' after it.

The only shotgun gauge that a period or dot goes in front of is the .410.

LEA is a Law Enforcement Agency.

FBI = Fan Belt Inspectors.

If you want to put in the cute little faces, especially the green one (sensop? You there? :D :D :D), when you're typing your post, look to the left: click on 'Smilies Legend'.

BTW, there are two common .45 calibers: the .45ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) and the .45 Colt. The .45ACP is most often used in self-loading(i.e. semi-auto) pistols, but there are revolvers chambered for it. AFAIK(as far as I know) the .45 Colt is strictly revolver. It is also known as the .45 Long Colt to distinguish from the shorter .45ACP. Some catalogs list it as .45LC, although purists take exception to that designation.

Protect your Right to Keep and Bear Arms!

[This message has been edited by Gorthaur (edited April 25, 2000).]

You could avoid the public flogging by making a pilgrimage to Mecca (the Browning Museum in Ogden), and doing an appropriate pennance, such as sending 500 rounds of .45 AUTOMATIC COLT PISTOL down range. :D
I thought BATF stood for: "Burn All Toddlers First."
And if you listen to other agencies, FBI stands for F**king Bunch of Idiots.
INS must stand for Inflicting Needless Stress.
According to my quasi-official military slang dictionary...

FUBAR = F**ked Up Beyond All Repair

REMF = Rear Echelon Mother F**kers

There are others, but....
George, George, George, George, George. Said to myself as I was shaking my head.

TYSMIHA!= Thank You Sir, May I Have Another! (... uttered by gun owners, everytime the BATF hollers, BOHICA!)

(George, George, George, George, George!)

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited April 25, 2000).]
BOHICA= Bend Over Here It Comes Again
PTL&PTA= Praise The Lord & Pass The Ammunition

George= A Cooky Person, Another Crazy Person....... I'm so ashamed. I'm voting for at least a case of .45 for penannce!

I thought I'd seen it all, until a 22WMR spun a bunny 2 1/4 times in the air!

[This message has been edited by DOCSpanky (edited April 25, 2000).]
OFIT ?!? :D LMBO. Why yes, I suppose I am. :)

WEROS is good, too. Been there, done that, not planning on doing it again. ;)

TIA - Thanks in advance
IINM - If I'm not mistaken (similar to IIRC)

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited April 25, 2000).]
IYDMMA = If you don't mine me asking
SNAFU = Situation normal and fuc*ed up
TARFU = Things are realy fuc*ed up
AE = Action Exress, indicates a serious pistol caliber
ACP = A crappy pistol caliber, Every ACP cartridge is underpowered.
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