TFL photo album?

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Staff Alumnus
Futo's demographics survey got me ta thinkin'... how would an online TFL photo album on something like go over?

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Are you quite SURE you want your mugshot on record??


Count me in I even have a digital camera available for members in the Denver/Boulder/ColoSprings area.


I don't want my picture on the internet, and after you guys saw me you would agree. Besides, then you would find out that I'm really a 19 yr old blonde girl with big....well, you get the picture. Actually you don't. HAHA!

Well, now that I think about it, it might be fun; but first we'd have to start a thread asking members to describe what they think other members look like. It'd be fun to see how far off people are in their descriptions. I'm in if y'all are.


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Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
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Well I unfortunatly showed mine, now lets see yours! :D

It is funny though, I have pictures in my mind, like Dennis for example, I see Dennis Hopper everytime I read his posts. I think its a good idea, a little family album! But before I submit, I need to find a friend with a gun and a camera! LOL

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
Nice disguise, Dr. Rob... ;)

Here's mine, complete with number:




Don't go Y2Krazy, now...

[This message has been edited by Ulfilas (edited December 28, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Ulfilas (edited December 28, 1999).]
Love it & too cool! Rob, you the man & got me beat by 6" (uhm, that's hair length, BTW ;))

Coin, you are a stud! but I detect some PC incorrect shooters in the background.

Miss D. = moving bio & welcome to the fold. Different journeys to similar places .... open up a "lady's only" shooters palace ala Paxton Quigley. You'll be a hit!

Beats me how to post my face pix here. Tried & didn't fly with the cut/paste bit & don't have a site (hey, I'm a hardware guy!). Any suggestions would be welcome (at your peril!) Really. Don't think we want to get into the porno bit (not sexually) but just too much me! ;)

Perhaps when we (finally) do the CO TFL gettogether we'll blow the socks off w/da pix? & a little tech-wizo help ....

As an aside, I am a long-hair. Had a job offer once I couldn't pass on (= mega+$) & rearranged to fit the part. Was a white-shirt deal all the way.

Took a (#1) pix of me w/mini14 in bull-pup stock/hi-cap mag & a big ol' pistol & politically incorrect T-shirt. Long hair tied up in a freaky bandana ala Terrible Ted w/(even) a feather in my hair. #2 pix was of me all trimmed up & in The Suit.

Pix sent to Folks was #1 = "this is your son" - #2 "was this is your son on drugs" ;)
Good idea, Coin. But didn't you learn your lesson from the last time you provided a link to your picture? ;) Ha! Actually, you look normal/fine to me, but I recall for some reason you took some heat that last time. I wouldn't flip you off in traffic, myself. Oleg and Dr. Rob, you guys look way different from what I speculated. For my pic, I'm with the "I'd do it too if I only knew how" crowd.
Labgrade, do you know how long it's been since I heard that? And now I hear it from another guy. Eeeeewwww. :)

As for the shooters, the only one in the pic that's PI is the SKS.

Futo, I recall that Bookkie admonished me to stay behind the camera from now on, now that you mention it. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872

'99 Snowstorm Buck, Ruger SBH "Hunter", Tasco 3x ProClass, 300gr XTP Handload

I'm the one hold'en the hawg leg. -- Kernel
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