TFL Member of the Year ?

At first I thought of George, but since he dumped his H&K, I am disillusioned...
So I wholeheartedly nominate Dennis.
There is no other person on here who can irritate and convince you at the same time!
Here's a cold Shiner Bock to him!
I vote for George Hill. He has taught me more about shooting and guns so far then any book or any man. And these are normally on his RANT pages! If he sat down to write a book I would buy one for every family member I have. Thanks GH for posting stuff lurking newbies can take to the bank.

Most definately Miss D for member of the year.

For moderator, it's a toss up. I kind of want to vote for George out of symapathy. After all the poor guy does get "sick" quite often. ;)
Then again Dennis is the one and only original "Forrest Grump".

OK, George for moderator and Dennis for grouch. It just feels right that way. :)
I agree with all above, nominating Miss Demeanors and would like to add that she is cute. I wonder if I could adopt her to be my granddaughter. Hmmmm. I love oatmeal cookies with raisins.

Miss Demeanors also gets my vote. I recently had cause to contact her off -forum. Not only is she a protector of our gun rights, she is an honest, hard working person, not afraid to admit to her own faults,and to the fact that she is a work in progress. She has a great website, also. Many happy days ahead for her, that is my wish.

So many a'holes-- so few bullets!------
Ford Fairlane :D
Well now, I'm glad it's established that staff aren't thrown into the mix. Since George and Dennis has gotten me into hot water over a thread in the Suggestion Forum. Look for that lump of coal in your mailbox guys!

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
It's not too late to vote, is it? Miss D, please. I just visited her website and viewed the pic. I have not seen a pic of George or Dennis, but I bet they aren't nearly as visually appealing.
Miss D is the undisputed winner in the "looks" category.

Interestingly enough, George looks grouchier than Dennis!

Beware the smiling cherub! ;)

But George is MUCH more the violent type!

Your job, should you dare to try it, is to determine the "truth".
Is grouchy the same as "tough" and who would be quicker to escalate the level of force, etc.?

(Heh, heh, heh! George, we'll drive 'em nuts! ;))
Of course Miss D gets my vote. She made a turnaround from a traumatic experience as a 16 year old, Rosie watching, congressional letter writing, anti-gun activist to:
1) shooting for the first time
2) enjoying her first gun show
4) putting up her own BB on the RKBA Web Ring
5) doing a firearms based website for as a school project
6) she is still writing to congressmen, only now she is taking back what she said before
7) anti to pro gun activist in 9 months (it takes most women that long just to become a mommy)
Sorry to be so late posting on this one!! Sandy is a wonderful person and a tremendous contributor to the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. She has my vote. ;)

The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what it is one's destiny to do, and then do it.
HENRY FORD, "Success," Forum, October 1928
ooooooo...and as far as it's a toss up. I think they all do a superb job on TFL. I'm afraid that would be a very tough vote indeed.
Miss D, fersure. For all the reasons cited and the fact she sent ME a photo of her daughter, a real QT.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
All of the staff of TFL deserve our thanks.

For some reason, I'm especially partial to George and 4V50Gary.

Miss D, I salute you. Folk like you give me a bit of hope for the future of the world.

(Merry Christmas, all! I'll soon be off to Spartacus' place to look for Bambi...)

I vote for miss d and george (although nebob is right about the hk HOW COULD YOU !!!)

Star Trek nerd and proud of it
Hey now be nice to George about the H&K… He might make us give it back if you keep that up! But as for member of the year I'll have to say Gizmo99. After I posted here my first time he was the first to welcome me in. Via email no less. Thanks Gizmo.

Gun control isnt about guns, Its about control.
Miss D gets my vote also. The distaff side always adds an interesting point of view to the proceedings, AND she's a great convert.
(We could use a few thousand more like her.)
Thank you fellas... Thank you...
I must say Dennis is much better looking than I am... Nice Tush too! ;)

The HK - Went to a good hands. I am going to train those hands on its most proper uses very soon. Got to set some priorties here. Training is one of the tops.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
George! You said you wouldn't TELL! :(

Tank Girl, beware Gizmos bearing gifts! (heh, heh, heh)

It looks like Miss D is going to sweep the primaries, but the elections are gonna be tough! We have much better (and many more) candidates than the Washington crowd. :)
IMHO, there should be a distinction between a "Member of the Year," and a "Most improved Member." Member of the Year should be an individual that has done a great deal to forward the RKBA, and/or accomplished other great feats in the shooting sports. We have seen Miss D. go through an amazing transformation, and based on the criteria above, she is most certainly deserving of the Most improved Member, not Member of the Year. Again, I have a great deal of respect for you Miss D., I'm just making a distinction.

As an off-handed (and possibly ham-handed analogy) I am a volunterr firemen and have been for many years. Three years ago the Chief of our department (three paid men, 25 volunteers) decided to give awards to the volunteers (most calls, most training, Volunteer of the Year, etc). Well, the guy given Volunteer of the Year had all but quit the department, and then started participating again. In reality, he was most improved, not Volunteer of the Year.

Again, I think your transformation is great Miss D. :)
I would definately vote for George. It has been great reading his posts since I first joined up back in Oct. of 1998!?!? Gee, time has gone by...