TFL Member of the Year ?

Ron L

New member
I don't know how well this will go over, but, I've been a member here since March. I've learned a lot, had a lot of fun in the process, and have met a great bunch of folks in the process.

I think it would be fun to choose one person as our "Member of the Year". We can't just throw out names, let's give our nominations and reasons. Maybe we can get Rich and the moderators to give a final vote around the end of the year.

Since I posted this, I'll throw out the first nomination- [drum rolls plays...]

I nominate, for TFL Member of the Year: Miss Demeanors!

She's made a tremendous turn-around this year. From being a Rosie-following, fiercely anti-gun brainwashed sheeple to an educated shooter and 2nd Amendment proponent who's more than willing to put it on the line for our cause. She's come a long way, learned a lot, and has just recently set up a very good webpage. She's become more than just one of the TFL family. And, in the process, she's also brought a fresh viewpoint to these forums that's also helped us learn just a little bit more as well.

While there are many here who may be more experienced and answer many more questions, she helped me look back at the first time my dad took us shooting, our first gun, teaching my wife to shoot, all these fond memories.

Please feel free to add anyone else you'd like onto this list.


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Society

[This message has been edited by Ron L (edited December 23, 1999).]
As a moderator, I'm going to refrain from nominating anyone. But, darn if there aren't some good people here who add to the collective body of knowledge that makes The Firing Line what it is today. While it's not the same as hanging around your local gunstore or range, it's pretty close.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
TFL Oscars.
Hmmm - not a bad idea. Winners can be awarded perhaps a special Membership Status and maybe a copy of Best Defense?
If some one could iron out some catagories... members could make nominations...
Sounds fun.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
(meekly raising my hand...)...i'd like to nominate Dennis as the TFL grouch of the year... (quick retreat to the corner of the room, donning heel-length asbestose suite)

(weak, anticipatory :) :) :)'s)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
What the H*** do you mean grouch! You got a lot of *&%$# nerve! Get back out here where I can tell you what you really need! Grrr!

(Cooookie. Anybody got sugar cooookie?)
Go for it guys. Unfortunately, like Gary, I'm gonna have to sit out the voting...except "Grouch of the Year". Dennis, definitely Dennis. (Kodiac paid me to say that.) :)

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited December 23, 1999).]
An autographed copy of Best Defense?
I nominate myself! ;)

Seriously, I have to second (third, fourth?) the nomination of Miss D. Not only for her own incredible change, but for bringing us LoriAnn and other former rosie robots.


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website
I second the nomination for Dennis for surface grouch with deep-seated as-yet-unrevealed optimism (pretty narrow category). :)

And yes, I vote Miss D for member of year, too. I'm sending my female fence-sitting friends to her website - thanks, Miss D.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited December 23, 1999).]
If we allowed the administrators and moderators to be nominees, then the hands down winner would be Rich for "Saint of the Year" for putting up with all of our BS throughout the year. And I'll be a little kinder to Dennis and the other moderators, they should all get "Yeoman/Yeowoman of the Year" because they have certainly performed a laborious but great service to us all. But, probably they will all be the first to say, "no staff allowed" for the "Member of the Year" award.

So with that said, I see absolutely nothing wrong with Ron L's nominee, Miss Demeanors, for all the reasons he stated. I don't think I could come up with a better nomination.
If I nominate bestdefense357 as member of the year can i get an autographed copy of the book? :)
If not, then i vote for Miss Demeanors.

btw, my wife just walked in an read your posts an said i was "member" of the year in our house...wonder what she meant by that?
;) Cuz
If moderators were to be included my vote would go to DC for all the good information she brings out, some of which my wife just as soon I hadn't read. Besides she likes to fish. I still ain't sure about them fish tacos though. ;) But since that appears to be out, I have to agree w/ voting for Miss D.
to quote an old commercial "You've come a long way baby".. :D


[This message has been edited by longhair (edited December 23, 1999).]
I am ROTFLMAO here, I'm not sure what is funnier.....Dennis with the sugar cookies or me being nominated! Although the book sounds good! :) If you are going to nominate anyone it should be JeffOTMG for his patience! ;)

As for Dennis........well I do remember him getting a bit lispy over that Anniversary joke, calling me Miss DeMEANors
So I will back that nomination. :) Btw Dennis......I baked some fresh cyber sugar cookies for you! ;) (am I off the hook?)

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
OH, BOY! SUGAR COOKIES! I'm on my way! Oh-oh. Wait a minute.

"Cyber" sugar cookies. Aw, heck. Another falth alarm. ;)

No thugar cooookies. :(

(NO, you're not off the hook!)
(Gonna gitcha! Yeah, I am! Gonna gitcha!!!) :D

I agree that Administrators and Moderators should be the council who counsel and the awards are for the "Members of the Year.

I also agree (in a rare moment of seriousness) that Miss Demeanors has made a most remarkable turn-around - even more remarkable considering her past experiences with firearms.

There now. See that? I CAN be agreeable.

(I think I gave myself a hernia....)
Well, as I can't vote, I won't say that I would vote for Miss Demeanors for member or DC for moderator of the year.

Not sure on Dennis. :)


[This message has been edited by Gizmo99 (edited December 23, 1999).]
I to would have to vote for Miss Demeanors, as it takes a very brave person to admit that your beliefs are wrong, and then actually do something about it.

"The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important then either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental."