TFL End of Summer Meet II

Looks like I'm going to have to move over to the "maybe" list. Decided to start house shopping, and not sure if I'll have enough vacation time, or funds to take one. I hope to be there, but don't want to commit to something I'm not sure of.

Formerly Puddle Pirate.
Teach a kid to shoot.
It annoys the antis.
Hotel reservations confirmed for TWO members of the TFL group for the nights of 8/11 thru 8/13.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
Good point. We should probably all bring something--at least a couple of 2-liters of soda, perhaps a bit 'o stronger cheer if you've a mind, chips, pretzels, whatever. I know y'all are fond of your beer but when it's 95 degrees out I prefer iced tea. :D

Every little bit helps, right?
I've gotten confirmed reservations, hopefully for two. My one question, is there a firearm that I own that I have posted about that anyone would like to try out? I can only bring a few but I would be more than happy to try and satisfy anyone's curiosity.
No, I can't fly in a P-3C with nuke torpedoes.

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited April 14, 2000).]
As for your alls concern, when we get a better number of whos coming we are as Gunslinger posted earlier about a small charge to everyone, which will cover everything for eating, entertainment, and the range, its not going to be a large fee but we will be posting it at a later date, it will also cover your Shiner Bock Beer, woohoo, Shiner Bock, LOL We do appreciate the thoughts of everyone to help, but we figured with everyone traveling it was just as easy for us to do it with a charge and it won't be over $20. This gets more exciting everyday. We are also looking at a few little exciting extras so everything will be covered once you get here for two days, except motels. :) :) :)


[This message has been edited by terridarri (edited April 14, 2000).]
Well, I have to atleast bring a bag of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania potato chips. The ingredients read:
potatoes, salt, and lard


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