Texas Woman Convicted of Murder in Shooting

A 7-year-old boy has died after authorities say he was shot by a married couple who thought he and others who were off-roading were trespassing on their property.

I recall this and am glad one of them got convicted hope the otehr guy does too. Killed a 7 year old boy for nothing wasnt even on her property.

Now they need to convict the guy her husband.
Mark, I will bet dollars against doughnuts that he will be convicted and sentenced to death...

He was the shooter, the wife got convicted as a participant in a felony murder case so I would be shocked if he wasn't also convicted in Texas.

Bart, Thanks for the heads up... I let this one slip my mind and hadn't been checking the web for updates.
Right up the road from me.

Do not disagree with the sentence.

Could have just walked over next door and had a discussion with the neighbors.
Brent, I have to disagree with you slightly. The husband may have scored the fatal hit, but the wife was also a shooter. Missing doesn't make it morally better; if she had been the only shooter, attempted murder would have been appropriate, but she fired the first shot, and participated in the overall attack. As far as I am concerned, they both deserve the maximum, not just the husband.
M, I agree they both deserve the max... What I mean is I doubt the husband stands a chance. I wasn't aware she was a shooter as well. I assumed (I know I ain't supposed to) she was strictly a "participant" which makes them just as guilty as the shooter in many states. The law that says if I kill one robber, his accomplice can also be charged with his buddy's death.

These two surely do not represent the ideals of true blue American freedom lovers like they thought they did.

Could have just walked over next door and had a discussion

One paper quoted the father of the dead boy as saying that they had stopped and talked to both of the shooters a mere 2 hours earlier and that she was laughing and friendly at the time.

2 hours later she is shooting at them and calling 911 in the apparent belief that what she did was OK.

One article mentioned she was diagnosed as bipolar but not sure about the guy.
Seems odd that in Texas they are convicting people of shooting tresspassers. While the NRA LEO of the year is instructing his Pinal County Deputies that it is acceptable for a land owner to threaten 15 year old ATV riders on a public trail easement which crosses there property.
Seems odd that in Texas they are convicting people of shooting tresspassers.

First off it is illeagal to kill trespassers in any state as far as I know.

And in this case the actual trespassing is in question IIRC. Possibly a public easement dispute IIRC...

Seems odd that in Texas they are convicting people of shooting tresspassers. While the NRA LEO of the year is instructing his Pinal County Deputies that it is acceptable for a land owner to threaten 15 year old ATV riders on a public trail easement which crosses there property.

Pinal County isn't in Texas. What y'all do in Arizona has nothing to do with Texas in regard to state laws. We convict people for breaking the law and as Hogdogs pointed out, it isn't legal to shoot a person for trespassing.
The shooting occurred about an hour after sunset. I really doubt the Muhs were aiming at the 7 year old boy. At best, they were aiming at a car and some people. Their second shot was into the vehicle itself as it pulled away.

It was low enough light that the Muhs claimed the people they shot at were on 4 wheelers, not in a SUV. That should tell you something about how much they understood what they were shooting at when they fired.

And it wasn't just the 7 year old boy that was hurt. His 5 year old sister was shot in the elbow. A man in the vehicle suffered a head wound and was careflighted to a hospital. A second man also suffered shrapnel wounds and drove himself to a hospital.


They got Mrs. Muhs on murder and Mr. Muhs who pulled the trigger probably will get murder as well. Next will come multiple accounts of aggrevated assault charges, I would suspect, for all the other passengers, at least those who were also injured.
Mark, I will bet dollars against doughnuts that he will be convicted and sentenced to death...

It will never bring back the boy. My son is going to be 9 this summer, I read stories like this and realize just how fragile life can be and how it can be taken away in a split second. Makes me take extra caution with any weapon I may hold in my hand.

The Dad and Mom arew going thru something they should never have had to go thru. Nothing can ever re pay what was lost there.
Shooting at the suv as it was pulling away. Why would they want to do that? Shooting in the air to chase off the occupants of a trespassing vehicle is one thing, but this sounds like murder to me. Stories like this only give the gun haters more ammo. That is why I have no problem with back ground checks, it wouldnt have made much difference here, but they do stop a few nutbags from arming themselves.
markj, I could never imagine what a parent really fees with something like this...

I am luck both of mine have made it to adulthood. I just hope we continue to enjoy the lives we have.

I also never would think that the conviction and incarceration and/or execution or a murderer would be doing much to "solve" or "cure" the problems or well being of the ones close the the murdered.

It is what we have for "justice" so I consider it a start.

I am luck both of mine have made it to adulthood

One is there one is yet 8 I hada gap between em.

I am not saying they shouldnt get the sentences they get, but that no matter the sentence, even death can never bring back the kid so it is justice in a way.

I will never understand the stupid mistakes folks make, the why of it.

Hug the ones you love often is all you can do.