Texas Hog Hunt Competition

My experience tells me that if you can handle a deer/elk/pronghorn/etc., a pig ain't much different.

Just look at it like a bigger squirrel or 'coon.
Hog cleaning is $50 per hog up to 50 lbs; $1 lb./thereafter.
Each hunter can harvest unlimited hogs. Only staff cleans hogs.

Is that $1/lb for dressed meat, or $1/lb charge for the entire animal weight before cleaning and dressing???

Either way, it feels like a rip off to me, because "only staff cleans hogs", so its kind of a hidden charge (kind of, because they tell you they are going to charge you, but only the rate, not the amount, in advance).

I used to enjoy hunting, back before the glorious result of a misspent youth put me in the mobility challenged category. But for me, the fun ended when the game was downed, and the work began. Never enjoyed skinning and butchering. Always DID IT, just never liked doing it.

Happy to play Bwana, and let the boys do the scut work. Happy to compensate them for that, a share of the meat, a round of drinks, a small bit of cash, fine with me.

Realizing that my ideas of "reasonable" costs are still stuck back in the 70s & 80s, so EVERYTHING seems too expensive to me, the $50 + 1/lb charge still seems rather steep to me. And the fact that I have no other option but to pay it...well, their place, their rules, but I won't be going there...
I'm waiting to see a sign that says "All vehicle keys will be kept by the office till services are paid." No unapproved leaving.