Texas Hog Hunt Competition

Ok so let me get this right.

It's $199 for the hunt/entry plus 3 days 2 nights of hunting/lodging/meals
which sounds very reasonable.
It's $199 for the hunt/entry plus 3 days 2 nights of hunting/lodging/meals
which sounds very reasonable.

That's not quite how I read it. It's $200 for the lodge/meals plus a $100 for a guide/staff fee. That's cheap but then the hog cleaning fee at a dollar a pound can get kinda stiff. If you take 3 150# pigs you're into it for $750 plus tips. I donno, not terrible but not for me. YMMV.
I didn't see that guide fee per person but I figured they made their money on the butchering. Probably because a lot of people that attend hog hunts don't know their way around a piece of meat.

Guess I'll just have to wait till ferrel hogs overrun Wisconsin because I couldn't afford the butchering on the 300+ pound hog I want to take and with no limit I would shoot a truckload.

I would win the contest and then have to come back and butcher 5 more. That is after I bought a warehouse with a walk in freezer.
Interesting concept. Sell hunting packages under the guise of being a contest whereby the more you kill for the contest the greater the charges that you incur to the contest organizer. So the only way to be competitive is to spend more money. This could be a contest you could not afford to win.
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They are advertising hunts for $349: But there are conditions. From their website:

Not Included:

Hog cleaning is $50 per hog up to 50 lbs; $1 lb./thereafter.
Each hunter can harvest unlimited hogs. Only staff cleans hogs.
Package includes meals and lodging on the Ranch.
$100 guide/staff fee to be paid in cash upon arrival; per hunter.
Ranch is open all year, with limited dates from June 15-Sept 15.
License fee is $48 for non-residents.

$25 for Texas residents

$10 for children under 17

Stay away from that place.
300 lb feral hog meat would is pretty nasty gamey stuff.
You shoot the big ones to "control" population and for a nice mount. The eaters are the little guys.
Ranchers in South Texas will pay folks to hunt kill and dispose of these destructive beasts.

Feral Hogs and Javelinas are fun to kill but Ill pass on eating the bigger ones.

I have a customer who runs an helicopter hog hunt guide service.
Shot all the darn things ya want from a Robinson R44 for a mere 600/hr.

Problem is it is so fun that the 6 becomes 12 becomes 18 etc.

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Waelder is in an area where the odds are that landowners would be happy for responsible folks to do some hog killing. Pretty good "hog belt" from Lockhart on down to Victoria. River bottoms are loaded with them.
Ranchers in South Texas will pay folks to hunt kill and dispose of these destructive beasts.

I would like to meet that rancher. All the ones that I have dealt with are looking for someone that would pay handsomely for the "privilege" of hunting pigs on their places.

Sorta like the Independence Ranch is doing. There are thousands of Texas ranches that are doing the very same thing.

They all label the hogs as nuisances and very damaging to the land and most of them are laden with parasites. TPWD even recommends wearing gloves to field dress them. Go figure.
I would like to meet that rancher. All the ones that I have dealt with are looking for someone that would pay handsomely for the "privilege" of hunting pigs on their places.

It is a privilege to be allowed to hunt on somebody else's property.

Sorta like the Independence Ranch is doing. There are thousands of Texas ranches that are doing the very same thing.

No, they really aren't.

They all label the hogs as nuisances and very damaging to the land and most of them are laden with parasites. TPWD even recommends wearing gloves to field dress them. Go figure

You can't find me a single species of game animal that isn't laden with parasites or that the TPWD doesn't suggest wearing gloves to field dress them.
Double Naught: have you ever approached a rancher and asked about eradicating hogs for him??

I can't honestly see how you can say:

Sorta like the Independence Ranch is doing. There are thousands of Texas ranches that are doing the very same thing.

No, they really aren't.

I have been hunting Texas since 1958, the family on both sides has lots of land, both farm and ranch, across the state and allow no hunters on most of it except for one place, and it is a paid seasonal lease.

I have friends that are almost begging to shoot pigs. One of my friends that I have known since 1969 has close to 2000 acres. Another friend offered to help him control the population and the guy got down right pissed saying that he could handle it.
There are those who will allow it and do so.
I know of one who traps um but wont shoot um.

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Yes. I currently hunt 5 other properties other than my OWN. So I am also a landowner. I pay to hunt on none but my own and my own is in maintenance, taxes, etc. In fact, I hunt 2-3 times a week. When I am not hunting properties I have secured, I have a couple of buddies doing hog control and predator control on other properties that I sometimes help out.

Last year, I did hog and predator/varmint work on properties in Denton, Wichita, Clay, Cooke, Montague, Palo Pinto, and Bosque counties in Texas.

I have talked to a bunch of ranchers, been turned down lots of times, but have also gotten numerous properties.
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I need to find a place that would let a couple fellers with leather gloves and a willingness to work, and trade some work for hog hunting. Heck even provide some meat or help them run hog traps if they have them.
Damn now that's a pretty foul situation. I hate to see stuff like that happening especially in our hunting culture. That's just disrespectful. But with all these people trying to capitalize on this hog hunting its just bound to happen with all these ranches and canned hunts. Just gotta be wary I guess. I'm just glad I have access to private family land and can hunt whenever I get the opportunity. And just a little irony. Those people who own that ranch in Gonzales who were named in that law suit, that lawsuit listed their address which is just 15 minutes south of where I stay in East Houston.
I do not like talking anyone down at all but I put in for this (FREE) hunt and was emailed that I won.But than they wanted 100$ booking fee another 100$ a day guide fee and than 50$ and 1$ a lb to clean hogs that were put in thier hi fence ranch.I did my reaearch on another forum and glad I did.Its easy to tell the truth that will set us free.