Texas Deer Hunting - what went wrong?

I think there are phases that hunters go through as they mature.

Stage 1. Young hunter - kill anything and everything that moves or sits still - quantity over quality.

Stage 2. Middle age hunter - quality over quantity - hunts for trophies mostly, and hunts for only two or three different game animals based on the type of hunting he enjoys most. Enjoys teaching the younger hunters.

Stage 3. Older hunters - killed so much game that killing more is no longer very interesting, enjoys the process of hunting, and will take very few animals and trophies aren't necessarily the goal either. Enjoys the company and the camping more than the actual hunting.

Of course these are generalizations, some hunters never mature and some mature a lot younger than others.
FAIR CHASE STATEMENT as defined by the Boone and Crockett Club, is the ethical, sportsmanlike, and lawful pursuit and taking of any free-ranging wild, native North American big game animal in a manner that does not give the hunter an improper advantage over such animals.

Copied directly from the Boone and Crocket Club: Couldn't have said it better myself.
Yeah, a brush-country special...

Some south Texas rancher built a hunting car from a Caddy convertible. Rifle scabbards built into the back of the front fenders, among other doo-dads. All-leather interior, built-in bar for the back seat. :) Dunno how much actual hunting got done.

Anybody ever see LBJ's "hunt cabin"? I haven't, but have heard stories. It was an elevated large room with all the creature comforts. It overlooked a small oat patch which was surrounded with a high fence and a powered gate. The gate would get closed around sunup, and the Mighty Hunters would ascend to the "deer stand", open a window, and Blast Bambi. :barf:

Havent read the whole post but how many of you tree hugging anti baiting yuppies have tried to draw a bow with 30 does feeding below you and been successful multiple times?....Case Closed
I get in my truck, wearing jeans & a T-shirt, with my coffee, drive to about 1/4 miles away, get into one of my blinds about 75 yards away, pull out a book or my lap-top and start doing my homework as I wait for Bambi to come strolling out. When he comes out, I have an easy shot on a stationary target and they never usually make it more than a few yards after being shot. While this may not be overly sporting, it is still hunting and I see no ethical problems with it.
U T Air Assault

I agree...I don't think using a feeder and a stand is immoral. If you use what you kill and do it leagally, you're fine in my book. I am going on my FIRST deer hunt this October in the Southern Sierra's of California...I have to scout it first...hump my ass up a moutain and into a forest, find a site with traces of deer (recent tracks droppings, etc) and wait. Now, i probably won't get anything. But that, at least in my novice experience, is hunting. I think maybe we're dealing with an issue of symantics here. Let's call things what they are. HUNTING deer as opposed to HARVESTING deer. Both are fine if done leagally and humanely.
Treednc: "Havent read the whole post but how many of you tree hugging anti baiting yuppies have tried to draw a bow with 30 does feeding below you and been successful multiple times?....Case Closed"

I have no earthly idea what in the heck you are talking about?? What is your point or are you just trying to be insulting? Great post for No. 2.
Not trying to be insulting. Actually my first two posts were within the first hour I that I found this sight. I just hate hearing how easy hunting is with baiting. If you are relatively consistant in bow hunting under an automatic feeder in Texas or anywhere else for that matter when you may have 30 sets of eyes under you at once feeding at that feeder, then I appologize with the upmost respect for your opinion of baiting.
If you are having that much difficulty "hunting" deer over an automatic bait feeder, and getting a good shot off with 30 deer under you - then apparently "the baiting and shooting method" is acceptable for your level of skill, and perhaps the skilled bow-hunters out there will enjoy better hunting since you have decided to stay in one place.

Not trying to be insulting or anything. :)
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although getting "A" deer over your bait station may not be that hard, try and get "THE" deer and let's see if there is a difference. we feed protein year round on our small place here in texas and i thought getting that big buck i had been seeing at the feeder during the summer was a given. not so. opening morning of bow season i was on a branch in a tree 40 yds from the feeder. no big buck. it was almost like he had read about the opener in the paper. i took one shot at him two weeks into the season, but nowhwhere near the feeder. watching through my spotting scope i finally recognized him coming to the feeder one night well after dark. the last morning on the last day i finally scored him, but only after watching him continuously change his pattern, if you can call it that, all month. here in texas they learn to be wary of feeders during season quick and you will only find the really young or old there once the season opens.