Texas Appellate Court rules against CPS

No, it's called Rule of Law.


When a government agency screws up and a court rules against the agency, it is called Justice.

Just ask the mothers whose children were taken away if they fell justice was served today.

Stage 2
Abuses/mistakes from cps happen all the time. There doesn't need to be an 'anti government' wacko anywhere. The government has to have a warrant based on PC to come in and search your home. A child isn't simply a piece of property, its a human being. Therefore if you're going to take a kid from their parents, you'd better have a damn good reason and damn good evidence to support said reason.

You see there is a flip side here as wrongfully taking a kid away from their parents is incredibly harmful for both the kid and the parents.

I agree with you Stage 2.
I always have serious concerns when the state or federal government have the desire to tell me how to live or raise my children while I understand it is sometimes necessary we now have far too many people in our government who cannot maintain their lives in a decent common sense manner. I respect those who live as they preach.
When a government agency screws up and a court rules against the agency, it is called Justice.

Whats it called when they do things right and the Court rules against the indvidual then?

WildbetyouwontanswerAlaska ™
Elements of deception:

1. The initial raid was based on the phone call from the crank in Colorado (Rozita Swinton). Some have dismissed this fact as irrelevant, but dated records of the phone traffic between Colorado and Texas authorities have established that Swinton was identified as a serial crank caller (with a multi-year history) prior to the sworn affidavit for the initial raid (April 3 time frame). This seriously undercuts any claims that CPS acted in "good faith", as some here seem to hang their rhetorical hat on.

2. Evidence is showing that CPS knowingly mis-identified many older women as minors. Why?

In a passionate speech, Andrea Sloan, an attorney for a mother, said authorities obtained her client's birth certificate in the raid, but continued classifying her as a minor even though she will be 28 in less than two weeks. The woman, Leona Allred, even had a copy of her birth certificate, but her status as a minor was not changed until Tuesday's hearing.

3. CPS headlines about pregnant teens are turning out to be false.


4. Now that the costs for CPS's heavy-handed actions are being tallied up, some are suggesting that FLDS assets be confiscated to pay for it. This is the real kicker. In a relatively poor county, officials are starting to look at the incredible industry of the sect, and what they've done with a piece of barren sagebrush desert, with covetous eyes. The old reporter's admonition "follow the money" is holding true.


If there's any sense of justice left, the overzealous officials who instigated this goat-roping will be slapped down hard; as a warning to future wanna-bes.

Side note: I'm surprised that some here are not accusing the appeals court judges of defending pedophiles!:eek:
3. CPS headlines about pregnant teens are turning out to be false.
Care to post any supporting information about this. All the reports from witnesses on the scene (including an interview on Oprah) say the exact opposite.
Care to post any supporting information about this. All the reports from witnesses on the scene (including an interview on Oprah) say the exact opposite.

It's been all over the news PBP. Do your own research.

Face it, you were (are) on the wrong side of a legal issue. Just get over it and move on.
It's been all over the news PBP. Do your own research.

Face it, you were (are) on the wrong side of a legal issue. Just get over it and move on.

Before you crow, have you read the decision yet? If so, care to give us a link? And care to tell us how PP was wrong?

In fact, re-read the old thread, and tell us which of the members who supported the actions of Texas DSS were wrong and why?

The case isn't over yet either, is it.?......nor have the allegations been substantiated or dispoven have they? In point of fact, if you beleive the press, the issues on appeal were rather narrow werent they? And another Court gets to look at them, perhaps?

You should never let your worldview interfere with a search for the truth, whatever that may be.

WildiseeareincarnationhereAlaska ™
My earlier post was not about slippery slope arguments. The fact is, the CONUS is there for a reason. If we start allowing exceptions, they WILL be abused. All one has to do is look at the way the patriot act is handled.
It's been all over the news PBP. Do your own research.

Face it, you were (are) on the wrong side of a legal issue. Just get over it and move on.
Haven't changed my stance at all...still believe it will turn out just as I suspected it would...and you are completely wrong.

You allowed yourself to read what you want to read and believe what you want to believe and then offer up no evidence.

There are still many accounts of pregnant teens and teens as young as 15 that have already given birth.
Taking all 400 out was incorrect, and leaving all of them in was unacceptable as well.

There is no good resolution, I believe the adults should be able to follow what ever they want, but all the kids are being brain-washed to the point they will never allow themselves to be outside of the "compound".

Its a lose/lose,
Haven't changed my stance at all...still believe it will turn out just as I suspected it would...and you are completely wrong.

Yeah? Good luck with that.

Ya know, another interesting aspect about this appellate court decision... when the story about FLDS broke some weeks ago, it was all over the news... every channel, night and day for weeks. Now, I don't know about you guys, but I've heard hardly a mention of it here and there on the media today. It's as if the media is embarrassed that they got it wrong and they are trying to ignore it.
when the story about FLDS broke some weeks ago, it was all over the news... every channel, night and day for weeks. Now, I don't know about you guys, but I've heard hardly a mention of it here and there on the media today.
Just got back from the gym and saw it at least a dozen times on the different channels.
... care to tell us how PP was wrong

It's all in the original thread. Take a gander... http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=289156

Before you crow, have you read the decision yet?

Today's decision was an unmistakable and sweeping repudiation of the Texas CPS and law enforcement agencies responsible for this fiasco. I'll sum it up for you.

In a ruling that could torpedo the case against the West Texas polygamist sect, a state appeals court Thursday said authorities had no right to seize more than 440 children in a raid on the splinter group's compound last month.

The Third Court of Appeals in Austin said the state failed to show the youngsters were in any immediate danger, the only grounds in Texas law for taking children from their parents without court action.

The decision in one of the biggest child-custody cases in U.S. history was a humiliating defeat for the state Child Protective Services agency.

the appeals court said the state acted too hastily in sweeping up all the children and taking them away on an emergency basis without going to court first.

The court also said the state was wrong to consider the entire ranch as a single household and to seize all the children on the grounds that some parents in the home might be abusers

Of the 31 people the state initially said were underage mothers, 15 have been reclassified as adults, and one is 27. (Oops?)

Five judges in San Angelo, about 40 miles north of Eldorado, have been holding hearings on what the parents must do to regain custody. Those hearings, which began Monday, were suspended after the ruling Thursday.
I do enjoy how the anti gov't zealots applaud any decision against the gov't with little thought to the role of gov't or the actions of this mind control cult. Both decisions have been coorect per the law. This is a cult who trades underage daughters to older men for sex and through indoctrination acts as a white slavery ring where many of the brainwashed participants do not even see the problem.

The older men controlling the cult drive out any young men who would pose a challenge to their ability to claim sexual dominance over the young girls. Consumation would take place in the church itself after the marriage/sale.

These people are not fit to raise children in accordance with the mores of our society. They are not though raping infants so no immediate harm to small children can be feared.