Testing your CC skills....

Walked to Kroger with my wife, who doesn't like guns and had no clue. Was carrying my Glock 17 and a spare mag in my Smart Carry in sweats. Was a little nervous when we arrrived at Kroger, as they have metal-detector looking thingies at the door, but I think they're for shoplifters.
On a side note to how observent, or rather how non-observent, some people can be: My mother-in-law was over for dinner a week or so ago. I had been working around the house all day, so I was just in a t-shirt and jeans with my Kimber in an OWB. She knows I carry and thinks it's wonderful. I help in the kitchen and do a little cleaning. Then we eat. As I'm clearing the plates from the table, she asks me "Do you carry all the time? I've never seen your gun." Now, I'm standing less than 5 feet from her and she is sitting down at the table. At this point her line of sight is right in line with my pistol. I respond "You mean the gun on my hip right now?" She says something about snakes and being bitten. I had been around her for over an hour with my pistol in plain, glaring sight and she didn't register its prescence. We had a good chuckle about it.