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All right, students. When you're finished with the test, put your answer sheets face down here on my desk. Put the test in this basket.

I'll grade your tests and post your scores on the bulletin board tomorrow morning.

Hey, you there! Get rid of that gum. Put it in the wastebasket!

(This is ONLY a test. ;) )
Test Scores coming out Shortly.



Back to the range for more trigger time for all of you!
Oh, PLEASE, bre'r Staff! Whatever you do, DON'T make me go back to the range and shoot some more! PUH-LEEEESE don't make me go shootin'!

(Coinneach, we'll need the truck for all the ammo we're taking. I got all of mine with me so my car's full. Cooler has two soft drinks for "at the range" and two cases of Shiner Bock for the trip back. Grayfox is drivin' - but not drinkin'.)
Dennis, all I got's a li'l 1/2 ton Toyota... don't think that's enough payload. :D

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson
No sweat, both my daughters drive pick-ups. My son-in-law and my other daughter's fiancee both drive pickups.(<-- totally true!)

With five pickups and my car we can take nearly everything - but we'll have to let them shoot too, ok?
oh what the heck, I can resist anything but temptation


btw...I have a 1 ton flat bed and a 16 foot cattle trailer, my brother also drives the big rigs..we have plenty room for haulin ammo....or was it the beer we were making room for?
Okay - for all of those failing the tests - report to the Range on the 12th of this month at Rangemasters in Springville, Utah.
Fill the trucks full of ammo and bring a witness.
I mean a friend! Oops... slip of the tongue!


Ready on the Right?
Ready on the Left?
Lock and Load one 30 round magazine, and watch your lane!