MarkCo said:
understand the anger and frustration, however, I have a hard time with your use of the word "Terrorism". No violence was used against you, and there were really no actual threats against you. Sure, based on what you wrote, you may have been singled out and harassed, but it does not appear that you were terrorized.
Mark, I have thought about the use of this word and some have criticized it, but all I have to say is this.. The border official struck "terror" in me, therefore I was terrorized .. I felt very worried, nervous and afraid.. There was a point of the ordeal when he was harshly interrogating me and talking about being put in handcuffs (in theory, if I was a criminal, he said) that I feared I may be arrested and not get to go home or see my family, etc. The experience became downright scary and I panicked. Sadly, I failed to read the manual on "How American Gun Owners Should Visit Canada" or "Visiting Canada as an American CHL Holder For Dummies". If they sell such a book, please send me the link so I can buy it and read it thoroughly. Considering, my experience, I would be more than happy to buy such a book.
You say there was no threats against me?? Detaining a person is always a threatening act IMO, especially when you interrogate them and ransack (although done gently) their vehicle. Yeah, they were looking through all my stuff , underneath my seats going through all my belongings.. That to me is threatening, sorry, I guess we all have our definition of a threat.
The whole incident has caused me a lot of emotional distress and that is also a form of terror, IMO.. I'm still shooken up and trying to get the incident out of my brain. I now have a phobia of travelling to Canada, despite how much I want to see the country and experience its beauty.
I am still pulled in both ways if I ever want to visit that beautiful country that is just less than one hour north of my house ever again, because of the miserable experience. No, I don't have to go visit it.. I don't even have to leave my house.. I guess I just like having freedom to do things.. It's part of who I am..
To me, making a person feel scared, intimidated, harassed and force them into detainment is terrifying, hence why I say I was terrorized. That doesn't necessarily equate to being a victim of a terrorist attack.